publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Identification of early-age concrete temperatures and strains: Monitoring and numerical simulation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Long-Term Experimental Campaign on RC Shrinkage Cracking: Conceptualization, Planning and Experimental Procedures. 2021
- Reliable Software Design Aided by QEMU Simulation 2021
- Reinforcement design for the combined effect of restrained shrinkage and applied loads in slabs: a design challenge 2020
- Medição do coeficiente de dilatação térmica do betão nas primeiras idades: Um novo método experimental baseado no aquecimento/arrefecimento interno 2019
- Método experimental para o estudo do efeito combinado de cargas aplicadas e retração impedida em lajes de betão. 2018
- A 3D printer of cement mortars based on initial deposition of dry materials 2018
- A 3D printer of cement mortars based on initial deposition of dry materials 2018
- Performance of RC slabs under the combined effect of applied loads and restrained shrinkage 2018
- Performance of RC slabs under the combined effect of applied loads and restrained shrinkage 2018
- Microstructure-based 3d modelling of diffusivity in sound and cracked cement paste 2018
- Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a simulação do efeito das serpentinas de refrigeração: aplicação a uma barragem abóbada durante a construção 2018
- Estudo paramétrico da armadura mínima requerida para controlo da fissuração, em elementos de BA espessos restringidos, baseada em análises termo-higro-mecânicas 2018
- Microstructural analysis of cement paste: experimental and numerical investigation 2018
- Método experimental para o estudo do efeito combinado de cargas aplicadas e retração impedida em lajes de betão 2018
- Microstructure-based modelling prediction of elasticity in hydrating cement paste 2017
- Microstructure-based modelling prediction of elasticity in hydrating cement paste. 2017
- Thermo-hygro-mechanical modelling of concrete structures in service life: a multi-scale approach in the IntegraCrete project 2017
- Thermo-hygro-mechanical modelling of concrete structures in service life: a multi-scale approach in the IntegraCrete project 2017
- New experimental insights for better parameter estimation and modelling of concrete at early ages 2015
- Caracterização da fluência em tração em betões autocompactáveis, com restrição da retração de secagem 2015
- Experience of the team of FEUP/UMinho in the CONCRACK benchmarking program 2015
- Simulação numérica do comportamento termomecânico do envolvimento em betão da espiral de uma turbina hidroelétrica 2015
- Thermo-mechanical behaviour of concrete structures: material characterization, in - situ monitoring and numerical simulation 2015
- Alteração do faseamento construtivo de um pilar do descarregador de uma barragem gravidade por meio de arrefecimento artificial 2014
- Campanha experimental de caracterização da fluência do betão em tração sob impedimento da retração de secagem 2014
- Comportamento termo-higro-mecânico de elementos em betão : análise experimental e simulação numérica 2014
- Modelação do comportamento pós-fendilhado do betão sob condições de retração restringida 2013
- Continuous monitoring of cement paste E-modulus since casting: A method based on modal identification 2011
artigo de revista
- 3D numerical simulation of the cracking behaviour of a RC one-way slab under the combined effect of thermal, shrinkage and external loads. Engineering Structures. 2020
- A new method based on equivalent surfaces for simulation of the post-cooling in concrete arch dams during construction. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Microstructure-Based Prediction of the Elastic Behaviour of Hydrating Cement Pastes. Applied Sciences. 2018
- Experimental validation of a framework for hygro-mechanical simulation of self-induced stresses in concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- A formulation to reduce mesh dependency in FE analyses of RC structures under imposed deformations. Engineering Structures. 2017
- Early-age behaviour of the concrete surrounding a turbine spiral case: Monitoring and thermo-mechanical modelling. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Hygrometric assessment of internal relative humidity in concrete : practical application issues. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2014
- Modelling of cement hydration in concrete structures with hybrid finite elements. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2013
- Identification of the percolation threshold in cementitious pastes by monitoring the E modulus evolution. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Influence of the cementitious paste composition on the E-modulus and heat of hydration evolutions. Cement and Concrete Research. 2011
- Measurement of the E-modulus of cement pastes and mortars since casting, using a vibration based technique. Materials and Structures. 2011
- Thermography as a technique for monitoring early age temperatures of hardening concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Thermo–hygro–mechanical modelling of self-induced stresses during the service life of RC structures. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Measurement of concrete E-modulus evolution since casting: A novel method based on ambient vibration. Cement and Concrete Research. 2010
capítulo de livro
- 3D Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Simulation of a RC Slab Under Restrained Shrinkage and Applied Loads: Influence of the Reinforcement Ratio on Service Life Behaviour 2022
- Long-Term Experimental Campaign on RC Shrinkage Cracking: Conceptualization, Planning and Experimental Procedures 2021
- Validation of Thermo-hygro-Mechanical FEM Analysis of Thick Restrained RC Members by Comparison with Experiments 2021
- Design challenge for reinforcement in a highly restrained slab 2017
- Overview of difficulties in design associated to concrete shrinkage 2017
- Regulatory framework and recommendations for RC design considering the effects of shrinkage 2017
- Treino da visualização mental no voleibol : avaliação da eficácia de um programa de intervenção psicológica 1997
- 3D Thermo-hygro-mechanical approach for simulation of the cracking behaviour of a RC slab under the combined effects of applied loads and restrained shrinkage 2019
- Experimental validation of constitutive models for assessment of the cracking risk at the early ages 2019
- Numerical study of arch dams under the construction and operation scenarios 2019
- Design of reinforced concrete structures subjected to external loads and restrained deformations 2019
- Modelac¸a~o do Comportamento Po´s-Fendilhado do Beta~o sob Condic¸o~es de Retrac¸a~o Restringida 2013
- Abordagem multi-física ao comportamento em serviço das estruturas de betão: monitorização dos campos internos de humidade 2012
- Análise da fendilhação em elementos de betão armado induzida por restrições a deformações impostas 2012
- Ensaio de restrição axial controlada para caraterização do betão tracionado devido à retração 2012
- Estudo térmico nas primeiras idades do envolvimento em betão da espiral de uma turbina 2012
- Experimentation and 3D Thermo-mechanical Modeling of Early-Age Concrete used in the Spiral Casing of Hydroeletric Power Plant Batalha, considering thermo-viscoelasticity with aging 2012
- Issues on monitoring and simulating the thermo-mechanical behaviour of concrete since early ages 2012
- Use of FEM to assess shrinkage cracking in restrained concrete structures 2012
- Concrete cracking at early ages: Models for analysis and prediction (in Portuguese) 2011
- EMM-ARM methodology for characterization of concrete hardening since early ages 2011
- Nonlinear modelling of shrinkage-induced deformations on RC retaining walls 2011
- Controlo de bulking filamentoso: Acompanhamento de um processo de tratamento de efluentes do SIDVA 2002
- Genealogical database of Madalena municipality
- Genealogical database of Nossa Senhora da Graça do Divor