publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Psychosocial Risks in Teachers from Portugal and England on the Way to Society 5.0. Healthcare. 2023
- Frontiers in Occupational Health and Safety Management. Healthcare. 2022
- Integration of ISO 31000 into the organization's health and safety management processes. Sho2015: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 2015
- Ergonomics and Occupational Health and Safety: a Cost-Benefit Analysis Model. Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare. 2013
- The role of costs, benefits and social impact of injuries and prevention measures on the design of occupational safety programs: a case study. Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013. 2013
- Nanotechnologies are Safe? New Demand for Standardization. SHO 2012: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE. 2012
artigo de conferência
- Economic analysis of occupational risk prevention : a case study in a textile company 2014
- New requirements for surgical gowns as protective clothing for the medical staff and for the patients 2013
- Economic Analysis of Occupational Risk Prevention in the Construction Sector 2012
- Nanotechnologies are safe? New demand for standardization 2012
- Externalidades em segurança ocupacional: a importância da análise custo/benefício 2011
- Cost-benefit analysis in occupational health and safety 2011
- Externalidades em segurança ocupacional : a importância da análise custo/benefício 2011
artigo de revista
- Managing nanomaterials in the workplace by using the control banding approach. Healthcare. 2023
- Integrated management systems as a key facilitator of occupational health and safety risk management: A case study in a medium sized waste management firm. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020
- Analysis of the return on preventive measures in musculoskeletal disorders through the benefit-cost ratio: A case study in a hospital. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2017
capítulo de livro
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety: A Case Study 2020
- Economic analysis of occupational risk prevention: a case study in a textile company 2014
- Metodologia de avaliação económica no âmbito da análise e gestão de risco 2012
- Economic analysis of occupational risk prevention: a case study in a textile company
- Overview of standards related to the occupational risk and safety of nanotechnologies 2022
- Analysis of the return on preventive measures in musculoskeletal disorders through the benefitecost ratio: A case study in a hospital 2015
- Economic evaluation of occupational safety preventive measures in a hospital 2015
- Financial and economic analysis of prevention of needlesticks in the hospital sector 2014