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artigo académico
- Cetacean Intracytoplasmic Eosinophilic Globules: A Cytomorphological, Histological, Histochemical, Immunohistochemical, and Proteomic Characterization. Animals. 2023
- The Pathology of Cetacean Morbillivirus Infection and Comorbidities in Guiana Dolphins During an Unusual Mortality Event (Brazil, 2017–2018). Veterinary Pathology. 2020
- Investigation into the Pathology of Idiopathic Systemic Amyloidosis in Four Captive Badgers (Meles meles). Journal of Comparative Pathology. 2020
- Detection of live M. bovis BCG in tissues and IFN-¿responses in European badgers (Meles meles) vaccinated by oropharyngeal instillation or directly in the ileum. BMC Veterinary Research. 2019
- Neuroendocrine Carcinoma in the Nasal Cavity of a Cat. Journal of Comparative Pathology. 2013
- Atypical beaked whale mass stranding in almeria's coasts: Pathological study. Bioacoustics. 2008
- Anthropogenic Noise as a Stressor in Animals: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Journal of Comparative Psychology. 2007
- Are Marine Mammals Stressed By Anthropogenic Noise?. Journal of Comparative Psychology. 2007
- Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (malignant schwannoma) in the diaphragm of a goat.. Journal of Comparative Pathology. 2007
- Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour (Malignant Schwannoma) in the Diaphragm of a Goat. Journal of Comparative Pathology. 2007