publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Geostatistical approch for Mercury spatial patterns assessment in sediments in na old mining region – the Caveira Mine case study, Portugal. 2023
- Assessment of the Environmental Risk of a Floodplain Contaminated by Metals Based on Different Indices and Environmental Classification Factors, Minas Gerais, Brazil 2023
- Stream sediments: a compositional baseline assessment at the Caveira mine, Portugal. 2023
- Macrossismicidade associada ao sismo de Arraiolos do dia 15 de janeiro de 2018 com M= 4,9 e eventuais implicações na geometria da rutura. Comunicações Geológicas. 2020
- Evaluation of the applicability of phytoremediation as a complement to in situ remediation techniques in a floodplain contaminated with heavy metals (MG, Brazil). Vulcânica. 2018
- Loci identified through genome-wide association studies and lung cancer risk: is there anything more?. São Paulo Medical Journal. 2013
- O inventário nacional do património geológico: abordagem metodológica e resultados. . e-Terra. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Assessment of the potential of gabbroic rock massifs in Alentejo for mineral carbonation of CO2 2023
- A Geostatistical approch for Mercury spatial patterns assessment in sediments in na old mining region - the Caveira Mine case study, Portugal. 2022
- Behavior of Potentially Toxic Metals in an Alluvial Plain: Proposal for the Installation of a Permeable Reactive Barrier 2021
- Insights about an interactive film installation 2019
- Trace element features of Palaeozoic detrital units of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Portugal): geodynamic constraints 2019
- Efects of secondary late dolomitization on 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio; examples from Ossa-Morena Zone carbonates 2018
- Reengineering the concept of urban cars: a case study 2012
artigo de revista
- Burnout and occupational stress in the medical residents of oncology, hematology and radiotherapy: a prevalence and predictors study in Portugal. Psychology Health & Medicine. 2018
capítulo de livro
- The Role of Angiogenesis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Tumor Behavior 2017
- Role of Genetic Polymorphisms in the Angiogenesis Pathway and Non-small-Cell Lung Cancer Tumor Behavior: Implications in Risk Assessment and Clinical Outcome 2013
- Enhancement of Russian creative education: new post-graduation programme in digital art practice
- Enhancement of Russian creative education: new post-graduation programme in digital art practice
- The central Alentejo plateaus: a review of the regional relief units 2022
- From magma to ore - Field trip guide / Do magma ao minério - Guia de campo 2021
- Rehabilitation Proposal of the Floodplain of a Shallow Tributary of San Francisco River (Brazil), Containing Critical Levels of Potentially Toxic Metals 2020
- Lithogeochemistry of metabasites from the Moura Phyllonitic Complex (Ossa Morena Zone, SW Portugal) 2019
- Avaliação da aplicabilidade de fitorremediação como complemento de técnicas de remediação in situ numa planície aluvionar contaminada por metais pesados (MG, Brasil) 2018
- Macrossismicidade associada ao sismo de Arraiolos do dia 15 de Janeiro de 2018 com M = 4.9 e eventuais implicações na geometria da ruptura 2018
- O Sismo de Arraiolos de 15 de Janeiro de 2018 (M=4.9) – Rede sismográfica temporária e resultados preliminares 2018
- Loci identified through genome-wide association studies and lung cancer risk: is there anything more?. São Paulo Medical Journal. 2013