publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Synthesis and Characterisation of Dimeric Bolaamphiphilic Dehydrodipeptides for Biomedical Applications. Materials Proceedings. 2020
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Fisetin derivatives exhibit enhanced anti-inflammatory activity and modulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress. International Immunopharmacology. 2023
- Peptide-Based Supramolecular Hydrogels as Drug Delivery Agents: Recent Advances. Gels. 2022
- Aryl-Capped Lysine-Dehydroamino Acid Dipeptide Supergelators as Potential Drug Release Systems. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
- An injectable, naproxen-conjugated, supramolecular hydrogel with ultra-low critical gelation concentration - prepared from a known folate receptor ligand. Soft Matter. 2022
- Bolaamphiphilic Bis-Dehydropeptide Hydrogels as Potential Drug Release Systems. Gels. 2021
- Evaluation of a Model Photo-Caged Dehydropeptide as a Stimuli-Responsive Supramolecular Hydrogel. Nanomaterials. 2021
- Evaluation of a Model Photo-Caged Dehydropeptide as a Stimuli-Responsive Supramolecular Hydrogel. Nanomaterials. 2021
- Dehydropeptide Supramolecular Hydrogels and Nanostructures as Potential Peptidomimetic Biomedical Materials. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- Dehydropeptide Supramolecular Hydrogels and Nanostructures as Potential Peptidomimetic Biomedical Materials. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- Supramolecular ultra-short carboxybenzyl-protected dehydropeptide-based hydrogels for drug delivery. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2021
- Biological Evaluation of Naproxen Dehydrodipeptide Conjugates with Self-Hydrogelation Capacity as Dual LOX/COX Inhibitors. Pharmaceutics. 2020
- Dehydropeptide-based plasmonic magnetogels: a supramolecular composite nanosystem for multimodal cancer therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2020
- Exploring the properties and potential biomedical applications of NSAID-capped peptide hydrogels. Soft Matter. 2020
- New supramolecular hypergelators based on dehydroamino acid residues for biomedical applications 2022
- Self-assembly of bolaamphiphiles based on dehydropeptides 2022
- Hydrogels in regenerative medicine and other biomedical applications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
- Development of new supramolecular hypergelators based on non-natural amino acid residues 2021
- NEW ARCHITECTURES IN SOFT MATERIALS FOR COMBINED CANCER THERAPY: Multifunctional dehydrodipeptide-based hydrogels with magneto-plasmonic properties 2021
- Bolaamphiphilic Bis-Dehydropeptide Hydrogels as Potential Drug Release Systems 2021
- Boolaamphiphilic dehydrodipeptide hydrogels for drug delivery applications (10.21814/1822.70576) 2021
- Synthesis of a new biologically relevant peptide-based hydrogel for biomedical applications 2021
- Synthesis and characterisation of dimeric bolaamphiphilic dehydrodipeptides for biomedical applications. 2020
- An injectable, naproxen-conjugated, supramolecular hydrogel with ultra-low critical gelation concentration - prepared from a known folate receptor ligand
- Bolaamphiphilic Bis-Dehydropeptide Hydrogels as Potential Drug Release Systems