publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A video competition to promote informal engagement with pedagogical topics in a school community. CSEDU 2015 - 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Proceedings. 2015
- A video competition to promote informal engagement with pedagogical topics in a school community. CSEDU 2015 - 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Proceedings. 2015
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools.. EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Understanding students' mobility habits towards the implementation of an adaptive ubiquitous platform 2014
- Práticas educativas com a edição de vídeo: Motivar com criatividade 2014
- Práticas educativas com a edição de vídeo: motivar com criatividade. 2014
- Public Interactive Displays In Schools: Involving Teachers In The Design And Assessment Of Innovative Technologies 2014
- Public interactive displays in schools : involving teachers in the design and assessment of innovative technologies. 2014
- Construtivismo tecnológico para promoção de motivação e autonomia na aprendizagem 2013
- A tecnologia como estratégia de promoção da motivação e autonomia na aprendizagem 2013
- LOCUSMOVIE – Concepção de um software de olhos postos na meta: Os Utilizadores 2013
- LocusMovie : concepção de um software de olhos postos na meta : os utilizadores 2013
capítulo de livro
- They are looking... why not interacting? Understanding interaction around the public display of community sourced videos. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools 2014
- Práticas educativas com a edição de vídeo: Motivar com criatividade 2014
- Public interactive displays in schools : involving teachers in the design and assessment of innovative technologies. 2014
- LocusMovie : concepção de um software de olhos postos na meta : os utilizadores 2013
- Promoting secondary school learners' curiosity towards science through digital public displays 2013
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools
- Adoption concerns for the deployment of interactive public displays at schools