publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Biden e o Regresso da Parceria Transatlântica: Oportunidades e Desafios. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2021
- The Commission, the Single Market and the Crisis: The Limits of Purposeful Opportunism. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 2017
- Federative dynamics in the EU under the influence of EU citizenship rights in times of crisis. Studia Diplomatica. 2016
- Citizens’ trust in the EU: The impact of the constitutional and the Eurozone crises. Czech Journal of Political Science. 2015
- Federative dynamics in the EU under the influence of EU citizenship rights in times of crisis . Studia Diplomatica - The Brussels Journal of International Relations. 2015
- Irrelevant player? The Commission’s role during the Eurozone crisis. Journal of Contemporary European Research. 2015
- A Ação Externa da União Europeia. Revista de Direito Público. 2012
- Reflections on the concept of shared leadership: shared leadership in the EU and the euro crisis. Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto. 2012
- Reflexão sobre o Tratado de Lisboa. Scientia Iuridica. 2008
- Comissão Europeia: No Centro do Sistema de Governação da União. Estratégia. 2007
- Os Limites das Teorias Clássicas da Integração para Medir a Importância das Instituições. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2007
- Pragmatismo e Evolução Neofederal na Construção Europeia ou a Inversão da Questão do Federalismo. Perspectivas. 2006
artigo de conferência
- Framing the COVID-19 crisis to prompt change: the role of the European Commission and the European Central Bank 2023
- The EU and the Pandemic Crisis 2023
- Winning narratives during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of the European Commission and the European Central Bank 2023
- Was it policy learning? Explaining the differences between the 2013 and the 2020 EU Cybersecurity Strategy as regards the fight against cybercrime 2023
- The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy and the fight against cybercrime 2022
- The von der Leyen geopolitical Commission in times of COVID-19 pandemic 2022
- The Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis and Geringonça: How have they impacted on Portuguese Leftist Euroscepticism? 2022
- The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy and the fight against cybercrime in times of COVID-19: a result of policy learning (2013-2020)?” 2022
- The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy in times of COVID-19 pandemic: a result of policy learning? 2021
- When crisis and entrepreneurship are not enough: an analysis of the European Agenda on Migration 2021
- From Political to Geopolitical? A first appraisal of the von der Leyen Commission's narrative and organization 2021
- The challenge of communication: Assessing the EU’s communication strategy to build trust 2021
- Benefits, identity and values. Discussing the perceptions of higher education students about being part of Europe. INTED Proceedings. 2021
- Am I a European? Perceptions of higher education students on what it means to be part of the European Union 2020
- When policy entrepreneurship doesn’t do the trick: an analysis of the Juncker’s Commission European Agenda on Migration 2019
- The return of the Commission’s political clout? An assessment of the Juncker Commission agenda-setting power 2018
- Top-down or bottom-up Europeanization? The influence of Portugal in the design of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy 2018
- Failure or success: assessing the the European Commission’s new strategy to foster EU’s economic Recovery 2018
- Policy fiasco or policy success? An assessment of the Juncker’s Investment Plan 2018
- The Commission’s entrepreneurship: tracing the steps towards integrated maritime governance 2017
- Policy failure or policy success? An assessment of the Juncker’s Investment Plan 2017
- The Juncker’s Investment Plan: Policy fiasco or Policy success? 2017
- Framing the Cybersecurity agenda: an analysis of the Commission’s entrepreneurship 2017
- Policy entrepreneur? The Commission’s role in advancing the cyber security agenda 2016
- The Commission and cybercrime: applying Multiple Streams approach to policy change in the security domain 2016
- The Commission’s response to the crisis: nothing new in the SM front? 2016
- The Commission’s strategy to respond to the crisis: nothing new on the Internal Market front 2015
- A Janus-faced Commission: on the Internal Market and the crisis 2015
- A shift from the “logic of appropriateness”? The Commission’s role during the Euro crisis (2008-2013) 2014
- The European Union’s Response to the Crisis: The Role of the EU’s Institutions 2014
- The European Union¿ Response to the Crisis 2014
- Does issue salience affects citizens’ evaluation of European leadership? A comparison between the Constitutional and the Eurozone crises 2013
- Reform Leadership during the Eurozone crisis: an impossible mission? 2013
- Who leads the European Union? The importance of timely political leadership in times of crisis 2012
- The importance of timely political leadership in times of crisis: the EU case 2012
- Leadership in the EU in times of crisis 2012
- Democracy and Leadership in the European Union: Beyond the Standard Vision 2011
- European Commission: Bureaucratic Agent or Political leader? Assessing the institution’s role in EU treaty reform 2010
- A União Europeia pós-Nice na bifurcação: Que Caminho(s)? 2004
artigo de revista
- Playing the Market Card: The Commission's Strategy to Shape EU Cybersecurity Policy. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 2022
- Biden e o regresso da parceria transatlântica: oportunidades e desafios. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2021
- Failure or success: assessing the European Commission’s new strategy to foster EU’s economic recovery. Journal of European Integration. 2020
- Citizens’ Trust in the EU: The impact of the constitutional and the Eurozone crises. Politologicky Casopis. 2015
- Irrelevant player? The commission’s role during the Eurozone crisis 2015
capítulo de livro
- Cooperation partners or systemic rivals? The EU-China relations in the light of a changing international environment (forthcoming 2024) 2024
- Portugal in the European Union 2024
- Portugal in the European Union (forthcoming 2024) 2024
- Beyond the obvious: Institutional Actors of the EU in the CFSP 2023
- The EU and the Pandemic Crisis: From "Road to Nowhere" to "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" 2023
- Para além do óbvio: Os atores institucionais da UE no ciclo político da PESC 2022
- Challenges to democracy in the European Union 2022
- Desafios para la Democracia en la Unión Euro 2022
- Desafíos para la democracia en la Unión Europea 2022
- Para além do óbvio: os actores Institucionais da UE no Ciclo Político da PESC 2022
- Benefits, Identity and Values. Discussing the Perceptions of Higher Education Students about being part of Europe 2021
- Institutional Rebalancing in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic 2021
- Comissão Europeia 2020
- O Parlamento Europeu e a “eleição” do Presidente da Comissão Europeia 2020
- The Election of the Commission President: on the road to democratic politics? 2020
- A União Europeia e os Direitos Humanos: da omissão à protecção efectiva? 2019
- A União Europeia em tempos de crise(s): oportunidade para reforma e/ou mudança? 2019
- A governação da Zona Euro no rescaldo da crise: A caminho de um novo equilíbrio institucional? 2019
- Resposta à(s) crise(s): Reforma, Mudança Inovadora ou Gradual? 2019
- Estratégias Negociais 2018
- Eurozone governance in the aftermath of the crisis: a proxy for a new institutional balance? 2018
- Negociação Internacional: Uma Realidade Múltiplos Olhares 2018
- Direito de Estabelecimento e Livre Prestação de Serviços 2017
- Realism 2017
- Acção Externa 2016
- Dilemas de liderança e legitimidade na UE: entre pragmatismo e inspiração 2012
- A União Europeia pós-Nice na Bifurcação: que caminho(s)? 2006
- Conferência sobre o Futuro da Europa 2021
- Doing less more efficiently? An analysis of the Juncker Commission Better Regulation Agenda 2019
- O Estado da União Europeia: Da(s) Crise(s) à Mudança? 2019
- Negociação Internacional: Estratégias e Táticas 2018
- Enciclopédia da União Europeia 2017
- A Digital Single Market for Europe: the Commission’s strategy to combine problem, solution, and political momentum 2016
- A importância da memória histórica: as negociações de adesão de Portugal às Comunidades contadas na primeira pessoa 2016
- Does issue salience affects citizens’ evaluation of European leadership? A comparison between the Constitutional and the Eurozone crises 2013
- O Desconcerto Europeu: Que Afinações? Uma questão de falta de liderança política ou de excesso de protagonismo individual? 2013
- Reform Leadership during the Eurozone crisis: an impossible mission? 2013
- UE: capacidade para agir 2009
- Resposta global ao terrorismo 2008
- Sim à ratificação, não ao referendo 2008
- A Presidência Portuguesa do Conselho da União Europeia e o Tratado de Lisboa: um Balanço 2008
- Presidência Portuguesa do Conselho da União Europeia: Um Mandato Bem Sucedido 2008
- A presidência Portuguesa da União Europeia: um balanço muito positivo 2007
- A União Europeia é uma ideia cujo tempo chegou 2007
- Sim à União Europeia 2005
- A dimensão externa da UE e o reforço da capacidade de acção
- Os desafios da liderança europeia: crises e janelas de oportunidade
- Um relance sobre as consequências institucionais do Tratado de Lisboa
- The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union: Covid-19 and crisis management. 2022
- Negociação internacional: estratégias e táticas 2018
- Enciclopédia da União Europeia 2017
- Comissão Europeia: Líder ou Seguidora? O papel da instituição no processo de reforma dos tratados 2015
- Construir a Europa: O processo de integração entre a teoria e a história 2005
- A Comissão Europeia como variável independente: uma análise do papel da instituição na reforma dos tratados (1985-2009) 2010
- A Comissão Europeia como variável independente: uma análise do papel da instituição na reforma dos tratados (1985-2010) 2010
- A União Europeia pós-Nice na Bifurcação: que Caminho(s)? 2004