publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Mitigating CO2 emissions through an industrial symbiosis approach: Leveraging cork ash carbonation. Heliyon. 2024
- The Influence of Liquid/Solid Ratio and Pressure on the Natural and Accelerated Carbonation of Alkaline Wastes. Minerals. 2023
- Incineration of Aviary Manure: The Case Studies of Poultry Litter and Laying Hens Manure. Production Planning and Control. 2022
- Characterization, Concentration of Biochar and Titanspheres and Heavy Metals Assessment of Quercus Suber Cork Powder Fly Ash Fractions. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. 2021
- Assessment of Graphitized Coal Ash Char Concentrates as a Potential Synthetic Graphite Source. Minerals. 2020
- Identification and Characterization of Ti-Spheres (Titanspheres) in Cork Powder Fly Ash. Production Planning and Control. 2019
- Undifferentiated inorganics in coal fly ash and bottom ash: Calcispheres, magnesiacalcispheres, and magnesiaspheres. Minerals. 2018
- Notes on the occurrence of phosphate mineral relics and spheres (phosphospheres) in coal and biomass fly ash. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2016
- Characterization, treatment proposal and metal recovery in waste of active implantable medical devices,Caracterização, proposta de tratamento e recuperação de metais dos resíduos dos dispositivos médicos de implante ativo. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Incorporating construction and demolition waste in solid bricks made with clay,Incorporação de resíduos de construção e demolição em blocos maciços de argila. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Ascertainment of the best physicochemical conditions for the generation of soluble components from combustion residues 2023
- Biochar assisted remediation of Cu contaminated soil: impacts on lettuce growth and stress responses 2023
- Characterization of cork powder ash from three different combustion units in Portugal 2022
- Simple washing and magnetic separation of cork powder ash components 2022
- Extração de componentes solúveis das cinzas volantes de pó de cortiça 2022
- Assessment of rare earth elements plus Y (REY) in cork powder fly ash and its size fractions to evaluate their recovery potential 2021
- Caraterização de cinzas provenientes da queima de pó de cortiça visando a sua valorização 2021
- Caraterização granulométrica e geoquímica de cinzas provenientes da queima de pó de cortiça 2020
- Assessment of the municipal solid waste (MSW) fly ash produced at Intermunicipal Waste Management of Greater Porto (LIPOR, Portugal) 2019
- Estudo temporal de Cinzas provenientes da queima de pó de cortiça 2019
- Characterization and concentration of Ti-spheres in fly ash cork powder 2015