publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Contribution of Social Media Addiction on Intention to Buy in Social Media Sites. Digital. 2024
- Measurement Invariance of the Multidimensional Jealousy Scale and Quality of Relationships Inventory (Friend). Behavioral Sciences. 2024
- Customer Connections: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Brand Experience and Brand Love in the Retail Landscape. Administrative Sciences. 2024
- Validation of the Portuguese version of Hoge Intrinsic Motivation Religiosity Scale and Rohrbaugh and Jessor Religiosity Scale 2024
- Being Female and in a Romantic Relationship Enhances the Association between Satisfaction with Love Life and Capacity to Love. Healthcare. 2023
- Pro-Environmental Behavior and Climate Change Anxiety, Perception, Hope, and Despair According to Political Orientation. Behavioral Sciences. 2023
- Somatization and embodiment. Philosophical Psychology. 2023
- Minding the Gap: the moderator role of education between subjective health and social life perception and Internet use time. Suma Psicologica. 2023
- Autoeficacia, autorregulación y aprendizaje cooperativo en estudiantes españoles y portugueses de Educación Secundaria. Educacion Xx1. 2023
- Dark personality traits and online behaviors: Portuguese versions of Cyberstalking, Online Harassment, Flaming and Trolling Scales 2023
- Dark tourism, the holocaust, and well-being: a systematic review 2023
- Religious discrimination toward other religious groups by descendants of religiously heterogamous versus homogamous parents 2023
- Religious identity, religious practice, and religious beliefs across countries and world regions 2023
- Social Media Addiction Scale validation in a Portuguese sample 2023
- Who are Portuguese followers of social media influencers (SMIs), and their attitudes towards SMIs? An exploratory study 2023
- The motivation Scale for Sport consumption: Turkish and Spanish versions’ psychometric properties. Managing Sport and Leisure. 2022
- A cross-sectional study on ethical buyer behavior towards cruelty-free cosmetics: what consequences for female leadership practices? 2022
- Adaptation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale for a sample of Portuguese population 2022
- Adaptation of the Phubbing Scale and of the Generic Scale of Being Phubbed for the Portuguese population 2022
- An exploratory study on the motivations behind visiting the Holocaust Museum of Porto 2022
- Attitudes toward fashion influencers as a mediator of purchase intention 2022
- Dark tourists: profile, practices, motivations and wellbeing 2022
- New Insights into the Mechanism of Action of the Cyclopalladated Complex (CP2) in Leishmania: Calcium Dysregulation, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Cell Death 2022
- Portugal – China relations: a shot in the Ddark? 2022
- Resuscitation fluid practices in Brazilian intensive care units: A secondary analysis of Fluid-TRIPS 2022
- Synthesis of Eugenol-Fluorinated Triazole Derivatives and Evaluation of Their Fungicidal Activity 2022
- Towards an interpretation of the Portuguese cultural tourist: motivations and constraints 2022
- Toxicological evaluation of ethanolic extract of leaves from Doliocarpus dentatus in Swiss mice 2022
- Vasopressinergic Activity of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus and mRNA Expression of Clock Genes in the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in Female Aging 2022
- Engineering Students’ Industrial Internship Experience Perception and Satisfaction: Work Experience Scale Validation. Education Sciences. 2021
- Preliminary Validation Study of the Intrinsic Religious Motivation Scale and the Centrality of Religiosity Scale for the Portuguese Population. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. 2021
- Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Human Value Priorities and Associations with Subjective Well-Being, Subjective General Health, Social Life, and Depression across Europe. Social Sciences. 2021
- Human Values and Religion: Evidence from the European Social Survey. Social Sciences. 2021
- Influence of disease phase on embitterment and emotional dysregulation in psoriatic patients. Psychology Health & Medicine. 2021
- Portuguese Version of COVID-19 Perceived Risk Scale and COVID-19 Phobia Scale: psychometric properties 2021
- Psychological factors explaining perceived impact of COVID-19 on travel 2021
- Quality of Life in Caregivers of Type 2 Diabetes Patients After Patient’s Surgery: a Path Analysis 2021
- Validation and psychometric properties of the portuguese version of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) and fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) and associations with travel, tourism and hospitality 2021
- Exploring Associations between Attitudes towards Climate Change and Motivational Human Values. Climate. 2020
- The Mediator Role of Body Image-Related Cognitive Fusion in the Relationship between Disease Severity Perception, Acceptance and Psoriasis Disability. Behavioral Sciences. 2020
- Finding a path for happiness in the context of sustainable development: a possible key. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2020
- For a Healthy (and) Higher Education: Evidences from Learning Outcomes in Health Sciences. Education Sciences. 2020
- Parenting and management skills: The mediator role of empathy. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 2020
- The Relevance of God to Religious Believers and Non-Believers. Religions. 2020
- Comparing psychopathological symptoms in Portuguese football fans and non-fans 2020
- Facial emotion recognition: virtual reality program for facial emotion recognition: a trial program targeted at individuals with schizophrenia 2020
- Psychopathological Symptoms and Loneliness in Adult Internet Users: A Contemporary Public Health Concern 2020
- Realidade virtual e hostilidade: Poderá a realidade virtual reduzir a hostilidade? 2020
- Reconhecimento de emoções em rostos e comportamento ocular na ansiedade social: Um estudo sobre eye-tracking 2020
- Psychological well-being and health perception: predictors for past, present and future. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2019
- Long-term Negative Psychological Impact of Presymptomatic Testing on Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy: Efecto psicológico negativo a largo plazo de las pruebas genéticas presintomáticas en la polineuropatía amiloide familiar 2019
- Who is concerned about terrorist attacks? A religious profile 2019
- Perceção da Saúde: validação de uma escala para a população portuguesa. . Temas em Psicologia. 2018
- Dopaminergic pathways in obesity-associated immuno-metabolic depression. . Psychological Medicine. 2018
- Ajustamento psicossocial ao cancro da mama em função do tipo de cirurgia 2018
- Long-term predictors for psychological outcome of pre-symptomatic testing for late-onset neurological diseases. European Journal of Medical Genetics. 2018
- Perceção da Saúde: Validação de uma Escala para a População Portuguesa 2018
- Psychosocial adjustment to breast cancer in women with conservative surgery vs mastectomy 2018
- Blood Donor Characteristics on Transfusion Outcomes-Should Obesity Be Assessed in Future Clinical Trials? 2017
- Anxious and depressive symptoms in Portuguese Facebook users,Sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa em utilizadores Portugueses do Facebook. Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia. 2017
- Long-term negative Psychological Impact of Presymptomatic Testing for Huntington’s Disease 2017
- Motivation to perform presymptomatic testing in portuguese subjects at-risk for late-onset genetic diseases. Interdisciplinaria. 2017
- Pre-symptomatic testing for neurodegenerative disorders: Middle- to long-term psychopathological impact,Pruebas pre-sintomáticas de enfermedades neurodegenerativas: El impacto psicopatológico a largo plazo. Psicothema. 2017
- Predictors of Subclinical Inflammatory Obesity: Plasma Levels of Leptin, Very Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and CD14 Expression of CD16+ Monocytes 2017
- Risk perception in subjects at-risk for Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy. . Universitas Psychologica. 2017
- Subjects at Risk for Genetic Late-Onset Neurological Diseases: Objective Knowledge. Public Health Genomics. 2017
- Validação de um instrumento de avaliação dos fatores promotores da motivação para o trabalho : um estudo cm profissionais de saúde oncológica portugueses 2017
- Validação de um instrumento de avaliação dos fatores promotores da motivação para o trabalho: Um estudo cm profissionais de saúde oncológica portugueses 2017
- Validação de um instrumento de avaliação dos fatores promotores da motivação para o trabalho: Um estudo com profissionais de saúde oncológica portugueses 2017
- Working with cancer: motivation and job satisfaction. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 2017
- Depression as the long-term impact for pre-symptomatic testing of neurodegenerative disorders. Temas em Psicologia. 2016
- Illness representations, knowledge and motivation to perform presymptomatic testing for late-onset genetic diseases. Psychology Health & Medicine. 2016
- Mid- and long-term anxiety levels associated with presymptomatic testing of Huntington's disease, Machado-Joseph disease, and familial amyloid polyneuropathy 2016
- Subjects At-Risk for Genetic Diseases in Portugal: Illness Representations 2016
- Depression as the Middle- and Long-Term Impact for Pre-Symptomatic Testing of Late-Onset Neurodegenerative Disorders: La Depresión como el Indicador de Impacto Psicológico a la Media y Largo Plazo de la Prueba Pre-Sintomática para Enfermedades de Aparición Tardía - A Depressão como Indicador do Impacto Psicológico a Médio e Longo Prazo do Teste Pré-Sintomático de Doenças Neurodegenerativas de Iníc. Temas em Psicologia. 2016
- Mid- and long-term anxiety levels associated with presymptomatic testing of Huntington’s disease, Machado-Joseph disease, and familial amyloid polyneuropathy 2016
- Depression levels in Pre-symptomatic Testing for Neurodegenerative Diseases: a psychological point of view. Journal of Life Medicine. 2014
- Paper Infomation. Journal of Life Medicine. 2014
- Anxiety and pre-symptomatic testing for neurodegenerative disorders. Open Journal of Genetics. 2013
- Predictive testing for two neurodegenerative disorders (FAP and HD): a psychological point of view. Open Journal of Genetics. 2013
- Psychological aspects of pre-symptomatic testing for Machado-Joseph disease and familial amyloid polyneuropathy type I. Clinical Genetics. 2006
- Ten years of a programme for presymptomatic testing (PST) and prenatal diagnosis (PND) in late-onset neurological diseases in Portugal: Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), Huntington disease (HD) and familial amyloid neuropathy type I - ATTRV30M (FAP-I). European Journal of Human Genetics. 2006
- O bem-estar psicológico em indivíduos de risco para doenças neurológicas hereditárias de aparecimento tardio e controlos. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças. 2002
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- The mechanisms underlying grammatical gender selection in language production: A meta-analysis of the gender congruency effect. Cognition. 2022
- The indirect effect of body image on distress in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Health Psychology Report. 2022
- COVID-19 Traumatic Stress Scale and Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale: psychometric properties in Portuguese male adults. Journal of Men's Health. 2022
- Quality of life in caregivers of type 2 diabetes patients after patient’s surgery: a path analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2022
- Associations between Cues of Sexual Desire and Sexual Attitudes in Portuguese Women. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. 2021
- Men's psychological well-being during COVID-19: the moderator role of posttraumatic growth. Journal of Men's Health. 2021
- Quality of life in chronic pain patients: Illness- and wellness-focused coping as moderators. Psych Journal. 2021
- Traumatic stress as a mediator of quality of life and burden in informal caregivers of amputees due to diabetic foot: a longitudinal study. Health Psychology Report. 2021
- Subjective suffering in patients with low back pain. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2020
- Burden and quality of life in caregivers of patients with amputated diabetic foot. Psych Journal. 2020
capítulo de livro
- Ajustamento psicossocial ao cancro da mama em função do tipo de cirurgia 2018
- Validação de um instrumento de avaliação dos fatores promotores da motivação para o trabalho: Um estudo com profissionais de saúde oncológica portugueses 2017
- O bem-estar psicológico em indivíduos de risco para doenças neurológicas hereditárias de aparecimento tardio e controlos 2002
- A tríade negra e a amargura no ciúme romântico 2024
- Cyberstalking em jovens universitários : traços de personalidade em vítimas 2024
- Binge-watching e a tríade negra da personalidade 2023
- Adaptação da Generic Scale of Being Phubbed para a população portuguesa 2022
- Adaptação de uma escala de Phubbing para a população portuguesa 2022
- Diminuição da amargura e indução de sentimentos de gratidão e perdão através da utilização de realidade virtual 2022
- Dinâmicas da centralidade da religião e a Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva (POC) 2022
- Os motivos que levam as pessoas a verem séries televisivas compulsivamente e a sua relação com a solidão 2022
- Associação entre medidas de stress e variáveis da psicologia 2021
- Inteligência emocional, bem estar, regulação emocional e rendimento académico 2021
- Avaliação da adição ao exercício físico e da psicopatologia em praticantes de Crossfit 2016
- Avaliação da adição às redes sociais e da psicopatologia em jovens estudantes portugueses 2016
- Hobbies e a sua relação com sintomas psicopatológicos 2016
- Stresse e competências psicológicas : estudo com jovens atletas 2016
- Estudo comparativo de psicopatologia em sócios de futebol 2015
- Personalidade e Facebook : Qual o perfil de um utilizador português? 2015
- Traços de personalidade dominantes dos utilizadores portugueses do Facebook 2015
- Impacto psicológico a longo prazo do teste preditivo de cinco casos da doença Machado Joseph 2014
- Psicopatologia e adição em utilizadores do Facebook 2014
- Sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa em utilizadores do Facebook 2014
- Impacto psicológico a longo prazo do teste preditivo na Doença de Huntington 2013
- O impacto psicológico a longo prazo do teste preditivo na polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar 2013
- A influência da competência emocional no desempenho académico de adolescentes do ensino secundário 2012
- Stress Parental e Desempenho Académico 2012
- Suporte social das mães de filhos com paralisia cerebral 2012