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artigo académico
- Characterization of the Pollen Trapped by Populus L. Seeds during the Dispersion Season. Aerobiology. 2024
- Contamination Fingerprints in an Inactive W (Sn) Mine: The Regoufe Mine Study Case (Northern Portugal). Minerals. 2023
- Short-Term Exposure of Dactylis glomerata Pollen to Atmospheric Gaseous Pollutants Is Related to an Increase in IgE Binding in Patients with Grass Pollen Allergies. Plants. 2023
- Trends and future projections of Olea flowering in the western Mediterranean: The example of the Alentejo region (Portugal). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2023
- Differential Quercus spp. pollen-particulate matter interaction is dependent on geographical areas. Heredity. 2022
- Differential Quercus spp pollen-particulate matter interaction is dependent on geographical areas 2022
- Pollen Ole e 1 content variations in olive cultivars of different Portugal regions. Aerobiologia. 2021
- Phenological Model to Predict Budbreak and Flowering Dates of Four Vitis vinifera L. Cultivars Cultivated in DO. Ribeiro (North-West Spain). Plants. 2021
- Air pollutants NO2- and O3-induced Dactylis glomerata L. pollen oxidative defences and enhanced its allergenic potential. Aerobiologia. 2021
- The Strong and the Stronger: The Effects of Increasing Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations in Pollen of Different Forest Species. Forests. 2021
- Testing the Raman parameters of pollen spectra in automatic identification. Aerobiologia. 2020
- Pollen Production of Quercus in the North-Western Iberian Peninsula and Airborne Pollen Concentration Trends during the Last 27 Years. Forests. 2020
- Geochemical analysis of sediment samples for forensic purposes: characterisation of two river beaches from the Douro River, Portugal. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2020
- Spatial and temporal environmental pollen analysis of footwear worn in the area of Barcelos, North-West Portugal, in a forensic context. Aerobiologia. 2020
- Integrating Phenological, Aerobiological and Weather Data to Study the Local and Regional Flowering Dynamics of Four Grapevine Cultivars. Agronomy. 2020
- Assessment between Platanus pollen and Pla a 1 allergen in two cities of North-western Iberian Peninsula. Aerobiologia. 2019
- Multidisciplinary study of the quaternary deposits of the Vila Nova de Gaia, NW Portugal, and its climate significance. Journal of Iberian Geology. 2019
- Aerobiology of Cupressaceae in Porto city, Portugal. Aerobiologia. 2019
- Assessment of the potential real pollen related allergenic load on the atmosphere of Porto city. Heredity. 2019
- Atmospheric pollutants NO2 and O3 enhance allergenic potential of Dactylis glomerata pollen. 2019
- Predicting the flowering date of Portuguese grapevine varieties using temperature-based phenological models: A multi-site approach. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2018
- Comparison of pollen quality in Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae. 2018
- Effect of O3 and NO2 atmospheric pollutants on Platanus x acerifolia pollen: Immunochemical and spectroscopic analysis. Heredity. 2017
- Olive crop-yield forecasting based on airborne pollen in a region where the olive groves acreage and crop system changed drastically. Aerobiologia. 2017
- Effects of ozone in Plantago lanceolata and Salix atrocinerea pollen. Aerobiologia. 2016
- Pollen-based predictive modelling of wine production: Application to an arid region. European Journal of Agronomy. 2016
- A comparative study of vineyard phenology and pollen metrics extracted from airborne pollen time series. Aerobiologia. 2015
- Characterisation of particulate matter on airborne pollen grains. Environmental Pollution. 2015
- Effects of CO2 on Acer negundo pollen fertility, protein content, allergenic properties, and carbohydrates. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015
Effects of atmospheric pollutants (CO, O
3 , SO2 ) on the allergenicity of Betula pendula, Ostrya carpinifolia, and Carpinus betulus pollen. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 2015 - Discrimination of Portuguese and Spanish olive cultivars using microsatellite markers. 2014
- A 10-year survey of allergenic airborne pollen in the city of Porto (Portugal). Aerobiologia. 2014
- Airborne Acer pollen wall elemental analysis and adhered particulate matter | Pólen de Acer presente na atmosfera: Análise elementar da parede e matéria particulada aderida. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Changes in the IgE-reacting protein profiles of Acer negundo, Platanus x acerifolia and Quercus robur pollen in response to ozone treatment. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 2014
- Effect of air pollutant NO2 on Betula pendula, Ostrya carpinifolia and Carpinus betulus pollen fertility and human allergenicity. Environmental Pollution. 2014
- Identification of Plantago lanceolata pollen allergens using an immunoproteomic approach. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology. 2014
- In vitro exposure of Ostrya carpinifolia and Carpinus betulus pollen to atmospheric levels of CO, O3 and SO2. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014
- Multidisciplinary characterization of sediments from two Portuguese river beaches for forensic application | Caracterização multidisciplinar de sedimentos de duas praias fluviais do norte de Portugal para aplicação forense. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Parietaria judaica pollen: Aerobiology and allergenicity 2014
- Parietaria judaica pollen: Aerobiology and allergenicity | Pólen de parietaria judaica: Aerobiologia e alergenicidade. Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia. 2014
- Pollen Raman spectra database: Application to the identification of airborne pollen. Talanta. 2014
- Study of “Formação areno-pelítica” in the porto - vila nova de gaia coastal area. Contribution of the pollen content | Estudo da “formação areno-pelítica” na zona litoral porto - vila nova de gaia. Contribuição do conteúdo polínico. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Analysis of the pollen allergen content of twelve olive cultivars grown in Portugal. Aerobiologia. 2013
- Analysis the effect pollen from insect-resistant transgenic corn on the development of Galleria mellonella (Fabricius, 1754) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) and possible ecological consequences | Análise do efeito do pólen do milho transgênico resistente a insetos sobre o desenvolvimento de Galleria mellonella (Fabricius, 1754) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) e possíveis conseqüências ecológicas. Bioscience Journal. 2013
- Elemental characterization of the airborne pollen surface using Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA). Atmospheric Environment. 2013
- Exposure of Betula pendula Roth pollen to atmospheric pollutants CO, O3 and SO2. Grana. 2013
- Organic matter characterization of sediments in two river beaches from northern Portugal for forensic application. Forensic Science International. 2013
- Ozone effects on soluble protein content of Acer negundo, Quercus robur and Platanus spp. pollen. Aerobiologia. 2013
- Pla a_1 aeroallergen immunodetection related to the airborne Platanus pollen content. Heredity. 2013
- Spatial and temporal distribution of Alternaria spores in the Iberian Peninsula atmosphere, and meteorological relationships: 1993-2009. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2013
- Contribution of EPMA to airborne pollen analysis. Biomedical Materials. 2012
- Airborne platanus pollen analysis by EPMA. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2012
- Cladosporium airborne spore incidence in the environmental quality of the Iberian Peninsula. Grana. 2012
- Forecasting ARIMA models for atmospheric vineyard pathogens in Galicia and Northern Portugal: Botrytis cinerea spores. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2012
- In vitro exposure of Acer negundo pollen to atmospheric levels of SO 2 and NO 2: Effects on allergenicity and germination. Environmental Science and Technology. 2012
- A multidisciplinary study of an organic-rich mudstone in the Middle Holocene on the Northern coast of Portugal | Estudo multidisciplinar de um argilito rico de matéria orgânica do Holocénico Médio na costa Norte de Portugal. Comunicações Geológicas. 2011
- Characterization of soils from the Algarve region (Portugal): A multidisciplinary approach for forensic applications. Science & Justice. 2011
- Impact of urbanization level on chenopodium album pollen: Morphological and immunochemical data | Impacto do nível de urbanização no pólen de chenopodium album: Morfologia e imunoquímica. Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia. 2011
- Fungal spores from Pleosporales in the atmosphere of urban and rural locations in Portugal. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2010
- Main airborne Ascomycota spores: Characterization by culture, spore morphology, ribosomal DNA sequences and enzymatic analysis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2010
- Outdoor allergenic fungal spores: Comparison between an urban and a rural area in Northern Portugal. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology. 2010
- Use of multiple linear regressions to evaluate the influence of O3 and PM10 on biological pollutants. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 2010
- A bioclimatic model for forecasting olive yield. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2009
- Aeromycological profile of indoor and outdoor environments. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2009
- Comparison between urban and rural pollen of Chenopodium alba and characterization of adhered pollutant aerosol particles. Journal of Aerosol Science. 2009
Corrigendum to "Influence of atmospheric ozone, PM
10 and meteorological factors on the concentration of airborne pollen and fungal spore" [Atmos. Environ. 42 (2008) 7452-7464] (DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.06.004). Atmospheric Environment. 2009 - Important phytopathogenic airborne fungal spores in a rural area: Incidence of Botrytis cinerea and Oidium spp. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2009
- Pollen allergenic potential nature of some trees species: A multidisciplinary approach using aerobiological, immunochemical and hospital admissions data. Environmental Research. 2009
- Seasonal and intradiurnal variation of allergenic fungal spores in urban and rural areas of the North of Portugal. Aerobiologia. 2009
- The effects of meteorological factors on airborne fungal spore concentration in two areas differing in urbanisation level. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2009
- Airborne Poaceae pollen in Porto (Portugal) and allergenic profiles of several grass pollen types. Aerobiologia. 2008
- Influence of atmospheric ozone, PM10 and meteorological factors on the concentration of airborne pollen and fungal spores. Atmospheric Environment. 2008
- Intradiurnal variation of allergenic pollen in the city of Porto (Portugal). Aerobiologia. 2008
- Quantitative forecasting of olive yield in Northern Portugal using a bioclimatic model. Aerobiologia. 2008
- The importance of plantain (Plantago spp.) as a supplementary pollen source in the diet of honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research. 2008
- A scientific note on honey bee foraging activity and airborne pollen flow. Apidologie. 2007
- Bt transgenic maize pollen and the silent poisoning of the hive. Journal of Apicultural Research. 2007
- Definition of main pollen season using a logistic model. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2007
- Improving early-season estimates of olive production using airborne pollen multi-sampling sites. Aerobiologia. 2007
- Comparison of classical models for evaluating the heat requirements of Olive (Olea europeae L.) in Portugal. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2006
- Influence of meteorological parameters on Olea flowering date and airborne pollen concentration in four regions of Portugal. Grana. 2006
- Ultrastructure and germination of Vitis vinifera cv. Loureiro pollen. Protoplasma. 2006
- Aeropalynological study of Vitis vinifera in the Braga region (1999-2003). Aerobiologia. 2005
- Airborne pollen of Olea in five regions of Portugal. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2005
- Allergenic pollen in the city of Porto (Portugal). Allergy. 2005
- Annual variation of fungal spores in atmosphere of Porto: 2003. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2005
- Fruit production in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) using preserved pollen. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2004
- Immunolocalisation of arabinogalactan proteins and pectins in Actinidia deliciosa pollen. Short communication.. Protoplasma. 2004
- Programmed cell death induces male sterility in Actinidia deliciosa female flowers. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2004
- Airborne pollen concentration in the region of Braga, Portugal, and its relationship with meteorological parameters. Aerobiologia. 2003
- Airborne pollen samples for early-season estimates of wine production in a mediterranean climate area of northern Portugal. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 2003
- An Aeropalynological study of the Porto region (Portugal). Aerobiologia. 2003
- Immunodetection of phytoplasmas in wild blackberry in northern Portugal. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 1999
- Regeneration of the actinorhizal plant Myrica gale L. from epicotyl explants. Plant Science. 1998
- Modified plastids in virus-diseased plants of Vinca difformis L.. J.SUBMICROSC.CYTOL.PATHOL.. 1994
- Mycoplasma-like organisms associated with phloem cells of diseased grapevines in northern Portugal. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 1994
- Intimate association between endoplasmic reticulum and plastids during microsporogenesis in Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. and Solanum tuberosum L.. Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology. 1977
artigo de conferência
capítulo de livro
- Ole e 1 detection in three varieties of Olea pollen in different regions of Portugal 2020
- Pla a 1 allergen and Platanus pollen in the atmosphere of Porto 2020
- Relationship between Platanus Pla a 1 allergen and airborne pollen in two cities of northwestern iberian peninsula 2019
- Spatial and temporal analysis of soil from shoes of human living volunteers 2018
- Aerobiology and effects of O3 and NO2 in Cupressaceae pollen 2018
- Phenological model to predict the timing of Vitis Vinifera L. flowering 2017
- Forensic palynological analysis of different samples from living human volunteers 2017
- Forensic pollen: spatial and temporal analysis in biological tissues 2017
- The use of geochemical signature of sediments for environmental and criminal forensic purposes 2016
- Magnetic susceptibility of sands from a river beach for forensic applications 2011
- Geobotanical characterization of a river beach for forensic purposes 2010
- Characterization of a river beach (Portugal): a multidisciplinary approach for forensic investigation 2010
- Geological and palynological characterization of a river beach in Portugal for forensic purposes 2013
- A Bioclimatic forecasting model for olive yield in alentejo (Portugal) 2012
- Pollen morphology and quality of twenty olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars grown in Portugal 2012
- Anemophilous and entomophilous pollen flows of Castanea sativa in the Northeast of Portugal 2008
- Castanea airborne pollen at the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula 2008
- Lipid and polysaccharide variations in actinidia deliciosa during pollen ontogeny and germination 2003
- Presence of proteins, callose and pectins in ungerminated and germinated pollen of actinidia deliciosa 2003