publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The paradox of judicial dialogue with the European Court of Justice in an illiberal democracy: the recent experience with the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo. 2022
- Interpreting the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement before British courts. UNIO – EU Law Journal. 2021
- Hungarian law on foreign funding of non-governmental organisations breaches EU law: Transparency of Associations case (Case C-78/18). Revista General de Derecho Europeo . 2021
- Los derechos de los nacionales británicos en la España post-Brexit. Tiempo de Paz . 2021
- Reappointment to International Courts and the Case of the EFTA Court. The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals . 2021
- El largo y sinuoso camino: un análisis de la negociación del Brexit desde la perspectiva británica 2020
- Where culture, language and politics meet: Is there any place for national identity in the EEA legal system?. UNIO – EU Law Journal. 2019
- Paying Court to the Future – Ha llegado el tiempo para un Tribunal de comercio de la ASEAN?. Estudios de Deusto. 2019
- The constitutional challenges that the Brexit negotiations have created in the United Kingdom: An overview 2018
- Off the bench but not off duty: The judicial diplomacy of the court of justice. European Foreign Affairs Review. 2017
- The legitimacy of discriminatory disenfranchisement? the impact of the rules on the right to vote in the bremain/brexit referendum. Perspectives on Federalism. 2016
- Judicialisation of Trade Policy and the Impact on National Constitutional Rights of EU Free Trade Agreements with Partner Countries in Europe. European Law Journal. 2014
- Diffusing EU law beyond the borders of the Union: The judicialization of the European trading area. Colombia Internacional. 2014
- The Impact of Training and Language Competence on Judicial Application of EU Law in Hungary. European Law Journal. 2012
- In the judicial steps of Bolívar and Morazán? Supranational Court Conversations between Europe and Latin America. European Journal of Law Reform. 2011
- Exporting the EU Model: A Judicial Dimension for EU International Relations?. Studia Diplomatica. 2010
- Constititional judiciary in central europe and the europe agreement: Decision 30/1998 (VI.25) AB of the Hungarian constitutional court. International & Comparative Law Quarterly. 1999
- The articulation of different parliaments, their inter-institutional relations and functions in complex political unions: European Union, United States, Mercosur and the Russian Federation. Parliaments, Estates and Representation. 1998
- European Community Law Harmonization in Hungary. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. 1997
- As relações entre o Parlamento Europeu e os parlamentos nacionais. Revista de Informação Legislativa. 1996
- Judicial review as effective protection of Community rights. Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht. 1995
- Restitution of charges and duties levied by the public administration in breach of European Community Law: a comparative analysis. European Law Review. 1994
- Les recours contre les attentes portées aux normes communautaires par les pouvoirs publics en Angleterre. Cahiers de droit européen. 1993
- The sovereignty of Parliament after Factortame. Europarecht. 1993
- Mergers and Division of Companies in Italy. European Business Law Review. 1992
- Effect of European Community Directives in France: The Development of The Cohn-BenditJurisprudence. International & Comparative Law Quarterly. 1991
capítulo de livro
- El acuerdo con Reino Unido. Implicaciones para España 2022
- Judicial Independence as an Essential Component of EU Accession Conditionality 2022
- Protecting the rule of law in Hungary: Challenges for the Court of Justice 2022
- Towards the formulation of the ‘Brussels criteria’: The values and principles underlying EU withdrawal and their application in future contexts 2021
- ‘A Whiter Shade of Pale’? The potential practice of UK courts in the field of EU law after Brexit 2021
- ‘Choose Your Judges Wisely’: Use of Third Parties in Selecting Members of International Courts 2021
- ‘Getting to know you’: the role of an EU delegation during the pre-accession period 2021
- Settlements in a Comparative Perspective: Court Oversight of Decisions of Competition Authorities in the UK, France and Germany 2019
- Appointing regional judges in the Caribbean: A possible model for emulation by the Court of Justice of the European Union? 2016
- ‘Emulate thy neighbour?’ How dialogues between the CJEU and non-EU courts could be explained through international relations theory 2016
- La difúsion del modelo de gobernanza judicial europeo: el papel crucial de la jurisprudencia del TJUE 2015
- ‘Keeping the Faith’: The Trials and Tribulations of the Hungarian Constitutional Court in following its European Vocation 2015
- “Practising faith in diversity?”: Amnesty International and others v. Sudan and the protection of religious freedom under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights 2015
- National identity and EEA law: The next constitutional step for the EFTA Court? 2014
- 'Don't Mention Divorce at the Wedding, Darling!': EU Accession and Withdrawal after Lisbon 2012
- Izazovi u medunarodnom poslovnom pravu i pravu Evropske unije. Challenges in International Business Law and the Law of the European Union: Liber amicorum in honour of Radovan D. Vukadinovic 2020
- Central European Constitutional Courts in the Face of EU Membership 2013
- Central European constitutional courts in the face of EU membership: The influence of the German model in Hungary and Poland 2013
- Enlargement of the European Union 2009
- EC Law in Practice: A Case Study Approach 2006