publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The non-consensual dissemination of intimate images through digital media: The perspective of psychology professionals. Psicologia, Psicologia & Justiça. 2021
- Dialogism in detail: Per Linell’s Rethinking language, mind, and world dialogically and its potentials. Culture & Psychology. 2013
- Grade level, study time, and grade retention and their effects on motivation, self-regulated learning strategies, and mathematics achievement: A structural equation model. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2013
artigo de conferência
- Chair work and therapeutic outcome: The impact of performing chair tasks to the improvement of clinical symptoms in depression 2018
- Estrategias terapéuticas y cambio en psicoterapia: Un estudio de caso sobre el impacto de las tareas terapéuticas de la terapia focalizada en la emoción en el resultado terapéutico 2016
- Sign language learning using the hangman videogame. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2016
- Immersion and distancing processes across the assimilation of problematic experiences: An intensive case study of a good outcome case of Emotion-Focused Therapy 2013
- Inmersión, distanciamiento y la activación emocional en casos de éxito de Terapia Focalizada en la Emoción y Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual 2013
- Revisitando Lisa: Uma perspetiva dialógica de um caso de Terapia Focada nas Emoções 2013
- Positioning Microanalysis: A Single-case study of an emotion-focused therapy 2012
- Distancing, immersion, and emotional arousal: An intensive case study of a good outcome case 2012
- Voices of the self in emotion-focused therapy: Positioning microanalysis of a good outcome case 2012
- A study of the change process through the analysis of the positioning dynamics in an EFT good outcome case 2011
- Positioning dynamics and Innovative Moments in a good outcome case of emotion focused therapy 2011
- Analyzing change: Positioning movement throughout psychotherapy 2010
artigo de revista
- Multiply Victimized Women: How Do They Change?. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2016