publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Peer-to-Peer Jini for Truly Service-Oriented WSNs. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2011
artigo de conferência
- Imagens de ausência: o retrato fotográfico como simulacro durante o período romântico [Images of absence: the photographic portrait as a simulacrum during the romantic period] 2017
- Augusto de Belvedere, un pintor y fotógrafo portugués en la España ochocentista [Augusto de Belvedere, a Portuguese painter and photographer in eight-century Spain] 2015
- As publicações ilustradas com retratos fotográficos e a renovação da iconografia oitocentista em Portugal [Publications illustrated with photographic portraits and the renewal of 19th century iconography in Portugal] 2014
- An agent-based approach to consumer's law dispute resolution 2010
- An agent-based approach to consumer´s law dispute resolution 2010
- A Java Software Stack for Resource Poor Sensor Nodes: Towards Peer-to-Peer Jini 2009
- A Practical Solution for Automatic Service Discovery and Usage over Resource Poor Ad-hoc Sensor Networks 2009
- Integration of Resource Poor Wireless Sensor Networks into Smart Spaces 2009
- Virtual Machines Applied to WSN’s: The state-of-art and classification 2007
artigo de revista
- Augmented Reality-Assisted Ultrasound Breast Biopsy. Bioengineering. 2023
- Progress in Grassland Cover Conservation in Southern European Mountains by 2020: A Transboundary Assessment in the Iberian Peninsula with Satellite Observations (2002–2019). Remote Sensing. 2021
- Progress in Grassland Cover Conservation in Southern European Mountains by 2020: A Transboundary Assessment in the Iberian Peninsula with Satellite Observations (2002–2019). Remote Sensing. 2021
capítulo de livro
- O Porto em relevo: fotografia estereoscópica, ca. 1855-1890 [Oporto in relief: stereoscopic photography, ca. 1855-1890] 2019
- A Fotografia e o postal ilustrado: origens e influências [Photography and the illustrated postcard: origins and influences] 2017
- Fotografia científica em Angola no último quartel do século XIX: o caso do naturalista José de Anchieta [Scientific photography in Angola in the last quarter of the 19th century: the case of naturalist José de Anchieta] 2014
- Fotografia e património: Eugène Lefèvre e 'O Álbum de Portugal' (1857-1858) 2023
- A viagem do fotógrafo Jean Laurent a Portugal, em 1869 [Photographer Jean Laurent's trip to Portugal in 1869] / El viaje del fotógrafo Jean Laurent a Portugal en 1869 2018
- Lisbon and its region: stereoscopic photography, c. 1853-1890 2017
- Os primeiros retratos de matriz fotográfica nos cemitérios portugueses (1885-1890): notas para uma biografia de Albino Pinto Rodrigues Barbosa' [The first photographic matrix portraits in Portuguese cemeteries (1885-1890): notes for a biography of Albino Pinto Rodrigues Barbosa] 2014
- Medical ontology for treatment of clinical data from children and youth 2013
- A singular viagem do fotógrafo Jean Laurent a Portugal, em 1869 [The singular trip of the photographer Jean Laurent to Portugal, in 1869] 2010
- Uma colecção privada: contributos para uma memória visual de Braga: colecção Nuno Borges de Araújo [A private collection: contributions to a visual memory of Braga: Nuno Borges de Araújo collection] 2009