publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- clOpenCL - Supporting distributed heterogeneous computing in HPC clusters. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- A WCS-based approach to integrate satellite imagery data in wildfire simulation. WEBIST 2012 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. 2012
- Simple peer messaging for remote user domains interconnection. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2012. 2012
- Cross-Fire: a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management 2010
- Efficient partitioning strategies for distributed Web crawling. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2008
- Shortcut routing for Chord graphs in the Domus hash space. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. 2008
- Full-speed scalability of the pdomus platform for DHTs. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. 2007
- PDomus: A prototype for cluster-oriented distributed hash tables. Proceedings - 15th EUROMICRO International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2007. 2007
- Bridging the gap between cluster and grid computing. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2006
- Domus - An architecture for cluster-oriented Distributed Hash Tables. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2006
- Geographical partition for distributed web crawling. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings. 2005
- RoCL: A Resource Oriented Communication Library. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2004
- RoCL: a resource oriented communication library 2003
- Scalable multithreading in a low latency Myrinet cluster. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2003
- ToCL: A thread oriented communication library to interface VIA and GM protocols. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2003
- High performance multithreaded message passing on a myrinet cluster. Advances in High Performance Computing. 2002
- Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of extended interactive Petri Nets. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1997
- Parallel genetic algorithms in a networked workstation environment. International Series on Advances in High Performance Computing. 1997
artigo de conferência
- Two high-performance alternatives to ZLIB scientific-data compression. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- A WCS-based approach to integrate satellite imagery data in wildfire simulation 2012
- Even Bigger Data: Preparing for the LHC/ATLAS Upgrade 2012
- Running user-provided virtual machines in batch-oriented computing clusters 2012
- An Automated Cluster/Grid Task and Data Management System 2011
- EGEE site administration made easy 2010
- A platform to support civil protection applications on the GRID 2010
- An OGC/SOS conformant client to manage geospatial data on the GRID 2010
- Bridging the gap between applications geospatial data and the Grid 2010
- A prototype to integrate a wireless sensor network with civil protection grid applications 2009
- Advanced e-Infrastructures for civil protection applications : the CYCLOPS project 2009
- An OGC-WS framework to run firestation on the grid 2009
- CROSS-Fire : a risk management decision support system on the Grid 2009
- FireStation on the grid: aAfurther on the adoption of OGC/SDI standards 2009
- G-fire station : fire simulation from desktop to grid 2009
- Integrating a wireless sensor network into grid civil protection applications 2009
- Research strategies for an advanced grid e-infrastructure for civil protection applications 2009
- EGEE roll: a framework to fully-automated site deployment & management 2008
- A grid platform for the european civil protection e-Infrastructure: the forest fires use scenario 2008
- EGEE Site Deployment & Management Using the Rocks toolkit 2008
- Efficient partitioning strategies for distributed web crawling 2008
- FireStation: from sequential to EGEE-Grid 2008
- Shortcut routing for chord graphs in the domus hash space. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. 2008
- Efficient partitioning strategies for distributed Web crawling 2007
- Full-speed scalability of the pdomus platform for dhts 2007
- A cluster oriented model for dynamically balanced DHTs 2004
- Mapping application-level components into hierarchical systems resources 2004
- Relações entre a topologia de rede e a geografia dos servidores WWW em Portugal 2004
- Toward a dynamically balanced cluster oriented DHT 2004
- Um Modelo Cooperativo e Distribuído para a Recuperação de Informação na WWW, 2003
- Orientação ao recurso: um modelo de comunicação para a computação em clusters 2003
- ToCL: a thread oriented communication library to interface VIA and GM protocols 2003
- Um modelo cooperativo e distribuído para a recuperação de informação na WWW 2003
- Distributed paged Hash tables 2002
- High performance multithreaded message passing on a myrinet cluster 2002
- Scalable multithreading in a low latency myrinet cluster 2002
- pCoR - a protoype for resource oriented computing 2002
- CoR's Faster Route over Myrinet 2000
- Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of extended interactive Petri Nets. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 1997
- Concurrent Execution of Petri Nets based on Agents 1995
- Simulação e Síntese de Controladores Paralelos Baseados em Redes de Petri 1995
- Simulação e síntese de controladores paralelos a partir de especificações baseados em redes de Petri 1995
- Modelo de Computação Baseado em Agentes 1994
- SCBA: Simulação Concorrente Baseada em Agentes 1993
artigo de revista
- Cross-Fire: a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management 2010
- Deploying applications in multi-san smp clusters. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. 2009
capítulo de livro
- PlaCoR: plataforma para a computação orientada ao recurso 2019
- An OGC/SOS conformant client to manage geospatial data on the GRID 2010
- Bridging the gap between applications geospatial data and the Grid 2010
- EGEE site administration made easy 2010
- Integrating a wireless sensor network into grid civil protection applications 2009
- A prototype to integrate a wireless sensor network with civil protection grid applications 2009
- An OGC-WS framework to run firestation on the grid 2009
- CROSS-Fire : a risk management decision support system on the Grid 2009
- FireStation on the grid: aAfurther on the adoption of OGC/SDI standards 2009
- G-fire station : fire simulation from desktop to grid 2009
- Research strategies for an advanced grid e-infrastructure for civil protection applications 2009
- A grid platform for the european civil protection e-Infrastructure: the forest fires use scenario 2008
- EGEE roll: a framework to fully-automated site deployment & management 2008
- Efficient partitioning strategies for distributed web crawling 2008
- FireStation: from sequential to EGEE-Grid 2008
- Efficient partitioning strategies for distributed Web crawling 2007
- Technical report on integrating sensors into the grid 2008
- D19 final plan for using and disseminating knowledge 2008
- Report on raising public awareness and participation (Deliverable D20) 2008
- Dissemination and coordination activity final report (Deliverable D17) 2008
- Project results presentation (deliverable D18) 2008
- Mid-Term Project Workshop (Deliverable D12) 2008
- Easy management and user interconnection across Grid sites 2012
- Estratégias de participação para a optimização da descarga distribuída da Web 2009
- Co-operação de Tabelas de Hash Distribuídas em clusters heterogéneos 2008
- Rocmeu: orientação ao recurso na modelação de aplicações paralelas e exploração cooperativa de clusters multi-SAN 2004