publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Industrial Environment Multi-Sensor Dataset for Vehicle Indoor Tracking with Wi-Fi, Inertial and Odometry Data. Data. 2023
- Applications and Innovations on Sensor-Enabled Wearable Devices. Bioengineering. 2022
- Deviation Prediction and Correction on Low-Cost Atmospheric Pressure Sensors using a Machine-Learning Algorithm. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSOR NETWORKS (SENSORNETS). 2020
- Challenges of Fingerprinting in Indoor Positioning and Navigation. Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences, and Technology Roadmap. 2019
- Radio Maps for Fingerprinting in Indoor Positioning. Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences, and Technology Roadmap. 2019
- Data Quality Issues in Environmental Sensing with Smartphones. Sensornets: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks. 2017
- MyHealth: A cross-domain platform for healthcare. 2015 Symposium on Applied Computing, Vols. I-Ii. 2015
- Analyzing Temporal Scale Behaviour of Connectivity Properties of Node Encounters. Procedia Computer Science. 2014
- Fast SNN-Based Clustering Approach for Large Geospatial Data Sets. Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place. 2014
- Impact of Ping-Pong Events on Connectivity Properties of Node Encounters. 2014 7th Ifip Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (Wmnc). 2014
- Indoor Positioning and Navigation. Part III: Navigation Systems. Journal of Location Based Services. 2013
- Combining similarity functions and majority rules for multi-building, multi-floor, WiFi Positioning. 2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (Ipin). 2012
- EDITORIAL, Indoor Positioning and Navigation Part I: Fingerprinting. Journal of Location Based Services. 2012
- EDITORIAL, Indoor Positioning and Navigation Part II: WSN and Magnetic-Based Systems. Journal of Location Based Services. 2012
- Editorial. Journal of Location Based Services. 2012
- Engaging participants for collaborative sensing of human mobility. UBICOMP: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING. 2012
- Evaluation of Bluetooth Technology as a Sensor of Urban Mobility. Information Systems and Technologies. 2012
- Large scale movement analysis from WiFi based location data. 2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (Ipin). 2012
- Social Interactions Around Public Transportation. Information Systems and Technologies. 2012
- Groups and Frequent Visitors Shaping the Space Dynamics. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2011
- Mapeamento Automático de Redes WiFi com base em Assinaturas Rádio. Actas da 10ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores. 2010
- The Impact of Data Quality in the Context of Pedestrian Movement Analysis. Geospatial Thinking. 2010
- Building a Personal Symbolic Space Model from GSM CellID Positioning Data. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2009
- Conceptual Neighborhood Graphs for Topological Spatial Relations. World Congress on Engineering 2009, Vols I and Ii. 2009
- How a Circular Spatially Extended Point is Topological Related with a Line?. World Congress on Engineering 2009, Vols I and Ii. 2009
- Topological relationships between a Circular Spatially Extended Point and a Line: Spatial relations and their conceptual neighborhoods. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. 2009
- Decision Trees in the Identification of Space Models. Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Network - Special Issue on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems. 2007
- The Infrared Phisical Layer og the IEEE 802.11 Standard for Wireless Local Area Netwoks. Communications Magazine. 1998
- Contribuições da Universidade de Aveiro para a especificação da Rede de Area Local Não-cablada IEEE 802.11. Electrónica e Telecomunicações. 1997
- Optical Interference Produced by Artificial Light. Wireless Networks. 1997
- Perfomance of Infrared Transmission Systems Under Ambient Light Interference. IEE Proceedings J- Optoelectronics. 1996
- Performance of infrared transmission systems under ambient light interference. Iee Proceedings-Optoelectronics. 1996
- Reducing the effects of artificial light interference in wireless infrared transmission systems. IEE Colloquium (Digest). 1996
artigo de conferência
- On the Feasibility of Using 5G Enabled Smartphones to Improve Safety of Vulnerable Road Users 2023
- Temporal Stability on Human Activity Recognition based on Wi-Fi CSI 2023
- Accurate and Efficient Wi-Fi Fingerprinting-Based Indoor Positioning in Large Areas. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. 2022
- LoRaWAN Fingerprinting with K-Means: the Relevance of Clusters Visual Inspection 2022
- Ensembling Multiple Radio Maps with Dynamic Noise in Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. 2021
- A Ubiquitous Service-Oriented Automatic Optical Inspection Platform for Textile Industry. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- Dioptra - A Data Generation Application for Indoor Positioning Systems. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2021
- Quantifying the Degradation of Radio Maps in Wi-Fi Fingerprinting. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2021
- Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Positioning: Comparing Systems across Heterogeneous Datasets. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2021
- Challenges in characterization of GNSS precise positioning systems for automotive 2020
- Deviation prediction and correction on low-cost atmospheric pressure sensors using a machine-learning algorithm 2020
- Floor plan-free particle filter for indoor positioning of industrial vehicles 2020
- In-house localization for Wi-Fi coverage diagnostics 2020
- Automatic RF interference maps and their relationship with wi-fi positioning errors. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2019
- Exploiting Different Combinations of Complementary Sensor's data for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning in Industrial Environments. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2019
- Survey on indoor map standards and formats. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2019
- Fast Graph - Organic 3D Graph for Unsupervised Location and Mapping. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2018
- Multiple simultaneous Wi-Fi measurements in fingerprinting indoor positioning. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2017
- Evaluation of medium access and a positioning system in wireless underground sensor networks. IFIP Wireless Days. 2016
- Indoor tracking from multidimensional sensor data. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2016
- Indoor tracking from multidimensional sensor data UMINHO at the IPIN 2016 Competition 2016
- On the Impact of Overlapping Access Points in Detecting Node Encounters 2015
- Analyzing the quality of crowd sensed WiFi data. International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications. 2014
- Energy consumption in personal mobile devices sensing applications. Joint Ifip Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference. 2014
- Removing useless APs and fingerprints from WiFi indoor positioning radio maps. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2013
- Engaging participants for collaborative sensing of human mobility 2012
- Evaluation of Bluetooth technology as a sensor of urban mobility. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2012
- Multi-technology RF fingerprinting with leaky-feeder in underground tunnels. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2012
- Requirements and metrics for location and tracking for ambient assisted living. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2012
- Social interactions around public transportation 2012
- Evaluating location fingerprinting methods for underground GSM networks deployed over Leaky Feeder. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2011
- Anomaly detection in university campus WiFi zones 2010
- Challenges on real-time monitoring of patients through the Internet 2010
- Navigation based on symbolic space models. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2010
- Symbolic space modeling based on WiFi network data analysis 2010
- Concave hull: A K-NEAREST neighbours approach. for the computation of the region occupied by a set of points 2007
- Concave hull: a Jt-Nearest neighbours approach for the computation of the region occupied by a set of points 2007
- Using GSM CellID positioning for place discovering 2007
- Integrated context management for multi-domain pervasive environments 2005
- A flexible location-context representation 2004
- An open architecture for developing mobile location-based applications over the Internet 2001
- How do I design a location-dependent application?. Proceedings of SPIE. 2001
- Experimental results of a pulse position modulation infrared transceiver 1996
- Characterisation and modelling of artificial light interference in optical wireless communication systems 1995
- Modulation methods for wireless infrared transmission systems: performance under ambient light noise and interference 1995
- Design and implementation issues of a wireless infrared ethernet link 1992
artigo de revista
- Calibration Assessment of Low-Cost Carbon Dioxide Sensors Using the Extremely Randomized Trees Algorithm. Bioengineering. 2023
- Real-World Deployment of Low-Cost Indoor Positioning Systems for Industrial Applications. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2022
- A Comprehensive and Reproducible Comparison of Clustering and Optimization Rules in Wi-Fi Fingerprinting. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 2022
- Collection of a Continuous Long-Term Dataset for the Evaluation of Wi-Fi-Fingerprinting-Based Indoor Positioning Systems. Bioengineering. 2022
- Off-Line Evaluation of Indoor Positioning Systems in Different Scenarios: The Experiences from IPIN 2020 Competition. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2022
- FastGraph Enhanced: High Accuracy Automatic Indoor Navigation and Mapping. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 2021
- Beyond Euclidean Distance for Error Measurement in Pedestrian Indoor Location. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2021
- TrackInFactory: A Tight Coupling Particle Filter for Industrial Vehicle Tracking in Indoor Environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems. 2021
- The IPIN 2019 Indoor Localisation Competition-Description and Results. IEEE Access. 2020
- Evaluation of Low-Cost Sensors for Weather and Carbon Dioxide Monitoring in Internet of Things Context. IoT. 2020
- A survey of enabling technologies for network localization, tracking, and navigation. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 2018
- Off-Line Evaluation of Mobile-Centric Indoor Positioning Systems: The Experiences from the 2017 IPIN Competition. Bioengineering. 2018
- A Behaviour Monitoring System (BMS) for Ambient Assisted Living. Bioengineering. 2017
- A realistic evaluation of indoor positioning systems based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting: The 2015 EvAAL-ETRI competition. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2017
- Analysis of Sources of Large Positioning Errors in Deterministic Fingerprinting. Bioengineering. 2017
- The Smartphone-Based Offline Indoor Location Competition at IPIN 2016: Analysis and Future Work. Bioengineering. 2017
- Human Mobility Patterns at the Smallest Scales. Communications in Computational Physics. 2015
- From human mobility to renewable energies: Big data analysis to approach worldwide multiscale phenomena. European Physical Journal - Special Topics. 2014
- Human Movement Analysis Using Heterogeneous Data Sources. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems. 2013
- Performance and limits of KNN-based positioning methods for GSM networks over leaky feeder in underground tunnels. Journal of Location Based Services. 2012
- The AROUND Architecture for Dynamic Location-Based Services. Mobile Networks & Applications. 2003
- The infrared physical layer of the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless local area networks. IEEE Communications Magazine. 1998
capítulo de livro
- Where@UM - Dependable organic radio maps. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2015
- Integrating Public Transportation Data: Creation and Editing of GTFS Data. AI Communications. 2014
- Towards ubiquitous indoor positioning: Comparing systems across heterogeneous datasets 2021
- Wi-Fi fingerprint similarity in collaborative radio maps for indoor positioning 2014
- Human mobility analysis by collaborative radio landscape observation 2012
- Acesso remoto ao Correio Electrónico da Internet 2002
- Alguns aspectos que condicionam o desempenho dos sistemas de transmissão 1999
- Técnicas de modulação 1999
- Localization in underground tunnels 2015
- On the scalability of constructive interference in low-power wireless networks 2015
- Dealing with Multiple Source Spatio-temporal Data in Urban Dynamics Analysis 2012
- Towards a spatio-temporal information system for moving objects 2011
- GUESS: On the prediction of mobile users' movement in space 2010
- Spatial Neighbors for Topological Spatial Relations: The case of a Circular Spatially Extended Point 2010
- Topological Spatial Relations for Circular Spatially Extended points: An Overview 2010
- Technology enablers for context-aware healthcare applications 2009