publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Assessing the Accuracy of Different Remapping Methods in Adaptive Mesh Refinement. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- Influence of the Anisotropic Behavior on Equibiaxial Paths. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- Non-Uniform Effect of the Contact Conditions on the Earing Profile in Cylindrical Cups of Anisotropic Materials. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- On the Effect of the Tension-Compression Ratio on Forming of Isotropic Materials. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- Investigating the plastic anisotropy and hardening behavior of a commercial Zn–Cu–Ti alloy: Experimental & modeling approach. Mechanics of Materials. 2022
- Influence of the orthotropic behaviour on defects prediction in cup drawing, reverse redrawing and expansion. Biomedical Materials. 2021
- On the effect of the ratio between the yield stresses in shear and in uniaxial tension on forming of isotropic materials. Mechanics Research Communications. 2021
- Study on the influence of the strain rate sensitivity on the springback of the AA5086 alloy under warm forming conditions. Biomedical Materials. 2021
- In silico evaluation of the stress fields on the cortical bone surrounding dental implants: Comparing root-analogue and screwed implants 2020
- Constitutive parameter identification of CB2001 yield function and its experimental verification using tube hydroforming tests. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020
- Effect of bio-functional MAO layers on the electrochemical behaviour of highly porous Ti. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2020
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Heat Generated By Plastic Deformation in Quasi-static Uniaxial Tensile Tests. Mechanics of Materials. 2020
- Heat generation when forming AHSS: experimental and numerical analysis of tensile and draw-bead tests. Biomedical Materials. 2020
- Influence of the Adopted Balloon Modeling Strategies in the Stent Deployment Procedure: AnIn-SilicoAnalysis. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 2020
- Micro-CT based finite element modelling and experimental characterization of the compressive mechanical properties of 3-D zirconia scaffolds for bone tissue engineering 2020
- On the Computational Biomechanics of the Intervertebral Disc. Classification in Bioapps: Automation of Decision Making. 2020
- Study on the influence of the yield surface shape in the hole expansion test. Biomedical Materials. 2020
- On the impact of modelling tension-compression asymmetry on earing and thickness predictions. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies. 2019
- Thermomechanical analysis of the draw bead test. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies. 2019
- Modelling strategies and FEM approaches to characterize micro-sandwich sheets with unknown core properties. International Journal of Material Forming. 2019
- Study on the effect of tension-compression asymmetry on the cylindrical cup forming of an AA2090-T3 alloy. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2018
- Thermo-mechanical finite element analysis of the AA5086 alloy under warm forming conditions. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2018
- Comprehensive benchmark study of commercial sheet metal forming simulation softwares used in the automotive industry. International Journal of Material Forming. 2018
- DEffects of dynamic compression on cells in tissue engineering of mandibular condylar cartilage. Biodental Engineering IV. 2018
- Finite element analysis of peri-implant bone volume affected by stresses around Morse taper implants: effects of implant positioning to the bone crest. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2018
- Incremental volumetric and Dual Kriging remapping methods. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2018
- Influence of porosity and cell density on tissue engineering of mandibular condylar cartilage. Biodental Engineering IV. 2018
- Numerical study of springback using the split-ring test: influence of the clearance between the die and the punch. International Journal of Material Forming. 2018
- Shape and functional optimization of biodegradable magnesium stents for manufacturing by ultrasonic-microcasting technique. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing. 2018
- Study of the frictional contact conditions in the hole expansion test. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018
- Study on the influence of orthotropy and tension-compression asymmetry of metal sheets in springback and formability predictions. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018
- Temperature analysis during the drawing of an aluminum cylindrical cup. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018
- A 3D finite element model to predict the arcade-like collagen structure in a layered PCL scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2017
- A new staggered algorithm for thermomechanical coupled problems. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2017
- Finite element analysis of stress extent at peri-implant bone surrounding external hexagon or Morse taper implants 2017
- Influence of boundary conditions on the prediction of springback and wrinkling in sheet metal forming. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017
- Structural monitoring and modeling of the mechanical deformation of three-dimensional printed poly(epsilon-caprolactone) scaffolds. Biofabrication. 2017
- The role of tension-compression asymmetry of the plastic flow on ductility and damage accumulation of porous polycrystals. Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2017
- A staggered coupling strategy for the finite element analysis of warm deep drawing process. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2016
- Automatic correction of the time step in implicit simulations of thermomechanical problems. Matec Web of Conferences. 2016
- DD3MAT-a code for yield criteria anisotropy parameters identification. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2016
- Homogenization on Multi-Materials' Elements: Application to Printed Circuit Boards and Warpage Analysis. Matec Web of Conferences. 2016
- Prediction of wrinkling and springback in sheet metal forming. Matec Web of Conferences. 2016
- Remapping algorithms: application to trimming operations in sheet metal forming. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2016
- Tension-compression asymmetry modelling: strategies for anisotropy parameters identification. Matec Web of Conferences. 2016
- The Role of Evolutive Elastic Properties in the Performance of a Sheet Formed Spring Applied in Multimedia Car Industry. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2016
- The feasibility of a custom-made endoprosthesis in mandibular reconstruction: Implant design and finite element analysis. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 2015
- Applying Nagata patches to smooth discretized surfaces used in 3D frictional contact problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2014
- Effect of tendon stiffness on the generated force at the Achilles tendon - 3D finite element simulation of a human triceps surae muscle during isometric contraction. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering. 2014
- FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF WRINKLING DURING CUP DRAWING. World Congress on Computational Mechanics; European Conference on Computational Mechanics; European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vols Ii - Iv. 2014
- Importance of the consideration of the specificities of local plastic deformation on the response of porous solids with Tresca matrix. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. 2014
- Importance of the coupling between the sign of the mean stress and the third invariant on the rate of void growth and collapse in porous solids with a von Mises matrix. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2014
- Influence of the plastic anisotropy modelling in the reverse deep drawing process simulation. Materials & Design. 2014
- Intervertebral disc creep behavior assessment through an open source finite element solver. Journal of Biomechanics. 2014
- New analytical criterion for porous solids with Tresca matrix. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING (ICAMME). 2014
- Improving Nagata patch interpolation applied for tool surface description in sheet metal forming simulation. CAD Computer Aided Design. 2013
- Nagata patch interpolation using surface normal vectors evaluated from the IGES file. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2013
- Pre-strain effect on springback of 2D draw bending. International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation. 2013
- DD3IMP: A Case study on Improving Computational Performance through HPC Techniques. IBERGRID: 4TH IBERIAN GRID INFRASTRUCTURE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. 2010
- Finite element analysis of the influence of the restraining force in the draw bend test. International Journal of Material Forming. 2010
- Finite element analysis on the influence of material mechanical properties in local contact conditions. International Journal of Material Forming. 2010
- Numerical study of springback using the split-ring test for an AA5754 aluminum alloy. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2010
- A deformation based blank design method for formed parts. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. 2009
- Blank design for deep drawn parts using parametric NURBS surfaces. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2009
- Numerical study on the influence of initial anisotropy on optimal blank shape. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2009
- Sensitivity study on some parameters in blank design. Materials & Design. 2009
- Stochastic analysis of a deep drawing process using finite element simulations. International Journal of Material Forming. 2009
- Study on springback in deep drawn tailor welded blanks. International Journal of Material Forming. 2009
- Algorithms and strategies for treatment of large deformation frictional contact in the numerical simulation of deep drawing process. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2008
- Numerical simulation and analysis on the deep drawing of LPG bottles. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2008
- Influence of process parameters on the deep drawing of stainless steel. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2007
- Study on the influence of work-hardening modeling in springback prediction. International Journal of Plasticity. 2007
- Evolutional Friction Law in the Numerical Simulation of the Deep Drawing of a Rail. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
- Trimming of 3D solid finite element meshes using parametric surfaces: Application to sheet metal forming. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2006
- Modelling of anisotropic work-hardening behaviour of metallic materials subjected to strain-path changes. Computational Materials Science. 2005
- A benchmark for validation of numerical results in sheet metal forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2004
- Numerical Analysis on the Effects of the Friction Coefficient on the Deep Drawing of a Rail. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- Springback Evaluation with Several Phenomenological Yield Criteria. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- Work Hardening Models and the Numerical Simulation of the Deep Drawing Process. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- Improvement of a frictional contact algorithm for strongly curved contact problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2003
- Comparison of Experimental and Simulated Results for a Mild Steel and a Dual-Phase Steel Deformed under Tension and Deep-Drawing. Key Engineering Materials. 2002
- Application of tri-linear and tri-quadratic 3-D solid finite elements in sheet metal forming process simulations. Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Effect of the ultrasonic melt treatment on the deployment outcomes of a magnesium stent manufactured by microcasting: a finite element analysis 2019
- Influence of the Characteristics of the 3D FE Mesh on the Evolution of Variables Used to Characterize the Stress State. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019
- The Role of Viscoelasticity in the Mechanical Modelling of Rubbers 2019
- Comparison of lenses' thermal expansion formulation in Zemax versus ANSYS with SigFit post processing 2017
- Finite Element Analysis of Stent expansion: Influence of Stent Geometry on Performance Parameters 2017
- Finite element analysis of wrinkling during cup drawing 2014
- 3D reconstruction of a spinal motion segment from 2D medical images: Objective quantification of the geometric accuracy of the FE mesh generation procedure 2013
- Constituive modelling of the annulus fibrosus: Numerical implementation and numerical analysis 2013
- On the Influence of the Yield Parameters Identification Procedure in Cylindrical Cups Earing Prediction 2013
- Validation of an open source finite element biphasic poroelastic model. Application to the intervertebral disc biomechanics 2013
- Finite element analysis of the amontons-coulomb's model using local and global friction tests 2011
- Improving computational performance through HPC techniques: Case study using DD3IMP in-house code 2011
- Local bifurcation and instability theory applied to formability analysis 2010
- Local interpolation for tools surface description 2010
- Incremental volumetric remapping method: Analysis and error evaluation 2007
- Increnmental volumetric remapping method: Analysis and error evaluation 2007
- Influence of anisotropy properties in finite element optimization of blank shape using NURBS surfaces 2007
- Influence of drawbeads in deep-drawing of plane-strain channel sections: Experimental and FE analysis 2007
- Kinematic hardening: Characterisation, modeling and impact on springback prediction 2007
- Kinematic hardening: Characterization, modeling and impact on springback prediction 2007
- Strategy of material parameters identification for non linear mechanical behavior: Sensitivity of FE computation 2007
- Study on the influence of the refinement of a 3-D finite element mesh in springback evaluation of plane-strain channel sections 2007
- Application of the incremental volumetric remapping method in the simulation of multi-step deep drawing processes. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2005
- Characterizing the plastic anisotropy and its effect on sheet metal forming simulation 2005
- Drawbeads: To be or not to be 2005
- Study on the influence of the work hardening models constitutive parameters identification in the springback prediction 2005
- An advanced constitutive model in the sheet metal forming simulation: the Teodosiu microstructural model and the Cazacu Barlat yield criterion 2004
- Numerical Simulation of the Deep Drawing Process: Modelling the Blank Holder 2004
artigo de revista
- Ultrasonic Treatment as the Route for Grain Refinement of Mg-Al Alloys: A Systematic Review. Metals. 2021
- Numerical implementation of an osmo-poro-visco-hyperelastic finite element solver: application to the intervertebral disc. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2021
- Numerical Study on the Formability of Metallic Bipolar Plates for Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells. Metals. 2019
- Numerical analysis on the elastic deformation of the tools in sheet metal forming processes. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2016
- A contact smoothing method for arbitrary surface meshes using Nagata patches. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2016
- Evaluation of strain and stress states in the single point incremental forming process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016
- Hybrix: Experimental characterization of a micro-sandwich sheet. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2016
- Low pressure sand casting of ultrasonically degassed Al7SiMg alloy: Modelling and experimental validation of mould filling. Materials & Design. 2016
- Modeling of tension-compression asymmetry and orthotropy on metallic materials: Numerical implementation and validation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2016
- Numerical analysis of different heating systems for warm sheet metal forming. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016
- Numerical modeling of the thermal contact in metal forming processes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016
- Semi-implicit finite strain constitutive integration and mixed strain/stress control based on intermediate configurations. Engineering Structures. 2016
- Unusual plastic deformation and damage features in titanium: Experimental tests and constitutive modeling. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2016
- A new level-set-based protocol for accurate bone segmentation from ct imaging. IEEE Access. 2015
- Influence of the characteristics of the experimental data set used to identify anisotropy parameters. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 2015
- Mechanical characterization and constitutive parameter identification of anisotropic tubular materials for hydroforming applications. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015
- Micromechanical study of the dilatational response of porous solids with pressure-insensitive matrix displaying tension-compression asymmetry. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids. 2015
- Numerical and experimental analysis of wrinkling during the cup drawing of an AA5042 aluminium alloy. International Journal of Material Forming. 2015
- Comparing faceted and smoothed tool surface descriptions in sheet metal forming simulation. International Journal of Material Forming. 2014
- Trimming of 3D solid finite element meshes: sheet metal forming tests and applications. Engineering With Computers. 2013
- Applying Nagata Patches in the Description of Smooth Tool Surfaces used in Sheet Metal Forming Simulations 2013
- Earing prediction in drawing and ironing processes using an advanced yield criterion 2013
- Sensitivity analysis of process parameters in the drawing and ironing Processes 2013
- Cazacu and barlat criterion identification using the cylindrical cup deep drawing test and the coupled artificial neural networks-genetic algorithm method 2012
- Optimization of the phenomenological constitutive models parameters using genetic algorithms 2007
- Evolutional friction law in the numerical simulation of the deep drawing of a rail 2006
- Numerical analysis on the effects of the friction coefficient on the deep drawing of a rail 2004
- Springback evaluation with several phenomenological yield criteria 2004
- Work hardening models and the numerical simulation of the deep drawing process 2004
- Comparison of experimental and simulated results for a mild steel and a dual-phase steel deformed under tension and deep-drawing 2002