publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Infant head and brain segmentation from magnetic resonance images using fusion-based deep learning strategies. Multimedia Systems. 2024
- Design optimization of medical robotic systems based on task performance metrics: A feasibility study for robotic guided vascular laser treatments. Journal of Field Robotics. 2024
- Overcoming traditional ETL systems architectural problems using a service-oriented approach. Electronics. 2023
- Fetal brain tissue annotation and segmentation challenge results. European Journal of Operational Research. 2023
- Smart scan of medical device displays to integrate with a mHealth application. Heliyon. 2023
- CholecTriplet2021: A benchmark challenge for surgical action triplet recognition. European Journal of Operational Research. 2023
- Remote Monitoring System of Dynamic Compression Bracing to Correct Pectus Carinatum. Bioengineering. 2023
- A multi-task convolutional neural network for classification and segmentation of chronic venous disorders. Acta Cytologica. 2023
- GREEN BRICK AN ALTERNATIVE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. International Conference on Production Economics and Project Evaluation (icopev). 2023
- Rapid artificial intelligence solutions in a pandemic—The COVID-19-20 Lung CT Lesion Segmentation Challenge. European Journal of Operational Research. 2022
- Anthropometric Landmarking for Diagnosis of Cranial Deformities: Validation of an Automatic Approach and Comparison with Intra- and Interobserver Variability. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2022
- Realistic 3D infant head surfaces augmentation to improve AI-based diagnosis of cranial deformities. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2022
- Study of the compression behavior of functionally graded lattice for customized cranial remodeling orthosis 2022
- Automated segmentation of normal and diseased coronary arteries – The ASOCA challenge. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2022
- A review of image processing methods for fetal head and brain analysis in ultrasound images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2022
- ETL Logs Under a Pattern-Oriented Approach. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining. 2021
- A system for the generation of in-car human body pose datasets. Machine Vision and Applications. 2021
- Anthropometric Landmark Detection in 3D Head Surfaces using a Deep Learning Approach. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2020
- ID7 Isolated from Bauhinia variegata Stem Inhibits Tumor Progression and Metastatic Mechanisms of Triple Negative Breast Cancer in Vivo. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2019
- Lean production and ergonomics: a synergy to improve productivity and working conditions. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Safety. 2018
- RAID-B2K, transforming BPMN conceptual schemas into Kettle execution primitives. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences. 2018
- Dos modelos de ensino centrados no professor aos centrados no aluno: Um estudo de caso. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2017
- Associations between Peritoneal Daily Phosphate Removal and Regulators of Phosphate Metabolism Including Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 in Peritoneal Dialysis Patientsy. Journal of Kidney. 2015
- Business Inteligence to improve the quality of Local Government Services - Case-Study in a Local Government Town Hal. KMIS 2014 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing. 2014
- Processing XML with Java – a performance benchmark 2013
- Changes in childhood obesity prevalence following a school based intervention focusing on staff development and nutrition education. Public Health Nutrition. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Exploring optical flow inclusion into nnU-Net framework for surgical instrument segmentation 2024
- Evaluating unsupervised optical flow for keypoint tracking in laparoscopic videos 2024
- Augmented Synthetic Dataset with Structured Light to Develop Ai-Based Methods for Breast Depth Estimation 2022
- A Robotic and Game-Based Framework for Assisted Upper Limb Rehabilitation 2022
- 3D Facial Landmark Localization for cephalometric analysis 2022
- A deep learning method for kidney segmentation in 2D ultrasound images 2022
- A sensorized needle guide for ultrasound assisted breast biopsy 2022
- Analysis of Current Deep Learning Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Laparoscopic Surgery 2022
- Classification of Chronic Venous Disorders using an Ensemble Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks 2022
- Comparative Analysis of Current Deep Learning Networks for Breast Lesion Segmentation in Ultrasound Images. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2022
- Deep learning methods for lesion detection on mammography images: a comparative analysis 2022
- Fetal head circumference delineation using convolutional neural networks with registration-based ellipse fitting 2022
- Ultrasound training simulator using augmented reality glasses: an accuracy and precision assessment study 2022
- Developing a medical training game for visual assessment of head deformities in infants 2021
- Development of a sensor device for measurement of forces in cranial remodeling orthoses 2021
- Exploring current communication frameworks for medical teleoperation 2021
- Automated Generation of Synthetic in-Car Dataset for Human Body Pose Detection 2020
- Top-down human pose estimation with depth images and domain adaptation 2019
- An ETL pattern for log configuration and analysis 2019
- Automatic strategy for extraction of anthropometric measurements for the diagnostic and evaluation of deformational plagiocephaly from infant's head models. Proceedings of SPIE. 2019
- Deep learning-based detection of anthropometric landmarks in 3D infants head models. Proceedings of SPIE. 2019
- ETL Development using Patterns: A service-oriented approach 2019
- Synthetic infant head shapes with deformational plagiocephaly: Concept and 3D model parameterization. IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health. 2019
- From ETL conceptual design to ETL physical sketching using patterns 2018
- Segmentation of kidney and renal collecting system on 3D computed tomography images. IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health. 2018
- Approaching ETL processes specification using a pattern-based ontology. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2017
- Validating ETL patterns feasability using alloy 2017
- Kidney segmentation in 3D CT images using B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces. IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health. 2016
- An ontology for describing ETL patterns behavior 2016
- Engineering a commercial cold-adapted xylanase for improved acid pH stability 2016
- Towards a formal validation of ETL patterns behaviour. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Conceptual-physical bridging – From BPMN models to physical implementations on kettle. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2015
- Task clustering on ETL systems – A pattern-oriented approach 2015
- Improving selective collection of urban waste using a business intelligence system 2015
- Business intelligence to improve the quality of local government services : case-study in a local government Town Hall 2014
- A pattern-oriented approach for supporting ETL conceptual modelling and its YAWL-based implementation 2014
- ETL patterns on YAWL: towards to the specification of platform-independent data warehousing populating processes 2014
- Modeling E-Government processes using YAWL -half-way towards their effective real implementation 2014
- Modeling and Supporting ETL Processes via a Pattern-Oriented, Task-Reusable Framework. Proceedings-International Conference on Tools With Artificial Intelligence. 2014
- On the conceptualization of ETL patterns a Reo approach 2014
- Specification of the behavior of ETL standards,Especificação do comportamento de padrões ETL 2014
- Approaching ETL conceptual modelling and validation using BPMN and BPEL 2013
- Modelação de processos de ETL com meta-modelos em BPMN. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2013
- ETL standard processes modelling: A novel BPMN approach 2013
- Performance analysis of Java apis for xml processing 2013
- Using Reo on ETL conceptual modelling a first approach 2013
- Configuring and executing ETL tasks on GRID environments - requirements and specificities. Information Processing Letters. 2011
- Distribuição de tarefas ETL em ambientes GRID 2011
- G-fire station : fire simulation from desktop to grid 2009
- EGEE roll: a framework to fully-automated site deployment & management 2008
artigo de revista
- Augmented Reality-Assisted Ultrasound Breast Biopsy. Bioengineering. 2023
- Characterization of the Workspace and Limits of Operation of Laser Treatments for Vascular Lesions of the Lower Limbs. Bioengineering. 2022
- Anthropometric Landmark Detection in 3D Head Surfaces Using a Deep Learning Approach. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2021
- Kidney Segmentation in 3-D Ultrasound Images Using a Fast Phase-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 2021
- The importance of user-generated photos in restaurant selection. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. 2019
- A novel multi-atlas strategy with dense deformation field reconstruction for abdominal and thoracic multi-organ segmentation from computed tomography. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018
- Kidney segmentation in ultrasound, magnetic resonance and computed tomography images: A systematic review. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2018
- Autosegmentation for thoracic radiation treatment planning: A grand challenge at AAPM 2017. Medical Physics. 2018
- Feeding inhibition in Corbicula fluminea (O.F. Muller, 1774) as an effect criterion to pollutant exposure: Perspectives for ecotoxicity screening and refinement of chemical control. Aquatic Toxicology. 2018
- On the specification of extract, transform, and load patterns behavior: A domain-specific language approach. Electronics. 2017
- Impact of an intervention through teachers to prevent consumption of low nutrition, energy-dense foods and beverages : a randomized trial. Preventive Medicine. 2013
- Processing XML with Java – a performance benchmark. International Journal of New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (ijncaa). 2013
- The Impact of an Intervention Taught by Trained Teachers on Childhood Fruit and Vegetable Intake: A Randomized Trial. Journal of Obesity. 2012
- The Impact of an Intervention Taught by Trained Teachers on Childhood Overweight. Healthcare. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Deep Learning Networks for Breast Lesion Classification in Ultrasound Images: A Comparative Study 2023
- MoLa R10k InCar Dataset 2020
- MoLa R8.7k InCar Dataset 2020
- Deciphering the role of exposed surface residues in protein stability. 2017
- Investigating the role of exposed surface residues in protein stability. 2017
- Enhancement of the biotechnological value of a commercial cold-adapted xylanase. 2017
- Deciphering the role of exposed surface residues in protein stability 2017
- Protein engineering for low pH stability: the role of exposed surface residues. 2016
- Engineering a commercial cold-adapted xylanase for improved acid pH stability. 2016
- Monofilament composites of Co-continuous Polyamide12/Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) and carbon nanotubes 2014
- Monofilament composites with carbon nanotubes for textile sensor applications 2011
- Distribuição de tarefas ETL em ambientes GRID 2011
- Estimating the sustainability of carbon nanotube composites: reprocessing studies 2011
- G-fire station : fire simulation from desktop to grid 2009
- EGEE roll: a framework to fully-automated site deployment & management 2008
- MoLa R10k InCar Dataset Pt2.
- MoLa R8.7k InCar Dataset.
- Real-Time Human Body Pose Estimation for In-Car Depth Images 2019
- Modeling agents working on ETL processes 2016
- A domain-specific language for ETL patterns specification in data warehousing systems 2015
- Automatic generation of ETL physical systems from BPMN conceptual models 2015
- Decision support in E-government – a pervasive business intelligence approach case study in a local government 2015
- Using a domain-specific language to enrich ETL schemas 2015
- Pattern-based ETL conceptual modelling 2013
- BPMN patterns for ETL conceptual modelling and validation 2012
poster de conferência