publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Analysis of the Interaction between Humans and Autonomous Vehicles Equipped with External Human–Machine Interfaces: The Effect of an Experimental Reward Mechanism on Pedestrian Crossing Behavior in a Virtual Environment. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Coaxial Fibres Incorporated with Phase Change Materials for Thermoregulation Applications. Applied Sciences. 2024
- Beyond noise levels: vehicle classification using psychoacoustic indicators from pass-by road traffic noise and their correlations with speed and temperature. Applied Acoustics. 2023
- Advancements in Phase Change Materials in Asphalt Pavements for Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effect: Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review. Bioengineering. 2023
- Advancements in Phase Change Materials in Asphalt Pavements for Mitigating of Urban Heat Island Effect: Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review. MDPI - Sensors. 2023
- Smart Asphalt Mixtures: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Research Trends. Coatings. 2023
- Analysis of Pedestrians Road Crossing Behavior, in Social Groups. Transportation Research Record. 2023
- Predicting vehicle category using psychoacoustic indicators from road traffic pass-by noise. The Journal of the Acoustical SocIETy of America. 2023
- Interaction between pedestrians and autonomous vehicles: Protocol analysis and preliminary results. Transportation Research Procedia. 2023
- Reducing the Effects of Low Albedo of Asphalt Materials Incorporating Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 1000, 2000 and 4000 as Phase Change Materials (PCM). EPJ Web of Conferences. 2023
- Thermochromism applied to Transportation Engineering: asphalt roads and paints. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022
- Special Issue: Functionalized and Smart Asphalt Mixtures via the Modification/Application of Nano/Micromaterials. Coatings. 2022
- Optical, structural, morphological and chemical properties of doped TiO2 nanoparticles with FeCl3. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022
- Evaluation of band gap energy of TiO2 precipitated from titanium sulphate. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 2022
- Implementing auralized CPB sounds on a pedestrian simulator. INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings. 2021
- Evaluation of the Best Solution for the Functionalization of Photocatalytic, Superhydrophobic, and Self-Cleaning Properties on Asphalt Mixtures. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2021
- Evaluation of the Best Solution for the Functionalization of Photocatalytic, Superhydrophobic, and Self-Cleaning Properties on Asphalt Mixtures. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2021
- Acidentes de viação em interseções de três ramos: estudo comparativo das formas funcionais do tráfego e das técnicas de modelação 2014
- A Reabilitação da Rede Rodoviária no Século XXI - A Contribuição da Inovação para uma Visão Global da Reabilitação Rodoviária. Engenharia Civil. 2007
- A reabilitação da rede rodoviária no século XXI : a contribuição da inovação para uma visão global da reabilitação rodoviária 2007
- The road network rehabilitation for the 21st century: a global vision on innovation in road rehabilitation 2007
- The Road Network Rehabilitation for the 21st Century. A Global Vision on Innovation in Road Rehabilitation. Intersections. 2006
- Effect of Construction Quality, Temperature, and Rutting on Initiation of Top-Down Cracking. Transportation Research Record. 2005
artigo de conferência
- Life Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Pavement with Photocatalytic Capability: Environmental Impacts from Cradle to Gate 2024
- Evaluation of the mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures modified with coaxial fibres loaded with phase change materials (PCM) using response surface method 2024
- Exploring thermal performance of PCM fibre-reinforced asphalt mixtures: A design of experiments approach. 2024
- Evaluation of air cleaning through photocatalytic asphalt mixture functionalized with TiO2 nanoparticles 2024
- Exploring psychoacoustic indicators of tyre/road noise in urban environments 2023
- A influência do pavimento como medida de redução do ruído na fonte | um caso de estudo 2023
- Predicting vehicle category using psychoacoustic indicators from road traffic pass-by noise 2023
- Reducing the Effects of Low Albedo of Asphalt Materials Incorporating Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 1000, 2000 and 4000 as Phase Change Materials (PCM) 2023
- Smart Road Markings: Anti-Aging, Photoluminescence, Self-Cleaning, and Thermochromism 2023
- Funcionalização de Mistura Betuminosa para Fotocatálise através de Pulverizações Sucessivas 2022
- Applied Optics in the Development of Smart Asphalt Mixtures 2022
- Photocatalysis and smart asphalt mixtures 2022
- Reducing the impact of the sunlight in urban areas using asphalt mixtures with phase change materials: a review in Scopus in the last three years. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022
- Application of nano-TiO2 and micro-PTFE on recycled asphalt mixtures for superhydrophobic functionalization 2021
- Application of nano/microparticles on asphalt mixes to promote photocatalysis and superhydrophobicity 2021
- Considerations about the determination of the band gap from diffuse reflectance spectroscopy 2021
- Implementing auralized CPB sounds on a pedestrian simulator 2021
- Efeito do ruído de tráfego na decisão de atravessamento dos peões 2020
- Incorporation of steel slag and reclaimed asphalt into pavement surface layers 2020
- Modification of a transparent binder for road pavements using TiO2 nanoparticles 2020
- Superhydrophobic asphalt pavements: surface improvement 2020
- Análise exploratória dos conflitos veículo-peão com recurso à micro simulação 2019
- Definition of tyre-road noise limits based on pedestrians’ crossing decision making using virtual environments. 2019
- Functionalized Asphalt Mixtures. 2019
- Analysis of pedestrian-vehicle crossing interaction 2019
- Factores com Influência na Interação entre peões e veículos em passagens para peões. 2019
- Validação de dois cenários para avaliar o comportamento de peões em ambiente virtual 2019
- Ruído do Tráfego e Comportamento de Peões em Atravessamento 2019
- Analysis of pedestrian behavior in individual and group displacements 2019
- Avaliação das Propriedades Físicas e Reológicas de Ligante Asfáltico Modificado por Nano-TiO2 após Envelhecimento 2019
- Effect of road pavement defects on tyre-road noise 2019
- Optical characterization of asphalt mixtures improved with photocalytics 2019
- Photocatalytic and Smart Asphalt Mixtures: a brief overview. Proceedings of SPIE. 2019
- Relation between pedestrians' safety and traffic noise 2019
- Pedestrians behaviour at unsignalized crosswalks: comparison of results based on simulated urban environments with field observations 2018
- Photocatalytic Asphalt Mixtures: Semiconductors' Impact in Skid Resistance and Microtexture 2018
- Avaliação do impacto das degradações no ruído pneu-pavimento 2017
- Functionalized Asphalt Mixtures: Photocatalytic, Superhydrophobic and Self-cleaning Properties 2017
- Optical microtopographic inspection of asphalt pavement surfaces. Proceedings of SPIE. 2017
- Classificação de pavimentos através de uma abordagem psicoacústica 2016
- Collision prediction models with longitudinal data: an analysis of contributing factors in collision frequency in road segments in Portugal 2016
- Exploring psychoacoustic indicators to assess close proximity tyre-road noise 2016
- Fatores contribuintes de acidentes ocorridos em interseções de três ramos em Portugal: elementos da consistência geométrica 2016
- Perceção do risco para peões através do ruído rodoviário 2016
- A psychoacoustic based approach to pavement classification. Proceedings (Euronoise). 2015
- Innovative low noise surfaces - Comparison of damping and Absorption 2014
- Acidentes rodoviários do tipo colisões nas estradas nacionais na região do Minho : modelos de previsão para segmentos rodoviários 2013
- Definição e características de superfícies de baixo ruído 2013
- Planos de ação de redução do ruído: consideração do custo benefício de superfícies de baixo ruído e do impacto de medidas de gestão da velocidade 2013
- Utilização de nanopartículas de TIO2 para o desenvolvimento de pavimentos rodoviários com capacidade fotocatalítica 2013
- Avaliação do desempenho acústico de dispositivos de redução do ruído de tráfego 2012
- Avaliação e modelação do ruído de contacto pneu-pavimento 2012
- Caracterização do ruído pneu-pavimento nas estradas portuguesas 2012
- Development and characterization of a superhydrophobic and anti-ice asphaltic nanostructured material for road pavements 2012
- Excesso de velocidade : perfil psicológico dos infratores 2012
- Impacto das camadas superficiais dos pavimentos nos mapas de ruído – casos de estudo 2012
- Innovative low noise road pavement materials studied in Portugal 2012
- Modelos de previsão do ruído pneu-pavimento 2012
- Seminário gestão da velocidade e do ruído rodoviário 2012
- Superfícies de baixo ruido com materiais inovadores 2012
- Utilização da nanotecnologia na preparação de misturas asfálticas com capacidade fotocatalítica 2012
- A biomimetic composite asphaltic/nanostructured material with superhydrophobic and anti-ice properties for road pavements 2011
- Acidentes rodoviários das estradas nacionais de Portugal : estudo da associação entre as variáveis recolhidas 2011
- Aplicação de um novo compósito biomimético nanoparticulado com propriedades superhidrofóbicas e anti-gelo para pavimentos rodoviários 2011
- Developing a superhydrophobic asphaltic material for road pavements 2011
- Production of photocatalytic road pavements using TiO2 nanoparticles 2011
- Promotion of photocatalytic activity onto building facades through the application of TIO2 based nanolayers 2011
- Assessment of the traffic noise on thin layers 2010
- Contribution of asphalt rubber mixtures to noise abatement - Time effect 2010
- In situ assessment of the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient of asphalt mixtures with a new impedance tube 2010
- Sound absorption coefficient of wet gap graded asphalt mixtures 2010
- Texture and noise features for road pavement identification and classification 2010
- A new machine for acquire pavement texture 2009
- Análise da variabilidade do IRI obtido por vários perfilómetros 2009
- Avaliação do ruído de tráfego rodoviário em pavimentos com camadas de desgaste delgadas 2009
- Noise absorption of gap graded mixtures with rubberized asphalt 2009
- Study of data variability acquired by multiple profilometers 2009
- A redução no ruído rodoviário com a utilização de pavimentos de baixo ruído 2008
- Analysis of test methods for texture depth evaluation applied in Portugal 2008
- Análise da qualidade funcional e do impacto ambiental de uma estrada urbana 2008
- Assessment of the performance of asphalt rubber layers on noise abatement 2008
- Avaliação do desempenho acústico de pavimentos rodoviários 2008
- Avaliação do ruído de tráfego : metodologia para a caracterização de camadas de desgaste aplicadas em Portugal 2008
- Contribution of portuguese pavement surfaces to traffic noise 2008
- Determinação do Desempenho Acústico de Dispositivos de Redução de Ruído do Tráfego Rodoviário 2008
- Estudo do efeito do tipo de pneu na geração de ruído rodoviário 2008
- Modeling road-tyre noise 2008
- Silent surfaces : an experience in Portugal 2008
- Towards noise classification of road pavements 2008
- Analysis of the functional quality of pavements from texture measurements 2007
- Contribution of alternative road surfaces to noise abatement 2007
- Eficácia de barreiras acústicas 2006
- Estudo da eficácia dos pavimentos drenantes na redução do ruído rodoviário para condições seco e molhado 2006
- Construction quality, temperature and rutting effect on top-down cracking initiation 2005
- The influence of construction quality control data variability on pavements evolution 2005
artigo de revista
- Photocatalysis of functionalised 3D printed cementitious materials. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Effect of Iron-Doping on the Structure and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanoparticles. Catalysts. 2022
- Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effects by Thermochromic Asphalt Pavement. Coatings. 2022
- Asphalt Binder Skincare? Aging Evaluation of an Asphalt Binder Modified by Nano-TiO2. Nanomaterials. 2022
- Functionalization of Smart Recycled Asphalt Mixtures: A Sustainability Scientific and Pedagogical Approach. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- Use and misuse of the Kubelka-Munk function to obtain the band gap energy from diffuse reflectance measurements. Solid State Communications. 2022
- Review and analysis of advances in functionalized, smart, and multifunctional asphalt mixtures. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 2021
- To cross or not to cross: Impact of visual and auditory cues on pedestrians’ crossing decision-making. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 2021
- Development of Photocatalytic 3D-Printed Cementitious Mortars: Influence of the Curing, Spraying Time Gaps and TiO2 Coating Rates. Bioengineering. 2021
- Effect of Built Environment Factors on Pedestrian Safety in Portuguese Urban Areas. Applied System Innovation. 2021
- Surface rehabilitation of Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements using single or double surface dressings with soft bitumen, conventional or modified emulsions. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Prediction of Friction Degradation in Highways with Linear Mixed Models. Coatings. 2021
- CPX based synthesis for binaural auralization of vehicle rolling noise to an arbitrary positioned stander-by receiver. Applied Acoustics. 2021
- The Influence of Noise Emitted by Vehicles on Pedestrian Crossing Decision-Making: A Study in a Virtual Environment. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Pedestrian–Vehicle Interaction at Unsignalized Crosswalks: A Systematic Review. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of A Transparent Asphalt Binder Modified with Nano-TiO2. Nanomaterials. 2020
- Smart, Photocatalytic and Self-Cleaning Asphalt Mixtures: A Literature Review. Coatings. 2019
- Photocatalytic asphalt pavement: the physicochemical and rheological impact of TiO2 nano/microparticles and ZnO microparticles onto the bitumen. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2019
- Photocatalytic asphalt mixtures: semiconductors' impact in skid resistance and texture. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2019
- The Influence of Pavement Degradation on Population Exposure to Road Traffic Noise. Coatings. 2019
- Photocatalytic asphalt mixtures: Mechanical performance and impacts of traffic and weathering abrasion on photocatalytic efficiency. Catalysis Today. 2019
- Traffic noise and pavement distresses: Modelling and assessment of input parameters influence through data mining techniques. Applied Acoustics. 2018
- Assessment of photocatalytic, superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties on hot mix asphalts coated with TiO 2 and/or ZnO aqueous solutions. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Traffic noise: Annoyance assessment of real and virtual sounds based on close proximity measurements. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2017
- Integration of geometric consistency contributory factors in three-leg junctions collision prediction models of Portuguese two-lane national highways. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2016
- Modelling Tyre-Road Noise with Data Mining Techniques. Archives of Acoustics. 2015
- Portuguese two-lane highways: modelling crash frequencies for different temporal and spatial aggregation of crash data. Transport. 2015
- Synthesis of iron-doped TiO2 nanoparticles by ball-milling process: The influence of process parameters on the structural, optical, magnetic, and photocatalytic properties. Journal of Materials Science. 2014
- The analysis of variability of pavement indicators: MPD, SMTD and IRI. A case study of Portugal roads. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. 2014
- Development of photocatalytic asphalt mixtures by the deposition and volumetric incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Mechanical performance of asphalt mixtures produced with cork or rubber granulates as aggregate partial substitutes. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Noise abatement and traffic safety: The trade-off of quieter engines and pavements on vehicle detection. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2013
- The effect of time on the contribution of asphalt rubber mixtures to noise abatement. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 2012
- Traffic noise abatement: How different pavements, vehicle speeds and traffic densities affect annoyance levels. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2012
- 3D surface profile equipment for the characterization of the pavement texture - TexScan. Mechatronics. 2010
- Traffic noise changes due to water on porous and dense asphalt surfaces. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Life Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Pavement with Photocatalytic Capability: Environmental Impacts from Cradle to Gate 2024
- Are there new ways to improve the asphalt mixtures' surface functions? For sure! By functionalization process 2023
- Tests and Surveillance on Pavement Surface Characteristics 2023
- Distress Detection in Road Pavements Using Neural Networks 2022
- Impacts of the shift from distressed pavements to low noise pavements in motorways – a case study in Portugal 2022
- List of Contributors to Volume 7 2021
- Transport Noise and Health 2021
- Tyre/road noise annoyance assessment through virtual sounds 2016
- Plastic waste use as aggregate and binder modifier in open-graded asphalts 2015
- Degradation prediction model for friction in highways. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Evaluation of air cleaning through asphalt mixtures functionalized with TiO2 nanoparticles 2024
- Development of Core-Sheath Phase Change Fibres Incorporated with PEG2000 for Thermoregulation Applications 2024
- Passive sampling for air quality assessment: proposal of an in-situ method to measure the efficiency of photocatalytic pavements 2023
- Assessing Photocatalytic Asphalt Mixtures: Practical and Laboratory Methods for Measuring Air Quality 2023
- Photocatalytic and thermochromic materials applied to road engineering 2023
- Study of the composition of Coaxial Microfibers with Phase Change Materials under Thermal Analysis 2023
- Evalution of Air Cleaning using Funcionalized Asphalt Mixture Sprayed with TiO2 Nanoparticles 2023
- Review on the Incorporation of Phase Change Materials (PCM) into asphalt mixtures to mitigate Urban Heat Island 2023
- Thermochromic Asphalt Pavement Toward the Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effects 2023
- Development of Coaxial Fibers Loaded with Polyethylene Glycol 2000 for Thermoregulation Applications 2023
- Evaluation of air cleaning using functionalized asphalt mixture sprayed with TiO 2 nanoparticles 2023
- Reducing the Effects of Low Albedo of Asphalt Materials Incorporating Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 1000, 2000 and 4000 as Phase Change Materials 2023
- Reducing the Effects of Low Albedo of Asphalt Materials Incorporating Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 1000, 2000 and 4000 as Phase Change Materials (PCM) 2023
- Photocatalysis and smart asphalt mixtures 2022
- Pavimentos rodoviários termosensitivos: funcionalização com termocápsulas para mitigação dos efeitos de ilha de calor 2022
- Application of nano-TiO2 and micro-PTFE on Recycled Asphalt Mixtures for Superhydrophobic Functionalization 2021
- Application of nano/microparticles on asphalt mixes to promote photocatalysis and superhydrophobicity 2021
- Efeito do ruído de tráfego na decisão de atravessamento dos peões 2020
- Ecological, Photocatalytic, Superhydrophobic and Self-Cleaning Asphalt Pavement Surfaces 2019
- Functionalized Asphalt Mixtures 2019
- Smart Asphalt Mixtures with Multifunctional Capabilities 2019
- Superhydrophobic asphalt pavements: a solution for road safety 2019
- Uso de nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio (TiO2) para o retardamento do envelhecimento de ligante asfáltico 2019
- Pedestrians behaviour at unsignalized crosswalks: comparison of results based on simulated urban environments with field observations. 2018
- Photocatalytic, Superhydrophobic and Self-Cleaning Hot Mix Asphalts 2018
- Rugometric evaluation of photocatalytic asphalt pavements. Filtering and separation of roughness regimes 2018
- Photocatalytic Asphalt Mixture: Influence of Temperature, Spraying Rate and Incorporation Percentage of TiO2 2017
- Acidentes de viação em interseções de três ramos : estudo comparativo das formas funcionais do tráfego e das técnicas de modelação 2014
- Reabilitação das características de superfície para a diminuição do ruído pneu-pavimento, reabilitação de pavimentos 2013
- Gestão da velocidade e do ruído rodoviário (ISBN 978-972-8692-70-4) 2012
- O uso da nanotecnologia na funcionalização de materiais asfálticos 2011
- Contribuição da superfície dos pavimentos para a produção de ruído 2008
- Traffic noise changes due to water on porous and dense asphalt Surfaces 2008
- A reabilitação da rede rodoviária no século XXI : a contribuição da inovação para uma visão global da reabilitação rodoviária 2007
- Definition of homogenous road sectors according to COST 336 2007
- Desempenho de barreiras acústicas : dois métodos de avaliação 2007
- Modelling an asphalt pavement in Portugal 2007
- The road network rehabilitation for the 21st century : a global vision on innovation in road rehabilitation 2007
- A influência da água no ruído produzido pelo tráfego rodoviário 2006
- Estudo da evolução do desempenho dos pavimentos rodoviários flexíveis 2001
- Coaxial Fibres Incorporated with Phase Change Material for Thermoregulation Applications