publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Conhecer os nemátodes- das-galhas-radiculares para uma melhor gestão. Voz do Campo. 2021
- Corema album: unbiased dioecy in a competitive environment. Plant Biology. 2017
- Intraspecific diversity of Meloidogyne hapla populations in kiwifruit orchards of Portugal 2023
- Land-use Influence on Belowground Plant-Parasitic Nematode Communities at the Regional Scale 2023
- Incidência de nemátodes-das-galhas-radiculares, Meloidogyne spp., em pomares de kiwi em Portugal 2023
- Potato-cyst nematodes, Globodera spp., and root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., on potato in Portugal 2022
- Screening and identification of Meloidogyne spp. in kiwifruit fields of Portugal 2021
- Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with potato crops in Portugal: assemblages and influencing factors 2019
- The fungal endophyte community of two ericaceous dioecious shrubs - sharing the burden of reproduction 2019
- Fruit production adjustment in a dynamic coastal environment: insights from Corema album, a dioecious shrub 2017
- The influence of plant-host sex on the plant-parasitic nematode community in dioceous plants 2015
- Plant parasitic nematode communities relate to host sex in diocieous plants 2014
- Nematode communities and dynamics associated with shrub encroachment in Montado ecosystems 2012
- Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with cork oak decline in the Montado 2012