publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A multidisciplinary decision process for ranking CO2 injection sites in deep saline aquifers. Earth Systems and Environment. 2023
- A Geo-energia em Portugal ¿ o contributo do conhecimento geológico para a transição energética. Boletim de Minas. 2022
- A Geo-energia em Portugal: o contributo do conhecimento geológico para a transição energética / Geo-energy in Portugal: the contribution of geological knowledge to the energy transition. Boletim de Minas. 2022
- Identification and characterisation of geological formations with CO2 storage potential in Portugal. Petroleum Geoscience. 2021
- Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage as a Defense Tool against Climate Change: Current Developments in West Macedonia. Energies. 2021
- Carbon capture, utilisation and storage as a defense tool against climate change: Current developments in west Macedonia (Greece). Energies. 2021
- Using Deep Autoencoders for In-vehicle Audio Anomaly Detection. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- Iterative geostatistical seismic inversion incorporating local anisotropies. Computational Geosciences. 2020
- The impact of a priori elastic models into iterative geostatistical seismic inversion. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2019
- Strategies for integrating uncertainty in iterative geostatistical seismic inversion. Geophysics. 2019
- Geostatistical Seismic Inversion with Direct Sequential Simulation and Co-simulation with Multi-local Distribution Functions. Mathematical Geosciences. 2017
- Geostatistical seismic inversion for non-stationary patterns using direct sequential simulation and co-simulation. Geophysical Prospecting. 2017
- Laser Assisted Procedure for Local Thermal Manipulation of Aluminium Alloys. Advanced Materials Research. 2011
artigo de conferência
- Learnings from 3D Facies Modelling for CO2 Geological Storage in the Offshore of Lusitanian Basin, Portugal 2023
- Assessing Offshore Prospects for CO2 Storage in Portugal: From Pilot-Scale to Commercial Site 2023
- AI4CITY - An Automated Machine Learning Platform for Smart Cities 2023
- Hydrogen geological storage and interactions in porous media of subsurface geology 2023
- Carbon capture, utilization and storage spillover effects on the Portuguese energy system 2022
- Risk and ranking assessments of the potential geological storage units for CCUS deployment in Portugal 2021
- Resource Maturity and Sensitivity Analysis of CO2 Storage Capacity in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal 2021
- In-situ and laboratory airtightness tests of structural insulated panels (SIPs) assemblies 2019
- Smart natural fibres based on graphene nanoplatelets and biodegradable polymers 2019
- Versatile graphene-based fibrous system for military applications 2019
- Improving geological robustness into iterative geostatistical seismic inversion 2019
- Incorporating of Well-log Uncertainties into Iterative Geostatistical Seismic Inversion 2018
- Stratigraphic geostatistical seismic inversion 2017
- Geostatistical seismic inversion for non-stationary patterns using direct sequential simulation and co-simulation 2016
- Impact of integrating initial guess models into geostatistical Seismic inversion 2016
- Integrating of initial guess models into geostatistical seismic inversion methodologies 2016
- Integration of uncertain well-log data into geostatistical seismic inversion 2016
- Wireless monitoring and management of energy consumption and power quality events. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2015
- Recommender system for drivers of electric vehicles 2011
artigo de revista
- Deep autoencoders for acoustic anomaly detection: experiments with working machine and in-vehicle audio. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022
- Multi-objective Grammatical Evolution of Decision Trees for Mobile Marketing user conversion prediction. Expert Systems with Applications. 2021
- The Potential of Graphene Nanoplatelets in the Development of Smart and Multifunctional Ecocomposites. E-Polymers. 2020
- Multi-step time series prediction intervals using neuroevolution. Expert Systems with Applications. 2020
- "My Child has Cerebral Palsy": Parental Involvement and Children's School Engagement. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016
- "My Child has Cerebral Palsy": Parental Involvement and Children's School Engagement. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016
capítulo de livro
- An Intelligent Decision Support System for Production Planning in Garments Industry. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Bladder Cancer Variant Histologies: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis 2021
- Deep Dense and Convolutional Autoencoders for Machine Acoustic Anomaly Detection. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2021
- Revision of Failures After Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament 2015
- Time-aware focused web crawling. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- concepção e desenvolvimento de um sistema automático de modelação e optimização de extrusoras 2005
- "Hydrogen geological storage and interactions in porous media of subsurface geology" 2023
- Economic Evaluation of Eight Regional Scenarios for the Deployment of Carbon Capture, Use and Storage in Southern and Eastern Europe to 2050 2023
- Refractive and ocular characterization of a school population 2022
- A Geo-Energia em Portugal - O Contributo do Conhecimento Geológico para a Transição Energética 2022
- Deep Dense and Convolutional Autoencoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection In Machine Condition Sounds 2020
- Multifunctional fibrous structures based on graphene nanoplatelets, chitosan and natural fibres 2019
- Smart natural fibres based on graphene nanoplatelets and biodegradable polymers 2019
- Diffuse hepatic metastasis - Or not?. Gastroenterology. 2012
- A Comparison of Automated Machine Learning Tools for Predicting Energy Building Consumption in Smart Cities 2023
- Predicting Multiple Domain Queue Waiting Time via Machine Learning 2023
- A Comparison of Automated Time Series Forecasting Tools for Smart Cities 2022
- Comparison of Different Deployment Approaches of FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for 3D Object Detection Models 2022
- A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Extremely Unbalanced Industrial Quality Data 2021
- A Categorical Clustering of Publishers for Mobile Performance Marketing 2019
- Using Neuroevolution for Predicting Mobile Marketing Conversion 2019
- Forecasting store foot traffic using facial recognition, time series and support vector machines 2017
- Multi-objective learning of neural network time series prediction intervals 2017