publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Diaphragmatic hernia repair porcine model to compare the performance of biodegradable membranes against Gore-Tex®. Pediatric Surgery International. 2024
- Ultrasound-Guided Selective Bronchial Intubation: A Feasibility Study in Pediatric Animal Model. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022
- Osseointegration Assessment of Multi-Material Ti6Al4V-ß TCP Implants: An Experimental Study in Rats. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2022
- Differentiation between normal and tumor mammary glands with depth-resolved attenuation coefficient from optical coherence tomography. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express. 2022
- NiTi laser textured implants with improved in vivo osseointegration: An experimental study in rats. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2022
- Minimally Invasive Neck Surgery: An Animal Model Study. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. 2021
- Characterization of technical skill progress in a standardized rabbit model for training in laparoscopic duodenal atresia repair. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 2021
- Effects of testosterone replacement on serotonin levels in the prostate and plasma in a murine model of hypogonadism. Acta Cytologica. 2020
- Splenic sympathetic signaling contributes to acute neutrophil infiltration of the injured spinal cord. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2020
- Effects of castration and testosterone replacement over serotonin (prostatic and plasmatic): a mice in vivo study. Journal of Urology. 2018
- Influence of a tryptophan-rich diet on prostatic growth and androgen receptor expression. Journal of Urology. 2018
- Depletion of peripheral serotonin synthesis Induces benign prostatic growth in mice: more evidences for the new " Neuroendocrine theory" In BPH etiology . Journal of Urology. 2017
- Minilaparoscopy and Sentinel Lymph Node in Uterine Cancer. Jsls-Journal of the SocIETy of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. 2015
- Increased detection rate for Mycobacterium avium complex with combination of molecular techniques (PCR 16S rDNA, PCR "multiplex") in exotic pet birds,Aumento de la tasa de detección del complejo Mycobacterium avium a través de la combinación de varias técnicas moleculares (PCR 16S rDNA y PCR multiplex) en aves exóticas. Revista Electrónica de Veterinária. 2013
- Epidemiological survey of dermatophytosis in meat rabbits with alopecia in Portugal. World Rabbit Science. 2012
- Comparative evaluation of PCR in Ziehl-Neelsen stained smears and PCR in tissues for diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2010
- Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in a diamant sparrow.. The Veterinary record. 2009
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Development of ß-TCP-Ti6Al4V structures: Driving cellular response by modulating physical and chemical properties. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2019
- 45S5 BAG-Ti6A14V structures: The influence of the design on some of the physical and chemical interactions that drive cellular response. Materials & Design. 2018
- Inflammatory response and long-term behavioral assessment after neonatal CO 2 -pneumothorax: study in a rodent model. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2018
- Neurodevelopment impact of CO 2 -pneumoperitoneum in neonates: experimental study in a rat model. Journal of Surgical Research. 2018
- Serotonin regulates prostate growth through androgen receptor modulation. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Animal facility videoendoscopic intubation station: Tips and tricks from mice to rabbits. Laboratory Animals. 2017
- Ultrasound-guided dissection and ligation of the internal inguinal ring for hernia repair in pediatrics: An experimental animal study. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2017
- Resection of Sentinel Lymph Nodes by an Extraperitoneal Minilaparoscopic Approach Using Indocyanine Green for Uterine Malignancies. Surgical Innovation. 2016
- Sparing internal thoracic vessels in thoracoscopic or submuscular correction of pectus carinatum: A porcine model study. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2016
- Hybrid endoscopic thymectomy : combined transesophageal and transthoracic approach in a survival porcine model with cadaver assessment. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 2014
- Minilaparoscopy and sentinel lymph node in uterine cancer. Jsls-Journal of the SocIETy of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. 2014
- Transthoracic single port with peroral assistance: An animal experiment to assess a less invasive technique for human esophageal atresia repair. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. 2012
- Left atrial appendage ligation with single transthoracic port assistance : a study of survival assessment in a porcine model (with videos). Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2012
- Transesophageal pulmonary lobectomy with single transthoracic port assistance: Study with survival assessment in a porcine model. Endoscopy. 2012