publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Hosting as a Lifestyle: The Case of Airbnb Digital Platform and Lisbon Hosts. PACO - PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO. 2020
- The emergence of pirates in the networks of informational capitalism. Contracampo. 2015
- Broadening the vision, from figurants to protagonists of the action: introductory notes. Revista Novos Olhares. 2015
- BEING POLITICAL AND PIRATE: THE INVENTION OF A TRANSNATIONAL IDENTITY. Crítica e Sociedade – Revista de Cultura Política. . 2015
- Routinization of the route: the sudden death of the flâneur 2014
- The rhetoric of illusion: Sketches of Cybernetics in the way of the Information Society 2014
- Urban dyspnea: the tombs of Lisbon 2014
- The pirates' a-r-r-r-r-guments: new perspectives on social deviance in the context of the information society 2013
- Imaginary and immigration in Internet social networks: the case of Brazilians in Portugal 2011
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Digital Platforms in the Connected Economy: Discourse, Control, Consumption and Collaboration. Introductory note. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2021
- New forms of social performance in the digital context of the sharing economy. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2020
capítulo de livro
- A fuga é apocalipse 2021
- Escape is apocalypse 2021
- The host and hostess: Hospitality, emotional work and precariousness in Lisbon through the Airbnb digital platform 2021
- Sharing, performance and prejudice in the economy of digital platforms 2019
- Accelerating the Profit, Pushing the Struggle: The Political Economy of the Internet and the Formation of New Identities 2017
- Las nuevas identidades políticas de la sociedad digital 2016
- The Rise of Pirates: Political Identities and Technological Subjectivities in a Network Society 2016
- Algorithmic Racism 2023
- Destruction begins in the imagination 2022
- Aesthetics of racial silencing and censorship through the use of colonial technologies in the digital context 2021
- Digital Platforms in Connected Economy: Discourse, Control, Consumption, and Collaboration. Introductory Note 2021
- Is this algorithm racist? 2021
- Isto é meu corpo 2021
- Partilhar é cuidar? 2019
- Sharing is caring? 2019
- Varia 2015
- Novas Sociabilidades 2010
- Crise na política científica portuguesa 2010
- Um passo importante 2010
- Critical Communication Interfaces: An Introduction to the Study of Armand Mattelart's Work
- The flâneur's last sigh
- Miradas Periféricas. Las nuevas epistemologías de la Comunicación en Brasil y en Portugal 2016
- The politics of pirates: information, digital cultures and political identities 2016
- The construction of the social imaginary of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal on internet social networks: the case of Orkut 2014