publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Seasonal impact of acid mine drainage on water quality and potential ecological risk in an old sulfide exploitation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2024
- Impact of acid mine drainage on water environmental quality and potential ecological risk in an old sulfide exploitation 2023
- Hydrochemistry of pit lakes in the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019
- Hydrogeochemistry and distribution of potentially toxic elements in a metallogenic province - The Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019
- Partitioning of potentially toxic elements among two colloidal fractions and relevance for their mobility in different water types. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019
- Hydrochemical characterization of a river affected by acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Water Science and Technology. 2017
- Occurrence of sulphate efflorescences in são domingos mine,Ocorrência de eflorescências sulfatadas na mina de são domingos. Comunicações Geológicas. 2017
- Erratum to Characterization of water reservoirs affected by acid mine drainage: geochemical, mineralogical, and biological (diatoms) properties of the water (Environ Sci Pollut Res, DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4776-0). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016
- Geochemical evolution of waste-dumps and natural rehabilitation,Evolução geoquímica de resíduos em escombreiras e tendências de reabilitação natural. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Indicadores de drenagem ácida num sistema afetado por contaminação mineira: o caso da escombreira de Santo António de Penedono 2014
- Indicators of Acid Mine Drainage in an affected system: The case of the mine Santo António de Penedono,Indicadores de drenagem ácida num sistema afetado por contaminação mineira: O caso da escombreira de Santo António de Penedono. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Properties of a Water Dam Receiving Historic AMD Contamination by Sulfide Tailings in the RioTinto Mine SW Spain. Mineralogical Magazine. 2013
artigo de conferência
- Sediments accumulated in mining dams - contamination risks versus natural attenuation potential 2023
- The role of the iron oxyhydroxides and efflorescent sulfates in remediation by natural attenuation of mining contaminated systems 2023
- Potential accumulation of strategic elements in mining dams - from remining to rehabilitation 2023
- Study Of The Toxicity Of Mine Waters: Implications Of Suspended Matter On The Performance Of Tolerant Plants 2023
- Evaluation of the remining potential in sediments accumulated in dams - The case of the São Domingos mine 2021
- Acid Mine Drainage Precipitates at the Nanometric Scale – Properties and Environmental Role 2021
- Magnetic properties of sediments accumulated in mining dams 2020
- Study of acid mine drainage toxicity through the use of tolerant plants 2020
- Mineralogical Attenuation Processes Associated With The Evolution Of Acid Mine Drainage In Sulfide-Rich Mine Wastes 2019
- Physical and chemical conditions for colonization by Euglena mutabilis: case studies in two acid mine drainage sites. 2019
- Pit lakes – hydrochemistry and water contamination in sulphide-rich context (Iberian Pyrite Belt). 2019
- Spatial distribution of acid mine drainage indexes in different water environments. 2019
- Spatial distribution of acid mine drainage indexes in different water reservoirs 2019
- Characterization of water reservoirs and potential of mining contamination in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal. 2018
- Impact of acid mine drainage on acidophilic algae and evaluation of its effect on primary production 2018
- Mineralogical indicators of acid rock drainage (ARD) in road cuts from different lithostratigraphic units. 2018
- Caracterização ambiental do Complexo Mineiro de São Domingos – Cartografia de infra-estruturas e impacte sobre o meio hídrico. 2017
- Impact of Acid Mine Drainage on the environmental quality and potential accumulation of strategic metals in water dams located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. 2017
- Mapping mining wastes and analyzing affected areas through expeditious physico-chemical parameters. 2017
- Relationships between physico-chemical indicator of acid mine drainage. 2017
- AMD-precipitates formed in an arsenic-rich environment – the case of Penedono mine waste-dumps (N Portugal). 2016
- Aplicación de cluster lineal a la caracterización hidroquímica del efluente ácido de Mina Concepción. 2016
- Aportaciones del Centro de Investigación para la Ingeniería en Minería Sostenible (CIPIMS) al conocimiento de la hidrogeoquímica de los ríos Tinto y Odiel. 2016
- Blooms of sulfate efflorescences in São Domingos mine. 2016
- Efecto del drenaje ácido de mina sobre organismos filtradores (Balanus amphitrite) en la Ría de Huelva (SO de España). 2016
- Los puentes de ferrocarril de la línea de Tharsis: durabilidad y AMD. 2016
- Mineralogy of the sediments of water dams affected by Acid Mine Drainage in the Spanish sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Europe). 2016
- pH, Acidity and Electrical Conductivity Relationships in Acid Mine Drainage in São Domingos Mine (SW Portugal). 2016
- Characterization of water reservoirs affected by acid mine drainage: geochemical, mineralogical, and biological (diatoms) properties of the water. 2014
- Distribution and role of benthic diatoms as indicators of acid mine drainage in affected water dams. 2014
- Evaluation of dilution processes in streams affected by acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. 2014
- Geochemical evolution of waste-dumps and natural rehabilitation 2014
- Indicators of acid mine drainage in an affected system: the case of the mine Santo António de Penedono 2014
- Metals and arsenic enrichment processes in sulfide-rich waste dumps - the role of the clay size fraction. 2014
- Natural remediation of mine waste-dumps – mapping the evolution of vegetation cover in distinctive geochemical environments. 2012
artigo de revista
- Rare earth elements - Source and evolution in an aquatic system dominated by mine-Influenced waters. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022
- Algae in Acid Mine Drainage and Relationships with Pollutants in a Degraded Mining Ecosystem. Minerals. 2021
- Photosynthetic pigments in acid mine drainage: Seasonal patterns and associations with stressful abiotic characteristics. Chemosphere. 2020
- Addressing Quality and Usability of Surface Water Bodies in Semi-Arid Regions with Mining Influences. Environmental Processes. 2018
- Dilution Versus Pollution in Watercourses Affected by Acid Mine Drainage: A Graphic Model for the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) | Umweltschädliche Einträge versus Verdünnungseffekten in von saurem Grubenwasser beeinflussten Wasserläufen: ein grafisches Modell für den Iberischen Pyritgürtel (Südwest-Spanien) | Dilución versus dispersión de contaminantes en los cursos de agua afectados por drenaje . Mine Water and the Environment. 2018
- Characterization of water reservoirs affected by acid mine drainage: geochemical, mineralogical, and biological (diatoms) properties of the water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016
- Enrichment of trace elements in the clay size fraction of mining soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016
- Iron and arsenic-rich nanoprecipitates associated with clay minerals in sulfide-rich waste dumps. Catena. 2015
- Mineralogy and geochemistry of a clogged mining reservoir affected by historical acid mine drainage in an abandoned mining area. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2015
- Metal Uptake by Native Plants and Revegetation Potential of Mining Sulfide-Rich Waste-Dumps. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2014
- Natural stabilization of mine waste-dumps - Evolution of the vegetation cover in distinctive geochemical and mineralogical environments. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2012
- Sediments accumulated in mining dams - contamination risks versus natural attenuation potential 2023
- Potential accumulation of strategic elements in mining dams - from remining to rehabilitation 2023
- Study Of The Toxicity Of Mine Waters: Implications Of Suspended Matter On The Performance Of Tolerant Plants 2023
- Acid mine drainage properties in different climate, paragenetic and rehabilitation conditions 2023
- Monitoring and remediation of mining effluents - a phytoremediation study 2023
- Combination of geophysical, geochemical and geospatial methods to study mining sites - The S. Domingos Mine case study 2022
- Combinação de métodos geofísicos, geoquímicos e geoespaciais para estudo de locais mineiros – o caso de estudo da Mina de S. Domingos 2022
- Impact of acid mine drainage on the environmental quality and potential accumulation of strategic metals in water dams located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt 2022
- Monitorização e remediação de efluentes mineiros - ensaios de fitorremediação 2022
- Monitorização e remediação de efluentes mineiros - ensaios de fitorremediação. 2022
- Reaproveitamento de águas residuais tratadas em contexto de economia circular 2022
- - Physical and chemical conditions for colonization by Euglena mutabilis: case studies in two acid mine drainage sites 2020
- Propriedades magnéticas de sedimentos acumulados em barragens mineiras. 2020
- Study of acid mine drainage toxicity through the use of tolerant plants 2020
- Physical and chemical conditions for colonization by euglena mutabilis: case studies in two acid mine drainage sites. 2019
- Pit lakes – hydrochemistry and water contamination in sulphide-rich context (Iberian Pyrite Belt). 2019
- Propriedades magnéticas de sedimentos acumulados em barragens mineiras 2019
- Environmental characterization of the Mining Complex of São Domingos - Mapping of infrastructures and impact on the water environment 2017
- Impact of Acid Mine Drainage on the environmental quality and potential accumulation of strategic metals in water dams located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. 2017
- pH, Acidity and Electrical Conductivity Relationships in Acid Mine Drainage in São Domingos Mine (SW Portugal). 2016
- Distribution and role of benthic diatoms as indicators of acid mine drainage in affected water dams. 2014
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Properties of a Water Dam Receiving Historic AMD Contamination by Sulfide Tailings in the RioTinto Mine SW Spain. 2013
- Mineralogical and geochemical properties of water dam receiving historical AMD contamination by sulfide tailings in Riotinto mine SW Spain. 2013
- Relation between diatom communities and the degree of AMD affection in selected water dams in Iberian Pyrite Belt. 2013
- Occurrence, distribution and mineral-alga interactions in acid mine drainage systems. 2012
- Natural remediation of mine waste-dumps – mapping the evolution of vegetation cover in distinctive geochemical environments. 2011