publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Suicide and suicide attempts after subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson disease. Neurology. 2019
- Role of the “other Babinski sign” in hyperkinetic facial disorders. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2017
- Sexual dysfunction in women with Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders. 2016
- Paroxysmal Dystonia as a Manifestation of Multiple Sclerosis. Neurologist. 2015
- Reversible parkinsonism and cognitive deficits due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Neurological Sciences. 2015
- Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration and Cerebrovascular Disease: Movement in a Triangle. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2015
- Clinical, imagiological and etiological spectrum of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2015
- The woman who sees smaller objects: Is it psychiatric or neurological?,A mulher que via objetos menores: Um caso psiquiátrico ou neurológico?. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2014
- Recurrent Stroke in a Young Cannabis User. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2014
- Intravenous thrombolysis is more effective in ischemic cardioembolic strokes than in non-cardioembolic?. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2011
- Deep cerebral venous thrombosis: a challenging diagnosis. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2011
- Is There Really An Acute Alcohol-Related Axonal Polyneuropathy?. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2011
- Is Methylphenidate-Induced Chorea Responsive to Chlorpromazine?. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010
- Primary Bilateral Thalamic Astrocytoma Presenting With Head Tremor, Ataxia, and Dementia. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010
- Tadalafil-Induced Transient Global Amnesia. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010
- The groom who could not say "I do". Practical Neurology. 2010
- Suicide Attempts after Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease. European Neurology. 2010
- The Portuguese Who Could No Longer Speak French: Primary Progressive Aphasia in a Bilingual Man. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010
- Psychogenic movement disorder after a venlafaxine-induced dystonia. Movement Disorders. 2009
- Alcohol abuse and acute behavioural disturbances in a 24-year-old patient. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2009
- Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Causing a 2-Years Slowly Progressive Isolated Dementia. Behavioural Neurology. 2009
artigo de revista
- Finding Parameters around the Abdomen for a Vibrotactile System: Healthy and Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Medical Systems. 2018