publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Cross-Cultural Adaptation of a Questionnaire Measuring Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards the Environment. Administrative Sciences. 2024
- How to Predict the Innovation to SMEs? Applying the Data Mining Process to the Spinner Innovation Model. Social Sciences. 2023
- How Do Hospitality Workers Perceive Their Work Skills before and after the Lockdown Imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic?. Social Sciences. 2022
- Hotel workers perceptions on soft and hard skills in Porto, Portugal. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 2022
- Marketing Verde: Comparando o consumo de produtos ecológicos nas gerações X e Y / Green Marketing: Comparing the consumption of ecological products in generations X and Y. CBR - Consumer Behavior Review. 2021
- Kaizen costing as a culturally-based tool: a Portuguese case-study . International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 2020
- Perceção dos residentes e profissionais do Centro do Porto sobre o desenvolvimento do turismo na cidade / Perception of residents and professionals in the Center of Porto regarding the development of tourism in the city. População e Sociedade. 2017
- Foucault's Perspective of Performance Appraisal in Public Administration . Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 2015
- A Atitude Como Linha de Acção do Endomarketing: Um Estudo de Caso Sobre as Oportunidades de Aprendizagem para o Hospital Geral de Santo António do Porto / Attitude as a Line of Action for Internal Marketing: A Case Study on Learning Opportunities for the Santo António do Porto General Hospital. Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão (B1 QUALIS CAPES). 2005
- Implicações das mudanças tecnológicas para a administração pública brasileira: o caso Ministério da Fazenda / Implications of technological changes for Brazilian public administration: the Ministry of Finance case. Cadernos EBAPE.BR (A2 - Qualis Capes). 2004
artigo de conferência
- A Importância das Soft Skills nos Serviços Desportivo e Fitness no Brasil - Aplicação do Modelo ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) / The Importance of Soft Skills in Sports and Fitness Services in Brazil - Application of the ESCO Model (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) 2023
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the Environment - A Pilot Study in Portuguese Organizations 2023
- Conflict resolution and negotiation from a gender perspective in higher education 2022
- The effective conflict resolution and negotiation skills scale applied to portuguese higher education 2022
- Hotel Workers Perceptions on Soft Skills During the Covid - 19 Pandemic 2021
- Perception of Human Resources on the Skills Required in the Four and Five Star Hotels in the Historic Centre of Porto 2020
- How Residents Perceive The Impacts of Tourism. The case of the Historic Centre of Porto 2020
- Satisfaction Factors and Loyalty in the Process of Online Purchase A Case Study In Universidade Lusófona do Porto 2017
- Responsabilidade social e legal no sector metalomecânico - um estudo comparativo entre Portugal e o Brasil / Social and legal responsibility in the metalworking sector - a comparative study between Portugal and Brazil 2010
- Gestão Social e Desenvolvimento Local: Uma Perspectiva a Partir da Cidadania Deliberativa / Social Management and Local Development: A Perspective from Deliberative Citizenship 2004
artigo de revista
- Loneliness in Leadership: A Study Applied to the Portuguese Banking Sector. Administrative Sciences. 2022
capítulo de livro
- A relação entre a greve e a sindicalização: um estudo de caso sobre a perceção dos portugueses / The relationship between the strike and unionization: a case study on the perception of the portuguese 2022
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics, Sustainability, and Innovation - A theoretical analysis of the importance of these concepts in times of pandemic 2022
- Corporate Social Responsibility: From the Origin to the COVID-19 Pandemic 2022
- The Influence of Culture on Innovation and CSR Practices 2022
- Responsabilidade social e regulada no setor metalomecânico brasileiro e português: um estudo comparativo e cultural / Social and regulated responsibility in the Brazilian and Portuguese metalworking sector: a comparative and cultural study 2011