publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Base shear seismic demand comparison for buildings with natural stone walls in Nepal, Russia and Tajikistan (in Russian). Earthquake Eng. Constr. Safety. 2022
- Rubble Stone Masonry Buildings with Cement Mortar: Base Shear Seismic Demand Comparison for Selected Countries Worldwide. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2021
- Rubble Stone Masonry Buildings With Cement Mortar: Design Specifications in Seismic and Masonry Codes Worldwide. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2020
- Cost analysis of mountain schools in nepal: Comparison of earthquake resistant features in rubble stone masonry vs. Concrete block masonry. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2019
- School buildings in rubble stone masonry with cement mortar in seismic areas: Literature review of seismic codes, technical norms and practical manuals. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2019
- How can vernacular construction techniques sustain earthquakes: The case of the bhatar buildings. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2018
- Seismic-proof buildings in developing countries. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2017
artigo de conferência
- Preservation of stone masonry buildings: Benchmarking of modelling approaches for seismic assessment and international call to action 2024
- Non-Engineered 2.0 - A Call to Action! 2022
- Performance analysis of a random rubble stone masonry building with different configurations of seismic bands 2022
- Comparison of pushover curves of a two-storey stone cement masonry building with and without additional concrete bands 2022
- Non-Engineered 2.0 - Renewed Philosophies for Improving the Seismic Performance of Non-Engineered Construction 2021