publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Project management practices to direct and control the project planning and execution in R&D units. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management. 2024
- Quality assurance of product sorting and packaging: a project-based approach to mitigate errors and enhance accuracy. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management. 2024
- A conceptual model for pull implementation based on the dimensions leadership, organization, operation and people. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. 2023
- Collaborative manufacturing and management contextualization in the Industry 4.0 based on a systematic literature review. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management. 2023
- Quality management practices to direct and control the accomplishment of project objectives in R&D units. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- University technology transfer: assessment of invention disclosures by technology transfer offices. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. 2023
- Barriers to Lean and Pull System implementation: a case study. Biomedical Materials. 2021
- Service quality factors in the construction sector: A literature review. Biomedical Materials. 2020
- Uma revisão da literatura sobre transferência de tecnologia. Holos. 2017
- A review of the meanings and the implications of the Industry 4.0 concept. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017
- Innovation and Sustainability in the Social Economy: A Case Study of Organizational Change of a Social Portuguese Organization 2014
- Strategy, Innovation and Internationalization in SMEs: The Implementation Issue. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (ECIE). 2014
- THE APPLICATION OF THE LEAN INNOVATION APROACH IN THE STAGE-GATE MODEL. Proceedings of International Conference on Project Evaluation (ICOPEV). 2014
- The social dimension of the integration of manufacturing systems: the role of institutions. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2010
- Distritos Industriais e Inovação: O Sector dos Moldes em Portugal. Iberoamerican Journal of Industrial Engineering (IJIE). 2009
- Uma Tipologia de Análise da Inovação no Sector dos Moldes em Portugal. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. 2005
- Policies for competitiveness in less-favoured regions of Europe: a comparison of Greece and Portugal. Science and Public Policy. 1997
artigo de conferência
- Exploratory study on adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ireland: A Comprehensive Review of Barriers and Opportunities 2023
- Exploring the relationship between innovation and quality 2022
- Evaluation Methods and Practices Used by University Technology Transfer Offices. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2021
- The structure of information in the internationalization processes of universities. International Conference of the Portuguese SocIETy for Engineering Education. 2021
- A Preliminary Analysis of the Use of Valuation Methods by Technology Transfer Offices 2021
- Strategic innovation management at netflix: A case study. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2021
- A proposed representative sampling methodology. European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management. 2020
- Innovation and technology transfer: A framework for clustering intermediation roles. Proceedings of the IEEE International Technology Management Conference. 2020
- Optimization Algorithms for Integrated Processes in Industry 4.0. Proceedings of the IEEE International Technology Management Conference. 2020
- The relationship between quality management and innovation 2020
- University-industry collaboration: A case study of a research programme. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2020
- Sustainable Innovation and Service Quality: An Integrated Overview. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2019
- A research, development and innovation management system for small and medium enterprises 2018
- An innovation support system for SMEs 2018
- Organizational innovation impacts: a selective survey. ICOPEV International Conference on Project Economic Evaluation. 2018
- The Transformation of University: an Assessment of the Literature 2017
- Social Network Analysis and the Study of University Industry Relations 2016
- The Links Between Innovation, Strategy and Internationalization Processes: A Comprehensive Literature Review 2016
- The dyad partnership-credibility and the qualification of suppliers 2016
- Strategy, innovation and internationalization processes: in search of useful synergies 2016
- What have we learned by applying social network analysis to the study of university-industry relations? 2016
- Coaching educacional na formação de professores para melhorar o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos do Instituto Federal de São Paulo 2016
- Uma análise crítica e comparativa de experiências de ensino do empreendedorismo baseadas na abordagem de aprendizagem por projeto 2015
- Reducing contamination in the printed circuit board industry for the improvement of the process and human health 2015
- A study on the performance of technology transfer units. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2015
- The application of the lean innovation approach utilization in the stage gate-model 2014
- The influence of supplier partnership in the new product development process: a literature review 2014
- Evaluation of the Indirect Impact of Programs to Stimulate Innovation: Multi Case Studies 2014
- Innovation practices in a non-profit portuguese organization. ICOPEV International Conference on Project Economic Evaluation. 2014
- Pró-Inova: projecto to implement innovation management in industrial SMEs - Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. ICOPEV International Conference on Project Economic Evaluation. 2014
- A case study of the links between strategy, innovation and internationalization in Portuguese SMEs 2014
- Knowledge implications for the NITEC Program: a preliminary analysis of an innovation program directed at building innovation capabilities in SMEs. ICOPEV International Conference on Project Economic Evaluation. 2014
- Business Strategies in Contexts of High Uncertainty: A Case Study on the Innovation and Internationalization Processes of a Technological Portuguese SME 2013
- Effects of Technological Innovation on Knowledge Acquisition Inside the Organization: A Case Study 2013
- Key Factors Affecting Strategy-Minded Decision Makers in Their Innovations Choices. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2013
- Evaluation and Adoption of University Technologies by Enterprises 2012
- Non-technological innovation: current issues and perspectives 2012
- Technology Evaluation Practices in Universities' Technology Transfer Offices. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Technology evaluation: Fitting tools and techniques to the stages of the evaluation process. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Technological extension program pilot project implemented in the capital goods sector in São Paulo - Brazil : promoting technological innovation 2011
- Technology evaluation and licensing : a literature review and an assessment of the Portuguese universities technology transfer practices 2011
- Technology evaluation and licensing in Portuguese Universities 2010
- Network relations and innovative performance 2009
- Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal 2008
- Innovation and industrial clusters 2008
- University-industry relations and technological convergence. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. 2007
- University-industry relations and entrepreneurship 2006
- An Analytical Typology Of Innovation in the Portuguese Moulds Sector 2004
- New Technologies and Development Opportunities: the Case of Portugal 2004
- The impact of science, technology and industrial policies on economic performance in Portugal after accession to the EU: a contribution to its explanation 2002
- A Contribution for Design of a University Course on Industrial Engineering 2001
- Identification of Requirements for a University Course on Industrial Engineering: A Case Study 2001
- Science and Technology Infrastructure building: the case of a textile industrial district in Portugal 2000
- Differential behaviour and innovation in the Portuguese capital goods sector 1998
- Policies for Competitiveness in Greece and Portugal: a Comparison 1995
artigo de revista
- The concept of collaborative engineering: a systematic literature review. Production and Manufacturing Research. 2022
- Proposta de Instrumento de Avaliação da Gestão da Atividade de Inovação. Organizações em Contexto. 2022
- Managing R&D and Innovation Projects: An Integrated Conceptual Model for Technology Transfer. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. 2022
- Open and collaborative innovation for the energy transition: An exploratory study. Technology in SocIETy. 2022
- University technology transfer: Contacts and connections at the origin of licensing agreements. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- The Relationship Between Quality Management and Innovation. China-Usa Business Review. 2020
- Modelo de gestão e atividade de inovação: análise comparada entre organizações ibero-americanas. Competência. 2019
- Industry 4.0 and industrial revolutions: An assessment based on complexity. FME Transactions. 2019
- Payment types included on technology licensing agreements and earnings distribution among Portuguese universities. Tékhne. 2017
- Excelência em gestão como agente promotor da competitividade nas PMEs. Holos. 2016
- Non-technological innovation: current issues and perspectives. Independent Journal of Management & Production. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Technology Transfer and Valuation Methods in Use by University Technology Transfer Offices 2023
- Key Enabling Technologies, Methodologies, Frameworks, Tools and Techniques of Smart and Sustainable Systems 2022
- Adaptation Mechanisms and Service Quality Dimensions in Dynamic and Turbulent Environments: Empirical Results 2021
- Innovation, Sustainability, and Organizational Change in a Social Portuguese Organization 2019
- Social Network Analysis and the Study of University Industry Relations 2019
- Innovation, Sustainability, and Organizational Change in a Social Portuguese Organization 2018
- Social Network Analysis and the Study of University Industry Relations 2018
- Evaluation and adoption of university technologies by enterprises 2015
- Distritos Industriais e Inovação: O sector dos Moldes em Portugal 2008
- Industry and Academia Networks 2008
- Networks and industrial clusters 2008
- Casos de Sucesso em Portugal 2006
- Open Innovation and the Energy Transition: An Exploratory Study 2021
- A Catalogue of Key Enabling Features for Production Organisation and Management Cluster 2005
- Research Roadmap Covering all Research Areas 2005
- Sistemas de custeio e desenvolvimento tecnológico : evolução e perspectivas 2004
- O Potencial Científico e Tecnológico do Vale do Ave - Relatório da Comissão Técnica. Relatório Técnico base subjacente à elaboração de “Plano Estratégico do Vale do Ave 2000-2006” 1999
- Portugal Research Report to "Transfer and civil use of defence-related technologies and diversification of defence-related SMEs: Final Report to the European Commission" 1998
- INCOPOL Studies: Portugal Research Report. Base report to "RTD Co-operation Activities of Member States and EEA Countries with Highly Industrialised Countries in the Field of Scientific and Technological Research: Final Report" 1997
- Research and Development and Firm Size. The Portuguese Electric/Electronic Industrial Sector: A Survey 1992
- R&D and Firm Size: A Case Study 1991
- Research & Development and Firm Size; The Portuguese Electric/Electronic Industrial Sector: A Survey 1991