publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Texture feature analysis of MRI-ADC images to differentiate glioma grades using machine learning techniques. Acta Cytologica. 2023
- Field features: The impact in learning to rank approaches. Applied Soft Computing. 2023
- Im2Graph: A Weakly Supervised Approach for Generating Holistic Scene Graphs from Regional Dependencies. Future Internet. 2023
- Clinical Screening Prediction in the Portuguese National Health Service: Data Analysis, Machine Learning Models, Explainability and Meta-Evaluation. Future Internet. 2023
- Review of Existing Datasets Used for Software Effort Estimation. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 2023
- Software Effort Estimation using Machine Learning Technique. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 2023
- Author Identification from Literary Articles with Visual Features: A Case Study with Bangla Documents. Future Internet. 2022
- An Approach to Churn Prediction for Cloud Services Recommendation and User Retention. Information. 2022
- Clinical Trial Classification of SNS24 Calls with Neural Networks. Future Internet. 2022
- Mahalanobis distance based accuracy prediction models for Sentinel-2 Image Scene Classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2022
- Feature extraction from MRI ADC images for brain tumor classification using machine learning techniques. Biomedical Engineering Online. 2022
- Sentinel-2 Image Scene Classification: A Comparison between Sen2Cor and a Machine Learning Approach. Remote Sensing. 2021
- Radon-Wavelet BasedNovel Image Descriptor for Mammogram Mass Classification. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems. 2020
- Segregation of songs and instrumentals - a precursor to voice/accompaniment separation from songs in noisy scenario. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems. 2020
- Recognition of similar characters using gradient features of discriminative regions. Expert Systems with Applications. 2019
- Analysis of Environmental Parameters Sensitivity to Improve Modeling of a c-Si Panel. IEEE Sensors Letters. 2018
- The journey of graph kernels through two decades. Computer Science Review. 2018
- Analysis of noise with curve fitting method of a PV cell. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web. 2017
- Sensitivity Analysis Through Error Function of Crystalline-Si Photovoltaic Cell Model Integrated in a Smart Grid 2017
- Modality annotation for portuguese: from manual annotation to automatic labeling. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology, LiLT. 2016
- Multilingual author profiling using svms and linguistic features. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications. 2016
- Comparison of Different Graph Distance Metrics for Semantic Text Based Classification. Advances in Natural Language Processing. 2014
- Polylingual text classification in the legal domain. ”Informatica & Diritto” Journal. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Segmented-Based and Segmented-Free Approach for COVID-19 Detection 2024
- Ensemble Stack Architecture for Lungs Segmentation from X-ray Images 2022
- Mammogram Mass Classification: A CNN-Based Technique Applied to Different Age Groups 2022
- An Empirical Study of the Impact of Field Features in Learning-to-rank Method 2021
- Classifying Soil Type Using Radar Satellite Images 2020
- Identifying Risky Dropout Student Profiles using Machine Learning Models 2020
- Sentinel-2 Image Scene Classification over Alentejo Region Farmland 2020
- Automatic classification of ornamental stones using Machine Learning techniques A study applied to limestone 2020
- Automatic classification of ornamental stones using Machine Learning techniques A study applied to limestone,Classificacão automática de Rochas Ornamentais utilizando tecnicas de Aprendizagem Automática Um estudo aplicado ao calcário 2020
- A grey-box Neural Network Composite Model for an Industrial Heating Furnace 2019
- Automated Event Extraction Model for Linked Portuguese Documents 2019
- Caption Generation from Keywords using Probabilistic Dual-LSTM Networks and Dynamic Programming 2019
- Using clustering techniques to identify arguments in legal documents 2019
- Vista.ue 2019
- Vista.ue at SemEval-2019 Task 5: Single Multilingual Hate Speech Detection Model 2019
- Improving Personalized Consumer Health Search 2018
- A Multi- versus a Single-classifier approach for the identification of modality in the Portuguese language 2018
- An Architecture for the Automatic Iden- tification of Arguments in Legal Documents 2018
- Fully Connected Neural Network with Advance Preprocessor to Identify Aggression over Facebook and Twitter 2018
- Improving personalized consumer health search: Notebook for eHealth at CLEF 2018 2018
- Multi-language neural network model with advance preprocessor for gender classification over social media: Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2018 2018
- Multilingual author profiling using LSTMs: Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2018 2018
- Segregation of Speech, Music and Instrumentals with LSF-RG features 2018
- T1 Uncertainty Estimation of Bone Marrow in Lumbar Vertebrae using Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2018
- Texture analysis from 3D model and individual slice extraction for tuberculosis MDR detection, type classification and severity scoring 2018
- Welcome to SKIMA 2018 Message from the Conference General Chairs 2018
- A hybrid approach for cold start recommendations 2017
- Comparison of Photovoltaic panel's standard and simplified models 2017
- Different Parameters Variation Analysis of a PV Cell 2017
- Extracting and Representing Entities from Open Sources of Information in the Agatha Project 2017
- MATLAB Simulink modeling of photovoltaic cells for understanding shadow effect 2017
- Sensitivity analysis of parameters of a photovoltaic cell under different conditions 2017
- Uevora at CLEF eHealth 2017 task 3 2017
- Improving Understandability in Consumer Health Information Search 2016
- Age and gender identification using stacking for classification 2016
- Author profiling using SVMs and Word embedding averages 2016
- Author profiling using support vector machines 2016
- Experiments on identification of argumentative sentences 2016
- Improving Bangla OCR output through correction algorithms 2016
- Improving understandability in consumer health information search: UEVORA@2016 FIRE CHIS 2016
- Multilingual Author Profiling using Word Embedding Averages and SVMs 2016
- Representing image captions as concept graphs using semantic information 2016
- SMART Mail: A SMART platform for mail management 2016
- Semi-automatic keyword based approach for FIRE 2016 Microblog Track 2016
- Single diode model parameters analysis of photovoltaic cell 2016
- A Survey on Object Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks 2015
- Author profiling of Twitter users 2015
- Sistemas de Recomendação para Grupos 2015
- Automatic Tagging of Modality: identifying triggers and modal values 2014
- JU-Evora: A graph based cross-level semantic similarity analysis using discourse information 2014
- TeamUEvora at CLEF eHealth 2014 task2a 2014
- Classifying Questions in Question Answering System Using Finite State Machines with a Simple Learning Approach 2013
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2011
- Classificação de Argumentos Sintácticos: Aproximação preliminar 2011
- Editor de ecrãs de informação 2011
- NXT e Aprendizagem por Reforço 2011
- Using machine learning algorithms to identify named entities in legal documents: a preliminary approach 2011
- Automatic knowledge extraction from tourism textual descriptions applied to e-marketing and product promotion 2009
- Text classification using tree kernels and linguistic information 2008
- Using linguistic information to classify Portuguese text documents 2008
- Is linguistic information relevant for the classification of legal texts? 2005
capítulo de livro
- Abbreviating Labelling Cost for Sentinel-2 Image Scene Classification Through Active Learning 2022
- Aiding Clinical Triage with Text Classification 2021
- Aggregation on Learning to Rank for Consumer Health Information Retrieval 2020
- Composite SVR Based Modelling of an Industrial Furnace 2020
- From Textual Information Sources to Linked Data in the Agatha Project 2020
- Modeling and Simulation of PV Panel Under Different Internal and Environmental Conditions with Non-constant Load 2019
- A compound model for consumer health search 2018
- Age and gender classification of tweets using convolutional neural networks 2018
- Classification of Breast Lesions Using Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhanced-MRI 2018
- Effect of Image View for Mammogram Mass Classification – An Extreme Learning Based Approach 2018
- Handwritten Character Recognition Using Active Semi-supervised Learning 2018
- How does word embeddings-based query expansion perform in consumer health information search? 2018
- Instrumentals/songs separation for background music removal 2018
- Performance of classifiers on MFCC- based phoneme recognition for language identification 2018
- RMID: A novel and efficient image descriptor for mammogram mass classification 2018
- Using Syntactic and Semantic Features for Classifying Modal Values in the Portuguese Language 2018
- Promoting Understandability in Consumer Health Information Search 2017
- Artificial intelligence for the detection of AOX functional markers 2015
- How does irony affect sentiment analysis tools? 2015
- Tagging and Labelling Portuguese Modal Verbs. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Using Graphs and Semantic Information to Improve Text Classifiers 2014
- Using a scouting predator-prey optimizer to train support vector machines with non PSD kernels 2014
- An Heterogeneous Particle Swarm Optimizer With Predator and Scout Particles 2013
- Training Support Vector Machines with an Heterogeneous Particle Swarm Optimizer 2013
- Using Scout Particles to Improve a Predator-Prey Optimizer 2013
- Semantic Role Labeling for Portuguese -- a preliminary approach 2012
- Information Extraction for Standardization of Tourism Products 2011
- Named Entity Recognition using Machine Learning techniques 2011
- Text classification using Semantic Information and Graph Kernels 2011
- Using Linguistic Information and Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Entities from Juridical Documents 2010
- Standardisation of hotel descriptions 2009
- Using graph-kernels to represent semantic information in text classification 2009
- Analysing part-of-speech for Portuguese text classification 2006
- Enhancing a Portuguese Text Classifier using Part-of-Speech Tags 2005
- The impact of NLP techniques in the multilabel text classification problem 2004
- Using IR techniques to improve automated text classification 2004
- A preliminary approach to the multilabel classification problem of Portuguese juridical documents 2003
- An Attribute Redundancy Measure for Clustering 1998
- The RoadRobot Project: from Theory to Practice in Systems Integration 1996
- GUIDEBP: Guiding backpropagation through weaker pathways of parallel logits 2021
- Simulation of a Billet Heating Furnace 2019
- Document Processing using Machine Learning 2019
- Computational tools for the representation of discourse structures at the University of Évora 2015
- GLCM Texture Feature Analysis of MRI-ADC Images to Differentiate Glioma Grades Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Preface 2023