publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Unveiling global sustainability boundaries: exploring inner dimensions of human critical determinants for sustainability. Sustainability Science. 2024
- The Six Critical Determinants That May Act as Human Sustainability Boundaries on Climate Change Action. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Current Account Balance in Emerging Asia. Studies in Business and Economics. 2021
- Editorial 2020
- A macro-physics model of depreciation rate in economic exchange. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2014
- Portugal and the Common Agricultural Policy. Portugal in the European Union: Assessing Twenty-five Years of Integration Experience. 2014
- Land reform in NE Brazil: A stochastic frontier production efficiency evaluation. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Global Development and Climate Change: A Game Theory Approach 2019
- Towards a full banking union in europe: Waiting for the next crisis? 2018
- Social entrepreneurship and social innovation in Southeast Asia and its role on development: Five cases and an innovation model 2017
- Social entrepreneurship and Social innovation in Southeast Asia and its role on Development: Five Cases and an Innovation Model 2016
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Brazil 2015
- Portugal and the common agricultural policy 2014
- " A posse da terra como factor de desenvolvimento" 2011
- Land reform with human capital: A new analysis using the theory of economic growth and the theory of the firm 2006
- "Introduction" in "Globalization and Agriculture: Redefining Unequal Development."
- "Introduction" in Challenges and Opportunities for Eurozone Governance
- "South Africa: Apartheid, Globalization and Agriculture" in "Globalization and Agriculture: Redefining Unequal Development."
- Climate change: Challenges for Brazil
- Editorial. Perspectivas: Journal of Political Science. 2022
- “Editorial.” - Perspectivas, Journal of Political Science 24 2022
- Economic Globalization and Governance 2020
- Editorial - Perspectivas 23 2020
- Desafios e Oportunidades na Governança da Zona Euro 2019
- "Don´t do Land Reform: a simple theorem" 2017
- Globalization and Agriculture: Redefining Unequal Development 2017
- Rawlsian Land Reform with Human Capital: A Social Inclusion Process for the Landless ‘Underdog’ 2017
- The political economy of Land Reform- Special Issue IJLTEFS 2017
- A macro-physics model of depreciation rate in economic exchange 2014
- Corruption in Northeast Brazil: A qualitative approach for socio-economic development 2014
- Fundamentos de Economia -- Texto de Apoio 2014
- A Global Governance Approach to FAO: Proximity, Legitimacy & Accountability- Averting the global food crisis 2013
- A measurable qualitative approach to Sen's discourse on development 2013
- Será a União Bancária uma solução para a crise do Euro? 2013
- Some General Theory about Land Reforms with a Latin American Case 2013
- A herança de Maastricht: das suas condicionantes às perspetivas de sustentabilidade da UEM a longo prazo 2012
- Political leadership change: A theoretical assessment using a human capital “learning by doing” model 2012
- A single minded European representation? From illusion and delusion to reality of a European single seat 2010
- Lições Político-Económicas da transição Portuguesa para o Euro (1986-1999) 2010
- Political leadership change: A theoretical assessment using a human capital “learning by doing” model 2010
- Lessons from the Portuguese Political-Economic Transition to the Euro (1986-1999) 2009
- The political economy of Land Reform: A new perspective applied to Latin America 2009
- Literacia Económica entre alunos Universitários 2004
- Development microeconomics 1999