publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Multimodal meta-analysis of structural gray matter, neurocognitive and social cognitive fMRI findings in schizophrenia patients. Psychological Medicine. 2022
- Suicidal Ideation Is Associated With Reduced Functional Connectivity and White Matter Integrity in Drug-Naive Patients With Major Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022
- P.0367 Reduced white-matter integrity in depressed non-responders to paroxetine: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain Structure and Function. 2021
- P.0368 Disrupted white-matter integrity in drug-naïve depressed patients with suicidal ideation. Brain Structure and Function. 2021
- Habitual coffee drinkers display a distinct pattern of brain functional connectivity. Elife. 2021
- White Matter Microstructure Alterations Associated With Paroxetine Treatment Response in Major Depression. Elife. 2021
- Stress Influences the Effect of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms on Emotion Regulation. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021
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