publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Characterization of the Pollen Trapped by Populus L. Seeds during the Dispersion Season. Aerobiology. 2024
- Outdoor airborne allergens: Characterization, behavior and monitoring in Europe. Heredity. 2023
- Contamination Fingerprints in an Inactive W (Sn) Mine: The Regoufe Mine Study Case (Northern Portugal). Minerals. 2023
- Designing an automatic pollen monitoring network for direct usage of observations to reconstruct the concentration fields. Heredity. 2023
- Short-Term Exposure of Dactylis glomerata Pollen to Atmospheric Gaseous Pollutants Is Related to an Increase in IgE Binding in Patients with Grass Pollen Allergies. Plants. 2023
- Trends and future projections of Olea flowering in the western Mediterranean: The example of the Alentejo region (Portugal). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2023
- Perceptions of change in the environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for environmental policy.. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2022
- Differential Quercus spp. pollen-particulate matter interaction is dependent on geographical areas. Heredity. 2022
- Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview. Aerobiologia. 2022
- Pollen Ole e 1 content variations in olive cultivars of different Portugal regions. Aerobiologia. 2021
- Higher airborne pollen concentrations correlated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, as evidenced from 31 countries across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021
- Phenological Model to Predict Budbreak and Flowering Dates of Four Vitis vinifera L. Cultivars Cultivated in DO. Ribeiro (North-West Spain). Plants. 2021
- Air pollutants NO2- and O3-induced Dactylis glomerata L. pollen oxidative defences and enhanced its allergenic potential. Aerobiologia. 2021
- The Strong and the Stronger: The Effects of Increasing Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations in Pollen of Different Forest Species. Forests. 2021
- Testing the Raman parameters of pollen spectra in automatic identification. Aerobiologia. 2020
- Pollen Production of Quercus in the North-Western Iberian Peninsula and Airborne Pollen Concentration Trends during the Last 27 Years. Forests. 2020
- Geochemical analysis of sediment samples for forensic purposes: characterisation of two river beaches from the Douro River, Portugal. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2020
- Spatial and temporal environmental pollen analysis of footwear worn in the area of Barcelos, North-West Portugal, in a forensic context. Aerobiologia. 2020
- Petrographic and micro-Raman spectroscopy study of inertinite discrete structureless bodies, fusinite, secretinite, and ‘ovoid’ bodies infilling fusinite. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2020
- Integrating Phenological, Aerobiological and Weather Data to Study the Local and Regional Flowering Dynamics of Four Grapevine Cultivars. Agronomy. 2020
- Poluição, um veneno silencioso para a saúde humana/Pollution, a silent poison for human health. Revista de Ciência Elementar. 2019
- Assessment between Platanus pollen and Pla a 1 allergen in two cities of North-western Iberian Peninsula. Aerobiologia. 2019
- Near-ground effect of height on pollen exposure. Environmental Research. 2019
- Multidisciplinary study of the quaternary deposits of the Vila Nova de Gaia, NW Portugal, and its climate significance. Journal of Iberian Geology. 2019
- Aerobiology of Cupressaceae in Porto city, Portugal. Aerobiologia. 2019
- Assessment of the potential real pollen related allergenic load on the atmosphere of Porto city. Heredity. 2019
- Predicting the flowering date of Portuguese grapevine varieties using temperature-based phenological models: A multi-site approach. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2018
- Comparison of pollen quality in Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae. 2018
- Effect of O3 and NO2 atmospheric pollutants on Platanus x acerifolia pollen: Immunochemical and spectroscopic analysis. Heredity. 2017
- Olive crop-yield forecasting based on airborne pollen in a region where the olive groves acreage and crop system changed drastically. Aerobiologia. 2017
- Effects of ozone in Plantago lanceolata and Salix atrocinerea pollen. Aerobiologia. 2016
- Pollen-based predictive modelling of wine production: Application to an arid region. European Journal of Agronomy. 2016
- A comparative study of vineyard phenology and pollen metrics extracted from airborne pollen time series. Aerobiologia. 2015
- Characterisation of particulate matter on airborne pollen grains. Environmental Pollution. 2015
- Effects of CO2 on Acer negundo pollen fertility, protein content, allergenic properties, and carbohydrates. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015
- A 10-year survey of allergenic airborne pollen in the city of Porto (Portugal). Aerobiologia. 2014
- Airborne Acer pollen wall elemental analysis and adhered particulate matter | Pólen de Acer presente na atmosfera: Análise elementar da parede e matéria particulada aderida. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Changes in the IgE-reacting protein profiles of Acer negundo, Platanus x acerifolia and Quercus robur pollen in response to ozone treatment. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 2014
- Identification of Plantago lanceolata pollen allergens using an immunoproteomic approach. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology. 2014
- Multidisciplinary characterization of sediments from two Portuguese river beaches for forensic application | Caracterização multidisciplinar de sedimentos de duas praias fluviais do norte de Portugal para aplicação forense. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Parietaria judaica pollen: Aerobiology and allergenicity | Pólen de parietaria judaica: Aerobiologia e alergenicidade. Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia. 2014
- Pollen Raman spectra database: Application to the identification of airborne pollen. Talanta. 2014
- Study of variation of sediment properties with forensic objectives | Estudo da variação de propriedades de sedimentos com objetivos forenses. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Study of “Formação areno-pelítica” in the porto - vila nova de gaia coastal area. Contribution of the pollen content | Estudo da “formação areno-pelítica” na zona litoral porto - vila nova de gaia. Contribuição do conteúdo polínico. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Analysis of the pollen allergen content of twelve olive cultivars grown in Portugal. Aerobiologia. 2013
- Elemental characterization of the airborne pollen surface using Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA). Atmospheric Environment. 2013
- Organic matter characterization of sediments in two river beaches from northern Portugal for forensic application. Forensic Science International. 2013
- Ozone effects on soluble protein content of Acer negundo, Quercus robur and Platanus spp. pollen. Aerobiologia. 2013
- The potential application of magnetic susceptibility as a technique for soil forensic examinations. Geological SocIETy Special Publication. 2013
- Contribution of EPMA to airborne pollen analysis. Biomedical Materials. 2012
- Airborne platanus pollen analysis by EPMA. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2012
- Forecasting ARIMA models for atmospheric vineyard pathogens in Galicia and Northern Portugal: Botrytis cinerea spores. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2012
- In vitro exposure of Acer negundo pollen to atmospheric levels of SO 2 and NO 2: Effects on allergenicity and germination. Environmental Science and Technology. 2012
- A multidisciplinary study of an organic-rich mudstone in the Middle Holocene on the Northern coast of Portugal | Estudo multidisciplinar de um argilito rico de matéria orgânica do Holocénico Médio na costa Norte de Portugal. Comunicações Geológicas. 2011
- Characterization of soils from the Algarve region (Portugal): A multidisciplinary approach for forensic applications. Science & Justice. 2011
- Impact of urbanization level on chenopodium album pollen: Morphological and immunochemical data | Impacto do nível de urbanização no pólen de chenopodium album: Morfologia e imunoquímica. Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia. 2011
- Fungal spores from Pleosporales in the atmosphere of urban and rural locations in Portugal. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2010
- Outdoor allergenic fungal spores: Comparison between an urban and a rural area in Northern Portugal. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology. 2010
- Use of multiple linear regressions to evaluate the influence of O3 and PM10 on biological pollutants. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 2010
- A bioclimatic model for forecasting olive yield. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2009
- Aeromycological profile of indoor and outdoor environments. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2009
- Comparison between urban and rural pollen of Chenopodium alba and characterization of adhered pollutant aerosol particles. Journal of Aerosol Science. 2009
- Pollen allergenic potential nature of some trees species: A multidisciplinary approach using aerobiological, immunochemical and hospital admissions data. Environmental Research. 2009
- Quantitative colour analysis of beach and dune sediments for forensic applications: A Portuguese example. Forensic Science International. 2009
- Seasonal and intradiurnal variation of allergenic fungal spores in urban and rural areas of the North of Portugal. Aerobiologia. 2009
- The effects of meteorological factors on airborne fungal spore concentration in two areas differing in urbanisation level. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2009
- Airborne Poaceae pollen in Porto (Portugal) and allergenic profiles of several grass pollen types. Aerobiologia. 2008
- Influence of atmospheric ozone, PM10 and meteorological factors on the concentration of airborne pollen and fungal spores. Atmospheric Environment. 2008
- Intradiurnal variation of allergenic pollen in the city of Porto (Portugal). Aerobiologia. 2008
- Quantitative forecasting of olive yield in Northern Portugal using a bioclimatic model. Aerobiologia. 2008
- The importance of plantain (Plantago spp.) as a supplementary pollen source in the diet of honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research. 2008
- A scientific note on honey bee foraging activity and airborne pollen flow. Apidologie. 2007
- Bt transgenic maize pollen and the silent poisoning of the hive. Journal of Apicultural Research. 2007
- Definition of main pollen season using a logistic model. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2007
- Improving early-season estimates of olive production using airborne pollen multi-sampling sites. Aerobiologia. 2007
- Comparison of classical models for evaluating the heat requirements of Olive (Olea europeae L.) in Portugal. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2006
- Influence of meteorological parameters on Olea flowering date and airborne pollen concentration in four regions of Portugal. Grana. 2006
- Aeropalynological study of Vitis vinifera in the Braga region (1999-2003). Aerobiologia. 2005
- Airborne pollen of Olea in five regions of Portugal. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2005
- Allergenic pollen in the city of Porto (Portugal). Allergy. 2005
- Annual variation of fungal spores in atmosphere of Porto: 2003. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2005
- Airborne pollen concentration in the region of Braga, Portugal, and its relationship with meteorological parameters. Aerobiologia. 2003
- An Aeropalynological study of the Porto region (Portugal). Aerobiologia. 2003
capítulo de livro
- Rede Iberoamericana de Investigadores Forenses ¿ RIIF. Ibero-American Network of Forensic Investigators ¿ RIIF 2023
- Quercus pollen and adhered atmospheric particulate matter: could geographical location matter for allergy? 2022
- Ole e 1 detection in three varieties of Olea pollen in different regions of Portugal 2020
- Pla a 1 allergen and Platanus pollen in the atmosphere of Porto 2020
- Monitoring of pollen allergenic potential present in an indoor environment (Oral Presentation) 2020
- Climatic changes and allergic diseases: Consequences on pollination and sporulation (Invited Oral presentation) 2020
- Identification of airborne pollen using a pollen Raman spectra database (Oral presentation) 2019
- Air pollutants NO2 and O3 evoked altered Dactylis glomerate pollen oxidative defenses and allergen expression (Oral presentation) 2019
- Allergenic load on the atmosphere of Porto city during 2018 2019
- Effect of air pollutants (O3, NO2, SO2) on Olea europaea. L pollen performances (Oral presentation) 2019
- Relationship between Platanus Pla a 1 allergen and airborne pollen in two cities of northwestern Iberian Peninsula (Oral presentation) 2019
- Atmospheric pollutants NO2 and O3 enhance allergenic potential of Dactylis glomerata pollen. 2019
- Can Airborne Populus Seeds Be a Potential Cause of Pollen Allergies? An Aerobiological Study. 2019
- Atmospheric particulate matter adhered to Quercus airborne pollen in 3 Portuguese cities (Oral presentation) 2018
- Testing remote sensing data as a post-flowering variable in pollen-based crop forecasting models: the olive example (Oral presentation) 2018
- Spatial and temporal analysis of soil from shoes of human living volunteers 2018
- Near-ground vertical profile of airborne pollen concentration in the urban ambient air (Oral presentation) 2018
- Effects of atmospheric pollutants on the allergenicity of Dactylis glomerata L. pollen. 2018
- Measurement of magnetic susceptibility in urban soils for forensic application (Medição da suscetibilidade magnética em solos urbanos para aplicação forense) 2018
- Physical-chemical characterization of atmospheric particulate matter sorbed to allergenic airborne pollen (Invited Oral presentation) 2018
- Aerobiology and effects of O3 and NO2 in Cupressaceae pollen 2018
- Aerobiological and phenological behavior of the Godello variety in the Ribeiro DO during the 2015 and 2016 harvests. 2017
- Airborne Platanus pollen wall elemental analysis and adhered particulate matter. 2017
- Augmented pollen superoxide dismutase activity induced by NO2 and O3. 2017
- Palynological investigation of biological tissues from human volunteers (Oral presentation) 2017
- Phenological model to predict the timing of Vitis Vinifera L. flowering 2017
- Forensic palynological analysis of different samples from living human volunteers 2017
- Forensic pollen: spatial and temporal analysis in biological tissues 2017
- The use of geochemical signature of sediments for environmental and criminal forensic purposes 2016
- Identification of soil components by Raman microspectroscopy 2014
- Identification of soil components by Raman microspectroscopy (Oral presentation) 2014
- Airborne Acer pollen wall elemental analysis and adhered particulate matter (Oral presentation) 2014
- A ten year survey of airborne pollen in the city of Porto. 2013
- Effects of O3 on protein content and allergenic properties of Acer negundo, Platanus x acerifolia and Quercus robur pollen (Oral presentation) 2013
- Germination rate of three anemophilous pollen types after in vitro exposure to gaseous atmospheric pollutants (Oral presentation) 2013
- Mid-Holocene vegetation in the NW Portuguese coastal area. The example of Castelo do Neiva beach (Viana do Castelo) (Oral presentation) 2013
- Prediction of olive tree phenology, fruti-set and pollen quality and responses to temperature rise 2012
- Assessing the effects of the meteorological conditions on the pollen wall by EPMA (Oral presentation) 2012
- Ozone affects the viability, the germination rate and the allergenicity of Acer negundo, Quercus robur and Platanus spp. pollen (Oral presentation) 2012
- Characterization of temporal variability of sediments. Its importance to enhance the evidential value of this material (Oral presentation) 2012
- Independent techniques for the forensic characterization of river beaches (Oral presentation) 2012
- Effects of two atmospheric pollutants (SO2 and NO2) on protein content and allergenic properties of Acer negundo L. pollen. 2012
- Airborne Platanus pollen analysis by EPMA (Oral presentation) 2011
- Aerobiology and pollen allergenicity of spring trees in the city of Porto, Portugal 2011
- Aerobiology and pollen allergenicity of spring trees in the city of Porto, Portugal. 2011
- Plantago l. pollen: airborne and immunological profiles (Oral presentation) 2011
- Contribution of EPMA to airborne pollen analysis. 2011
- Magnetic susceptibility of sands from a river beach for forensic applications 2011
- The Magnetic susceptibility as a tool for forensic soil examinations (Oral presentation) 2010
- The developing of a Portuguese database of soils and sediments for forensic applications (Oral presentation) 2010
- Geobotanical characterization of a river beach for forensic purposes 2010
- Assessment of the allergenic content of olive pollen from Portuguese cultivars. 2010
- Differences between Chenopodium alba pollen from rural and urban environment: morphology, adhered pollutant particles and protein content. 2010
- Characterization of a river beach (Portugal): a multidisciplinary approach for forensic investigation 2010
- Vegetation assessment with pollen flows study (Oral presentation) 2008
- Use of Multiple Linear Regressions to Evaluate the Influence of O3 and PM10 on Biological Pollutants (Oral presentation) 2008
- Castanea airborne pollen at the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula (Oral presentation) 2007
- Geological and palynological characterization of a river beach in Portugal for forensic purposes 2013
- Integration of different sediment characteristics to discriminate between sources of coastal sediments 2013
- The potential application of magnetic susceptibility as a technique for soil forensic examinations 2013
- A Bioclimatic forecasting model for olive yield in alentejo (Portugal) 2012
- Pollen morphology and quality of twenty olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars grown in Portugal 2012
- Anemophilous and entomophilous pollen flows of Castanea sativa in the Northeast of Portugal 2008
- Castanea airborne pollen at the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula 2008