publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Investigation of the Turkish Psychometric Properties of Bedtime Procrastination and While-in-Bed Procrastination Scales for Adolescents. Journal of Rational - Emotive and Cognitive - Behavior Therapy. 2024
- An Iterative Mixed-Method Study to Assess the Usability and Feasibility Perception of CANVAS ® as a Platform to Deliver Interventions for Children. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2023
- An Iterative Mixed-Method Study to Assess the Usability and Feasibility Perception of CANVAS® as a Platform to Deliver Interventions for Children. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2023
- A tool-kit to help students from low socioeconomic status background: a school-based self-regulated learning intervention. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2023
- A school-based intervention on elementary students’ school engagement. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2023
- Understanding children’s voices about enablers of obesity from a causal attribution’s stance: a vignette study. Psychology & Health. 2023
- Bedtime Procrastination during the second COVID-19 lockdown in Portugal. Sleep Science. 2022
- Children and adolescents¿ physical fitness loss before and after one year of COVID-19 pandemic. Antibiotics. 2022
- Elementary School Students’ Attitudes Towards Cerebral Palsy: A Raising Awareness Brief Intervention. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 2021
- Children's Perceived Barriers for a Healthy Diet: The influence of Child and Community-related Factors . Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2021
- A brief school-based intervention on Gypsy culture: A longitudinal cluster randomized trial. Journal of Educational Research. 2020
- As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined: Lack of prior knowledge as a driver of academic procrastination. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. 2020
- An Online-Based Intervention to Promote Healthy Eating through Self-Regulation among Children: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Trials. 2020
- The Mediator and/or Moderator Role of Complexity of Knowledge about Healthy Eating and Self-Regulated Behavior on the Relation between Family's Income and Children's Obesity. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health. 2019
- Gamification: Focus on the strategies being implemented in interventions: A systematic review protocol. BMC Research Notes. 2019
- ¿Por qué este niño es especial? La importancia de una dieta educativa en niños con Parálisis Cerebral hemipléjica: un estudio de caso. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. 2018
- Is there a Sunk Cost Effect in Committed Relationships?. Current Psychology. 2018
- The sunk cost effect across species: A review of persistence in a course of action due to prior investment. 2016
- The sunk cost effect in pigeons and people: A case of within-trials contrast?. Behavioural Processes. 2014
- A good time to leave?: The sunk time effect in pigeons. Behavioural Processes. 2014
- Persistence in extinction: The sunk time effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition. 2014
- The effect of a prior investment on choice: The sunk cost effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition. 2014
- Sunk cost and work ethic effects reflect suboptimal choice between different work requirements. Behavioural Processes. 2013
- Suboptimal choice in nonhuman animals: Rats commit the sunk cost error. Learning & Behavior. 2012
- The effects of food presentation at regular or irregular times on the development of activity-based anorexia in rats. 2010
artigo de revista
- Changes in Physical Fitness Parameters in a Portuguese Sample of Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A One-Year Longitudinal Study. Healthcare. 2023
- Changes in Student’s Breakfast and Snack Consumption during the Second COVID-19 Lockdown in Portugal: A Five-Wave Study. Healthcare. 2023
- Self-Efficacy to Regulate Eating Behaviors Scale for Children: A Validation Study. Healthcare. 2023
- Children’s Perceived Barriers to a Healthy Diet: The Influence of Child and Community-Related Factors. Healthcare. 2022
- COVID-19 in Trials and Tribulations Project: A Self-Regulation based Support Response for Confined Families through Social Networks. Healthcare. 2022
- Food Availability, Motivational-Related Factors, and Food Consumption: A Path Model Study with Children. Healthcare. 2021
- The Mediator Role of Routines on the Relationship between General Procrastination, Academic Procrastination and Perceived Importance of Sleep and Bedtime Procrastination. Healthcare. 2021
- “More Than Buying Extra Fruits and Veggies, Please Hide the Fats and Sugars”: Children’s Diet Latent Profiles and Family-Related Factors. Nutrients. 2021
- An Exploratory Study on Sleep Procrastination: Bedtime vs. While-in-Bed Procrastination. Healthcare. 2020
- Online vs traditional homework: A systematic review on the benefits to students' performance. Computers & Education. 2020
- From the Hospital Bed to the Laptop at Home: Effects of a Blended Self-Regulated Learning Intervention. Healthcare. 2019
- The Mediator and/or Moderator Role of Complexity of Knowledge about Healthy Eating and Self-Regulated Behavior on the Relation between Family’s Income and Children’s Obesity. Healthcare. 2019
- Promoting School Engagement in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Narrative Based Program. Healthcare. 2019
- Building Knowledge on Healthy Eating by Hospitalized Youth: A Self-Regulated Learning Inspired Campaign. Psicothema. 2018
- Experiences During a Psychoeducational Intervention Program Run in a Pediatri cWard: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2018
- How Executive Functions Are Evaluated in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy? A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018
- Games Used With Serious Purposes: A Systematic Review of Interventions in Patients With Cerebral Palsy. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018
- "My Child has Cerebral Palsy": Parental Involvement and Children's School Engagement. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016
- Loneliness in Middle and Old Age. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2014
capítulo de livro
- Promoção de Autorregulação por meio de estórias-ferramenta 2023
- Restrict unhealthy food intake or make healthy food choices proactively? How the self-regulation concept has been used in children and adolescent's eating behavior research 2023
- Self-regulation and agency perspectives in celiac disease 2023
- Eating Behaviors in Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Importance of Family Context 2022
- Gamification: Reflections on how it can be used to promote children's healthy eating behavior. 2022
- Restrict Unhealthy Food Intake or Make Healthy Food Choices Proactively? How the Self-Regulation Concept Has Been Used in Children and Adolescent’s Eating Behavior Research 2022
- Self-regulation and agency perspectives in celiac disease. 2022
- The Knowledge-Centered Paradigm in the Promotion of Child Healthy Eating Behavior: A Plethora of Approaches 2022
- Gamification: Reflections on how it can be used to promote children's healthy eating behavior 2021
- Gamification: Reflections on how it can be used to promote childrens healthy eating behavior 2021
- The Knowledge-Centered Paradigm on the Promotion of Child Healthy Eating Behavior: A Plethora of Approaches 2021
- Educational Challenges in Mozambique: The Plague of Academic Procrastination. 2020
- The Overlooked Role of Motivation Related Variables on Children¿s Healthy Eating 2020
- The Overlooked Role of Motivation Related Variables on Children¿s Healthy Eating. 2020
- Using Google Classroom to Foster User Engagement in a Hybrid Healthy Eating Promotion Intervention Among Elementary School Students: Lessons learned 2020
- Using Google Classroom to Foster User Engagement in a Hybrid Healthy Eating Promotion Intervention Among Elementary School Students: Lessons learned. 2020
- The caregiver perspective: An assistive AAL platform. 2014
- Estratégias psicológicas para uma gestão eficaz da Doença Celíaca: Autorregulação e agência [Psychological strategies for effective management of Celiac Disease: Self-regulation and agency] 2022
- Restrição do consumo de alimentos não saudáveis ou escolha proativa de alimentos saudáveis? Autorregulação para a alimentação em crianças e adolescentes [Restrict Unhealthy Food Intake or Make Healthy Food Choices Proactively? Self-Regulation for Healthy Eating in Children and Adolescents] 2022
- Sleep routines and bedtime procrastination in the times of COVID-19 lockdown 2022
- Mapping the motivational factors for healthy eating in elementary school students 2022
- Using google classroom with school-age children to promote self-regulation strategies for healthy eating 2018
- Promotion of healthy eating in hospitalized children through self-regulated learning 2017
- Impact of covid-19 Lockdown in snack consumption in Portuguese students – a longitudinal study 2022
- Facilitadores e Barreiras da Integração da Criança com Alergia Alimentar na Escola: Perceção das Crianças e Pais/cuidadores 2022
- Promover o Envolvimento Escolar através de narrativas: Um programa no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico 2021
- Children's perceived impact of gamification elements on engagement in a self-regulation intervention for healthy eating 2021
- Academic Procrastination during the Doctoral Journey: A Qualitative Study Research Protocol 2021
- Santos, David. Exploring bedtime procrastination among university students: the role of general procrastination, academic procrastination and perceived importance of sleep 2020
- Vilas, Catarina. Children's perceived barriers for a healthy diet: a case study 2020
- Bastião, Raquel. “What is healthy eating?”: the role of socioeconomic variables in the complexity of declarative knowledge in elementary school children 2019
- Cruz, Vânia. Sleep procrastination: an exploratory study with high school students 2019
- Amaral, Sandra. “Put it on a Post-It!”: direct response of fourth grade children retain after a video-training on gypsy ethnicity 2018
- Ferreira, Diogo. Online vs pen-and-paper homework: an integrative review 2018
- Ferreira, Filipe. Digital games and mathematic education: an integrative review 2018
- Negrão, Marta. “What is to be a Gypsy?”: examining elementary school students’ knowledge on the ethnic group 2018
- Oliveira, André. Parents in pediatrics: impact of a video awareness campaign about parental involvement 2018
- Afonso, Andreia. Elementary school students' attitudes towards cerebral palsy: school-based video training to increase knowledge and decrease stigma 2017
- Peixoto, Joana. What is cerebral palsy?: examining elementary school students’ knowledge on the phenomenon 2017
- Pereira, Beatriz. Elementary school students' attitudes towards gypsy people: school-based video training to increase knowledge and decrease stigma 2017
- Martins, Juliana. Systematic review of school engagement in elementary school: interveners and outcomes 2016
- Martins, Sara. Self-regulation and intimate relationships 2016
- Oliveira, Ana. A systematic literature review on the themes and measures used to study academic possible selves 2016
- Ribeiro, Márcia. Teacher feedback and writing quality: identifying distinct profiles of struggling writers 2016
- Soares, Vera. Mentoring program to promote goal setting: a case study of a student with neuromotor disability 2016
- Vieira, Ana. Promoting self-regulation and mathematics achievement: the role of a hypermedia application 2016
- Rego, Sara. Is there a sunk cost effect in intimate relationships? 2015