publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A single chip FPGA-based cross-coupling multi-motor drive system. IEICE Electronics Express. 2015
- Low-cost digital system for power quality monitoring | Sistema digital de bajo coste para la monitorización de la calidad de energía eléctrica. Información Tecnológica. 2007
- Sistema Digital de Bajo Coste para la Monitorización de la Calidade de Energia Eléctrica. Revista Información Tecnológica, Centro de Informacion Tecnologica (CIT). 2007
- LabVIEW Monitoriza a Qualidade da Energia Eléctrica: Sistema de Monitorização da Qualidade da Energia Eléctrica Baseado em PC e Desenvolvido em LabVIEW. National Instruments. 2005
- Qualidade da Energia Eléctrica. Revista 'robótica'. 2005
- Qualidade da Energia Eléctrica: Casos Reais. Revista Electricista. 2005
- High-selectivity Optical Detection in Microfluidic Systems for Clinical Diagnostics. MYU - Sensors and Materials. 2002
- Highly selective optical detection in a lab-on-a-chip for biological fluids analysis. Sensors and Materials. 2002
- Active Filters with Control Based on the p-q Theory. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Newsletter. 2000
- Evaluación de la Aplicación de Técnicas de Lógica Difusa en el Control de Máquinas Eléctricas. Información Tecnológica, Centro de Informacion Tecnologica (CIT). 1999
- Evaluation of fuzzy logic techniques applied to the control of electrical machines | Evaluacion de la aplicacion de tecnicas de logica difusa en el control de maquinas electricas. Información Tecnológica. 1999
- Fuzzy Logic Speed Control of an Induction Motor, Microprocessors and Microsystems. Elsevier Science. 1999
artigo de conferência
- An Islanded Microgrid to Increase Quality of Life and Support Agricultural Activities of Rural Communities in Marracuene, Maputo: Challenges, Design, and Validation 2022
- A Proposed Single-Phase Five-Level PFC Rectifier for Smart Grid Applications: An Experimental Evaluation. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- A Novel Multilevel Converter for On-Grid Interface of Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grids 2019
- Comparative Analysis of Power Electronics Topologies to Interface dc Homes with the Electrical ac Power Grid 2019
- Sliding Mode Control of an Innovative Single-Switch Three-Level Active Rectifier 2019
- A Novel Multi-Objective Off- Board EV Charging Station for Smart Homes. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2018
- A novel control strategy based on predictive control for a bidirectional interleaved three-phase converter 2018
- A case study on the conversion of an internal combustion engine vehicle into an electric vehicle 2015
- FPGA field oriented control of an Axial Flux motor-in-wheel. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2014
- A simplified methodology for parameters measurement of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet motor without neutral point. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2012
- Compensador de Tensão do Tipo Activo Série Controlado por Computador Pessoal 2007
- Filtro Activo Paralelo com Interface entre Fontes de Energia Renovável e a Rede Eléctrica 2006
- Monitorização da Qualidade da Energia Eléctrica em Instalações Industriais 2006
- Projecto SINUS: Tecnologias para Melhoria da Eficiência e da Qualidade de Energia em Sistemas Eléctricos 2006
- Simulation and Implementation Results of a 3 Phase 4 Wire Shunt Active Power Filter 2006
- A Kalman Filter for Validation of Points and Areas of Constant Depth in the Acquisition of the Profile Surfaces 2005
- A Single Phase Power Series Compensator for Voltage Distortion 2005
- A kalman filter for validate points and areas of constant depth in the acquisition of the profile surfaces. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2005
- Estudo do Panorama das Energias Renováveis na União Europeia e Sugestões para Portugal 2005
- Interface entre Fontes de Energia Renovável e a Rede Eléctrica 2005
- Sistema para Optimização da Extracção de Energia de Painéis Solares Fotovoltaicos 2005
- Medidas Reguladoras, Normas e Legislação Portuguesa Aplicável às Energias Renováveis e Sugestões 2004
- Multisensor Fusion for Acquisition of the Profile of Surfaces 2004
- Programa para a Estimativa do Custo e Produção de Energia Eléctrica para uma Residência 2004
- Qualidade de Energia Eléctrica 2003
- Resultados de Simulações de um Filtro Activo Paralelo com Controlo Baseado na Teoria p-q 2003
- Low-Cost Power Quality Monitor Based on a PC 2003
- Simulation Results of a Shunt Active Power Filter with Control Based on p-q Theory 2003
- A 16 Fabry Perot Optical-Channels Array for Biological Fluids Analysis using White Light 2003
- A Personal Computer Based Controller for an Active Power Filter 2003
- A Series Active Filter Controlled by Personal Computer 2003
- Interfaces for Renewable Energy Sources with Electric Power Systems 2003
- LIBS chemical image analysis for fatigue estimation in industrial materials 2003
- P-q Theory power components calculations 2003
- Renewable Energy in Portugal - Legislation, Incentives and Suggestions 2003
- Sistema de Monitorização da Qualidade da Energia Eléctrica Baseado em PC 2003
- Lab-on-a-chip for Measuring Uric Acid in Biological Fluids 2002
- Active Filters for Power Quality Improvement 2001
- An Experimental Model for Sonar Sensors 2001
- Avaliação de Diferentes Técnicas de Análise de Sistemas Eléctricos com Formas de Onda Não-Sinusoidais 2001
- Filtro Activo Paralelo com Controle Digital de Baixo Custo 2001
- Shunt Active Filter for Power Quality Improvement 2000
- A Lab-on-a-Chip for Biological Fluids Analysis 2000
- A Microcontroller Based Voltage Space Vector Modulator Suitable for Induction Motor Drives 1999
- Implementação de um Modulador de Largura de Impulso para Accionamento de um Motor de Indução Trifásico 1999
- Microcontroller based voltage space vector modulator suitable for induction motor drives 1999
- Avaliação da Aplicação de Técnicas de Lógica Fuzzy no Controlo de Máquinas Eléctricas 1997
- Induction Motor Slip Control with Efficiency Optimization Using Fuzzy Logic Techniques 1997
- Fuzzy Logic Control Techniques Applied to the Control of a Three-Phase Induction Motor 1997
- Fuzzy logic techniques applied to the control of a three-phase induction motor 1997
- Evaluation of Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Techniques Applied to the Control of Electrical Machines 1996
- Comunicação de Dados pelas Linhas de Distribuição de Energia Eléctrica 1995
- Multi-mode microcontroller based PWM modulator suitable for fast vector control 1995
- Multimode Microcontroller Based PWM Modulator Suitable for Fast Vector Control 1995
- Optimização em Tempo Real do Desempenho dum Motor de Indução Comandado por Modulação de Largura de Impulso 1995
- Control of a Voltage Source Fed Induction Motor with On-Line Eficiency Optimization 1994
- Controlo de Velocidade do Motor de Indução 1993
artigo de revista
- Review of a Disruptive Vision of Future Power Grids: A New Path Based on Hybrid AC/DC Grids and Solid-State Transformers. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- An Off-Board Multi-Functional Electric Vehicle Charging Station for Smart Homes: Analysis and Experimental Validation. Energies. 2020
- A single chip FPGA-based solution for controlling of multi-unit PMSM motor with time-division multiplexing scheme. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 2015
- An Array of Fabry-Perot Optical-Channels for Biological Fluids Analysis. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2004
- Biological Microsystem for Measuring Uric Acid in Biological Fluids. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2004
- A series active power filter controlled by personal computer. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2003
- Low-cost digital system for power quality monitoring. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2003
- Renewable energy in Portugal – Legislation, incentives and suggestions. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2003
- Simulation results of a shunt active power filter with control based on p-q theory. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2003
- Fuzzy logic speed control of an induction motor. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 1999
capítulo de livro