publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- eGovernance frameworks for successful citizen use of online services: A Danish-Japanese comparative analysis. JeDEM - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government. 2017
- E-governance and stage models: Analysis of identified models and selected Eurasian experiences in digitising citizen service delivery. Electronic Government. 2016
- ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ / Digitization of Danish Administrative Services. Administrative and Information Systems. 2015
- Scandinavia 2.0: Efficiency, cooperation and innovations to alleviate the Economic Crisis. European Journal of ePractice. 2011
- Connecting Public Services Communities: The importance of interoperability, standards and electronic identity management to European participation and democracy. European Review of Political Technologies. 2008
- eGovernment services: Interoperability success factors, inclusion and accessibility. European Review of Political Technologies. 2007
artigo de conferência
- Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in the Americas: An Empirical Analysis to Identify Leap-froggers and Trends since 2003 2023
- Digital transformation, governance and coordination models: A comparative study of Australia, Denmark and the Republic of Korea 2020
- Local context, global benchmarks: Recommendations for an adapted approach using the UN E-Government Development Index as an example 2020
- ICT Development in the Public Sector and the Small Island States Context - Evidence from across the World 2020
- ICT Development in the Public Sector and the Small Island States Context – evidence from across the world 2020
- Governance lessons from Denmark's digital transformation 2019
- Tackling identity management, service delivery, and social security challenges: Technology trends and partnership models 2019
- Tutorial: How to Create an Ecosystem and Framework for Digital Public Sector Service Delivery 2019
- Empirical analysis of the current digital divides since 2010 2018
- A decade of international conference on theory and practice of electronic governance 2018
- Georgia on my mind: A study of the role of governance and cooperation in online service delivery in the caucasus 2017
- Administrative Burden Reduction Over Time: Literature Review, Trends and Gap Analysis 2017
- Digital government initiatives in Balochistan: A case study 2017
- E-Governance and online service delivery in Estonia 2017
- eGovernment and Governance: The Danish-Japanese timelines and models compared 2016
- Digitising a small Island state: A lesson in Faroese 2016
- Electronic governance for context-specific public service delivery: A survey of the literature. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Governance and online service delivery: The Danish case 2016
- The role of governance, cooperation, and eService use in current eGovernment stage models 2016
- Governance of cyber-security in internet-based elections 2015
- Reuse of Data for Personal and Proactive Service: An Opportunity Not Yet Utilised 2015
- Internet Technologies and Society 2014 Conference Proceedings 2015
- An analysis of the Danish approach to eGovernment benefit realisation 2014
- Identifying eGovernment success factors: An analysis of selected national governance models and their experiences in digitising service delivery 2014
- Strategies for building and sustaining successful user-engagement. A model, tool box and check list for a one-off or cyclical process 2013
- Speaking Danish in Japan 2012
- Identification of postponement point in service delivery process: A description model 2012
- European Status of E-Participation and what is needed to optimise future Benefits 2010
- Reducing administrative burden Information communication technology tools to benefit citizens, businesses and public administrations 2009
- Enablers and Obstacles: The Influence of Internet Coverage, Penetration and Digital Literacy on eParticipation 2009
- Interoperability and its Importance to eGovernment – Success Factors and Barriers 2008
- OIOUBL – The Danish Experience of Developing and Implementing a National eProcurement Standard 2007
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