publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The Adoption of 4Step Rule Set Method for Ontological Design: Application in a Real Industrial Project. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- SMART-QUAL: a dashboard for quality measurement in higher education institutions. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2022
- Activity based simulation – A modeling tool for new teaching-learning strategies. Journal of Simulation. 2022
- A web-based Voice Interaction framework proposal for enhancing Information Systems user experience. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Using logical architecture models for inter-team management of distributed agile teams. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach. 2022
- Risk response strategies for collaborative university-industry R&D funded programs. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2019
- Tailoring PMI and OGC Portfolio Frameworks 2019
- Perceptions of Different Stakeholders on Managing Collaborative University-Industry R&D Funded Contracts. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Project and Program Management Implications in the Portfolio Management of IT Projects in Applied R&D Organizations. Proceedings International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (Quatic). 2016
- Introduction to Special Issue: Quality in Information and Communications Technology. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 2014
- Project-Based Learning: An Environment to Prepare IT Students for an Industry Career. Using Technology Tools to Innovate Assessment, Reporting, and Teaching Practices in Engineering Education. 2014
- RUP Alignment and Coverage Analysis of CMMI ML2 Process Areas for the Context of Software Projects Execution. SOFTWARE QUALITY: MODEL-BASED APPROACHES FOR ADVANCED SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. 2014
- On the refinement of use case models with variability support. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 2012
- SPEM 2.0 extension for pervasive information systems. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2012
- Entre lo Virtual y lo Real: La Tecnologia y la Ciudad como una Oportunidad y un Desafio para la Educación del Futuro. ACTAS II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE CIUDADES CREATIVAS. 2011
- Influence of the Bologna Accord in Software Engineering Curriculum Development. The Interface. 2010
- A model-driven approach for the derivation of architectural requirements of software product lines. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 2009
- Introduction to special issue: Model-based development methodologies. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. 2009
- Work in progress - IEEEXtreme: From a student competition to the promotion of real-world programming education. AI Communications. 2009
- Requirements Validation: Execution of UML Models with CPN Tools. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- Refinement of Software Architectures by Recursive Model Transformations,. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2006
- Guest Editors' Foreword. Nordic Journal of Computing. 2005
- Specification of Requirements Models. Engineering and Managing Software Requirements. 2005
- Cutaneous lesions observed in two groups of HIV positive patients in use of different antiretroviral regimens,Manifestações cutâneas observadas em dois grupos de pacientes HIV positivos em uso de diferentes esquemas antiretrovirais. Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana. 2002
- System-level object-orientation in the specification and validation of embedded systems. 14th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, Proceedings. 2001
- An evolutionary approach to the use of Petri Net based models - From parallel controllers to HW/SW codesign. Hardware Design and Petri Nets. 2000
- Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML. Hardware/Software Codesign - Proceedings of the International Workshop. 2000
- Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. 1998
- Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of extended interactive Petri Nets. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1997
- Specification of industrial digital controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 1997
artigo de conferência
- Combining Reference Models for Eliciting Requirements in Industry 4.0 Projects: A Demonstration Case 2023
- Extending the scope of reference models for smart factories 2021
- Leaning processes by mobile technologies in a Product Development Sample Shop 2021
- Longevity of risks in software development projects: A comparative analysis with an academic environment 2021
- An Aligned Reference Model for Digital Factories 2020
- A logical architecture design method for microservices architectures 2019
- Applying a Method for Measuring the Performance of University-Industry R&D Collaborations: Case Study Analysis. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- From Program Strategic Planning to Program Initiation: Lessons learned from a collaborative University-Industry RD case study. International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation. 2019
- Key Initiatives to Successfully Manage Collaborative University-Industry R&D: IC-HMI Case Study. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- A Conceptual Social Media Tool for Supporting Collaborative University-Industry R&D Programs. International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation. 2018
- A retrofitting auction service business model proposal within a smart city context 2018
- Adoption of Architecture Reference Models for Industrial Information Management Systems 2018
- An experience report on using architectural models within distributed Scrum teams contexts 2018
- Analysis of dengue outbreaks using big data analytics and social networks 2018
- Business Process Modeling Languages and their Data Representation Capabilities 2018
- Deriving user stories for distributed Scrum teams from iterative refinement of architectural models 2018
- IT Project Management Tool Requirements to Support Collaborative University-Industry RD 2018
- Incremental architectural requirements for agile modeling: A case study within a Scrum project 2018
- Mapping between PMI and OGC Artefacts for Project Portfolio Management 2018
- Patient-centric e-Prescription Services - An Integrated System Architecture Proposal 2018
- Planning benefits realization in a collaborative university-industry R&D funded program 2018
- Project management practices for collaborative university-industry R&D: A hybrid approach. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Tailoring ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-3 standard for small and medium-sized enterprises. IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation Workshops. 2018
- UH4SP: A Software Platform For Integrated Management Of Connected Smart Plants 2018
- Measuring the Success of Collaborative University-Industry R&D Funded Contracts 2017
- A Method for Measuring the Success of Collaborative University-Industry R&D Funded Contracts 2017
- Adopting logical architectures within agile projects 2017
- Assessment of maturity models for smart cities supported by maturity model design principles 2017
- Input and output artefacts in portfolio practices from the OGC standard for Management of Portfolios 2017
- Message from the conference chairs: QUATIC 2016 2017
- Project and program management implications in the portfolio management of IT projects in applied R&D organizations 2017
- Managing a Successful University-Industry Collaborative Funded Innovation Programme 2016
- A quantitative study to assess a program and project management approach for collaborative university-industry R & D Funded Contracts 2016
- Deriving software design models from a set of business processes 2016
- FPGA vendor-agnostic IP-XACT- and XSLT-based RTL design generator. IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference-Melecon. 2016
- Modeling an IaaS broker based on two cloud computing reference models 2016
- iFloW: An integrated logistics software system for inbound supply chain traceability. Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences. 2016
- A Program and Project Management Approach for Collaborative University-industry R&D Funded Contracts. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- A three-dimensional, requirements-based, balanced scorecard business model 2015
- Bridging the gap between a set of interrelated business process models and software models 2015
- Deriving a data model from a set of interrelated business process models 2015
- Exploring a Three-Dimensional, Requirements-Based, Balanced Scorecard Business Model: On the Elicitation and Generation of a Business Model Canvas 2015
- An OMG-based meta-framework for alignment of IS/IT architecture with business models 2014
- An emergent-based approach for deriving Business/IT Alignment models and measures through IS enactment 2014
- An empirical study on the estimation of size and complexity of software applications with function points analysis 2014
- Derivation of data-driven software models from business process representations 2014
- Message from conference chairs 2014
- Modularization of logical software architectures for implementation with multiple teams 2014
- On the decomposition of use cases for the refinement of software requirements 2014
- An empirical study on the estimation of software development effort with use case points 2013
- Complex-networks model analysis for the conceptualization of information systems development 2013
- Modeling the alignment between business and IS/IT: A requirements engineering perspective 2013
- A reduced set of RUP roles to small software development teams 2012
- A software framework for supporting ubiquitous business processes: An ANSI/ISA-95 approach 2012
- Experimental software engineering in educational context 2012
- From business process modeling to data model: A systematic approach 2012
- Gatewaying IEEE 1149.1 and IEEE 1149.7 test access ports 2012
- Modeling organizational information system architecture using "complex networks" concepts 2012
- Ontologies for product and process traceability at manufacturing organizations: A software requirements approach 2012
- An approach to software process design and implementation using transition rules 2011
- Tailoring RUP to small software development teams 2011
- An apporach to improving software inspections performance 2010
- On the Derivation of Class Diagrams from Use Cases and Logical Software Architectures 2010
- Preface 2010
- Quantitative analysis of best practices models in the software domain 2010
- Size and complexity attributes for multimodel improvement framework taxonomy 2010
- Support for variability in use case modeling with refinement 2010
- The UML «include» relationship and the functional refinement of use cases 2010
- A Requirements Engineering and Management Training Course for Software Development Professionals. Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training. 2009
- An ontology-based approach to model-driven software product lines 2009
- Inception of software validation and verification practices within CMMI level 2 2009
- Model-based methodologies for pervasive and embedded software 2009
- Multistage model transformations in software product lines 2009
- Preface: ICSEA 2009 2009
- Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2009: Foreword 2009
- Software process improvement in multimodel environments 2009
- Message from the organizers 2008
- Transformation patterns for multi-staged model driven software development 2008
- Adopting computational independent models for derivation of architectural requirements of software product lines 2007
- Automated Information Systems Generation for Process-Oriented Organizations 2007
- Automating mappings between use case diagrams and feature models for software product lines 2007
- Message from the Organizers 2007
- Message from the conference chairs 2007
- Model driven development of software product lines 2007
- Model-driven software development for pervasive information systems implementation 2007
- Teaching Embedded Systems Engineering in a Software-Oriented Computing Degree. AI Communications. 2007
- A Demonstration Case on the Transformation of Software Architectures for Mobile Applications 2006
- A Two-Year Software Engineering M.Sc. Degree designed under the Bologna Declaration Principles 2006
- Extending UML 2.0 metamodel for complementary usages of the «extend» relationship within use case variability specification 2006
- Message from the organizers 2006
- Deriving software product line's architectural requirements from use cases: An experimental approach 2005
- Introduction 2005
- Transformation of UML models for service-oriented software architectures 2005
- Domain engineering in support to the increase of software systems flexibility,Engenharia de Domínio no Suporte ao Aumento de Flexibilidade nos Sistemas de Software 2004
- Model-driven methodologies for pervasive information systems development 2004
- Can UML be a system-language for embedded software?. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2002
- Heterogeneous Information Systems Integration: Organizations and Tools 2002
- A Petri Net Meta-Model to Develop Software Components for Embedded Systems 2001
- From Use Cases to Objects: An Industrial Information Systems Case Study Analysis 2001
- System-Level Object-Orientation in the Specification and Validation of Embedded Systems 2001
- An Object-Oriented Approach to the Co-Design of Industrial Control-Based Information Systems 2000
- Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML 2000
- Object-Oriented Inheritance of Statecharts for Control Applications 2000
- A UML-based approach for modeling industrial control applications 1999
- An Object-Oriented Model for Rapid Prototyping of Data Path/Control Systems - A Case Study 1998
- Hierarchical Mechanisms for High-level Modelling and Simulation of Digital Systems 1998
- Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems 1998
- Redes de Petri e VHDL na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais 1997
- Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of extended interactive Petri Nets. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 1997
- SOFHIA: A CAD Environment to Design Digital Control Systems 1997
- Specification of Industrial Digital Controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets 1997
artigo de revista
- Development of a Self-diagnostic System Integrated into a Cyber-Physical System. Computers. 2022
- Critical factors for benefits realisation in collaborative university-industry R&D programs. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management. 2020
- Value of project management in university–industry R&D collaborations. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 2020
- An extension of the improving and embedding project management practice framework: Case study analysis. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 2019
- The roles of a Programme and Project Management Office to support collaborative university–industry R&D. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2018
- A case studies approach to the analysis of profiling and framing structures for pervasive information systems. International Journal of Web Portals. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Normalized City Analytics Based on a Semantic Interoperability Process 2024
- On the Rim Between Business Processes and Software Systems 2022
- Reference Models for Intelligent Cities 2021
- AMPLA: An agile process for modeling logical architectures 2020
- Systems Development for the Industrial IoT: Challenges from Industry R&D Projects. Computer Communications and Networks. 2019
- Specifying Software Services for Fog Computing Architectures Using Recursive Model Transformations 2018
- Transition from information systems to service-oriented logical architectures: Formalizing steps and rules with QVT 2017
- Reasoning about space and time: Moving towards a theory of granularities. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of Extended Interactive Petri Nets 1997
- Development of a Self-Diagnosis Tests System for Integration in a Cyber-Physical System 2022
- Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2009) 2009
- Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2008) 2008
- Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2007) 2007
- Proceedings of Joint Meeting of the 4th Workshop on Model-Based Development of Computer Based Systems (MBD) and 3rd International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2006) 2006
- Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2005) 2005
- Sistemas de informação industriais orientados ao controlo: perspectivas metodológicas para tecnologias reconfiguráveis 2000
- Projecto de hardware digital orientado por objectos 1997
- An Interoperable Cloud Platform for the Garment Industry 2023
- Converging Data Mesh and Microservice Principles into a Unified Logical Architecture 2023
- Smart Cities Using Crowdsensing and Geoferenced Notifications 2023
- Expert System that Assists the Cultivation of Mandacaru Aimed at the Production of Water and Food in the Interior of Northeastern Brazil 2021
- Extended Maturity Model for Digital Transformation 2021
- Home Automation for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2021
- Running Workshops to Identify Wastes in a Product Development Sample Shop 2021
- A unified reference model for smart cities 2020
- Architecture Based on Keyword Driven Testing with Domain Specific Language for a Testing System 2020
- Does the Lean Inception Methodology Contribute to the Software Project Initiation Phase? 2020
- Embedded System to Support Skin Cancer Recognition 2020
- Smart Cities: Using Gamification and Emotion Detection to Improve Citizens Well Fair and Commitment 2020
- Guimarães: innovative and engaged city 2019
- Inputs from a Model-Based Approach Towards the Specification of Microservices Logical Architectures: An Experience Report 2019
- Towards agile architecting: Proposing an architectural pathway within an industry 4.0 project 2019
- An Agile Modeling Oriented Process for Logical Architecture Design 2018
- Modeling in agile software development: Decomposing use cases towards logical architecture design 2018
- Project-based learning: An environment to prepare IT students for an industry career 2018
- An analysis of the commonality and differences between ASPICE and ISO26262 in the context of software development 2017
- Requisitos em projetos de software e de sistemas de informação 2017
- A three-dimensional approach for a quality-based alignment between requirements and architecture 2016
- Applying the paraconsistent annotated evidential logic Et in a solar tracker for photovoltaic panels: An analytical approach 2016
- Architectural element points: Estimating software development effort by analysis of logical architectures 2016
- Business modeling and requirements in RUP: A dependency analysis of activities, tasks and work products 2016
- Dependency analysis between PMI portfolio management processes 2016
- Improving photovoltaic applications through the paraconsistent annotated evidential logic Et 2016
- Is scrum useful to mitigate project’s risks in real business contexts? 2016
- MATRA: A framework for assessing model-based approaches on the transformation between requirements and architecture 2016
- Mapping between artefacts and portfolio processes from the PMI standard for portfolio management 2016
- Requirements in Engineering Projects 2016
- Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative university-industry R&D software project 2016
- A Framework for Monitoring and Assisting Seniors with Memory Disabilities 2015
- A soaml approach for derivation of a process-oriented logical architecture from use cases 2015
- Aligning business requirements with services quality characteristics by using logical architectures 2015
- Deriving UML logical architectures of traceability business processes based on a GS1 standard 2015
- Power optimization in photovoltaic panels through the application of paraconsistent annotated evidential logic et 2015
- Preface 2015
- An Application to Select Collaborative Project Management Software Tools 2014
- Delivering user stories for implementing logical software architectures by multiple scrum teams 2014
- Development framework pattern for pervasive information systems 2014
- From Business Process Models to Use Case Models: A systematic approach 2014
- Generating a business model canvas through elicitation of business goals and rules from process-level use cases 2014
- Generating a business model through the elicitation of business goals and rules within a SPEM approach 2014
- Importance of Risk Process in Management Software Projects in Small Companies 2014
- Using the NIST reference model for refining logical architectures 2014
- A V-model approach for business process requirements elicitation in cloud design 2013
- A demonstration case on steps and rules for the transition from process-level to software logical architectures in enterprise models 2013
- A transformation of business process models into software-executable models using MDA 2013
- Aligning domain-related models for creating context for software product design 2013
- Applicability of risk process in software projects in accordance with ISO 31.000:2009 2013
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface 2013
- Mapping CMMI and RUP process frameworks for the context of elaborating software project proposals 2013
- Transition from process- to product-level perspective for business software 2013
- Atas de workshops 2012
- BIM : a methodology to transform business processes into software systems 2012
- Derivation of process-oriented logical architectures: An elicitation approach for cloud design 2012
- Mapping RUP roles to small software development teams 2012
- On the use of model transformations for the automation of the 4SRS transition method 2012
- Profiling and framing structures for pervasive information systems development 2012
- Recent advances in petri nets and concurrency 2012
- Supporting audits and assessments in multi-model environments 2011
- Dependency analysis between CMMI process areas 2010
- Scenario-based modeling in industrial information systems 2010
- Systematic use of software development patterns through a multilevel and multistage classification 2010
- The UML «extend» relationship as support for software variability 2010
- Refinement of software product line architectures through recursive modeling techniques 2009
- Model-driven development for pervasive information systems 2008
- A demonstration case on the transformation of software architectures for service specification 2006
- Business Modeling in Process-Oriented Organizations for RUP-based Software Development 2006
- Preface 2006
- Integration of embedded software with corporate information systems 2005
- A multi-level design pattern for embedded software 2004
- Heterogeneous information systems integration: Organizations and methodologies 2002
- A Methodology for Complex Embedded Systems Design: Petri Nets within a UML Approach 2001