publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Interplay between the salience and the default mode network in a social-cognitive task towards a close other. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022
- Peripersonal space in social context is modulated by action reward, but differently in males and females. Psychological Research. 2019
- How does CT stimulation affect Temporal Summation of Second Pain? 2023
- Does affective touch influence cardiac autonomic responses in a pain paradigm? 2023
- Does affective touch modulate sensory evoked potentials? 2023
- Electrophysiological signatures of affective touch 2023
- The Social Dimension of Peripersonal Space: Action’s Reward and Gender Effect on Action Space Exploration and Peripersonal Space Representation 2019
- The social dimension of peripersonal space 2018