publicações selecionadas
artigo de revista
- Injectable hydrogel as a carrier of vancomycin and a cathelicidin-derived peptide for osteomyelitis treatment. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. 2022
- Regeneration of critical-sized defects, in a goat model, using a dextrin-based hydrogel associated with granular synthetic bone substitute. Regenerative Biomaterials. 2020
- In vitro genotoxicity assessment of an oxidized dextrin-based hydrogel for biomedical applications. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 2019
- In vivo systemic toxicity assessment of an oxidized dextrin-based hydrogel and its effectiveness as a carrier and stabilizer of granular synthetic bone substitutes. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. 2019
- Effects of gamma irradiation and periodate oxidation on the structure of dextrin assessed by mass spectrometry. European Polymer Journal. 2018
- Inflammatory response to dextrin-based hydrogel associated with human mesenchymal stem cells, urinary bladder matrix and Bonelike®granules in rat subcutaneous implants. Biomedical Materials. 2016
- Structural analysis of dextrins and characterization of dextrin-based biomedical hydrogels. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2014
- In vitro genotoxicity assessment of a dextrin-based hydrogel for biomedical applications 2018
- In vivo biocompatibility and safety assessment of a dextrin-based hydrogel for biomedical applications 2018
- Dextrin-based hydrogel as an injectable carrier for macroporous bone graft granules and other bioactive agents 2017
- Formulações de hidrogel de dextrino para a regeneração de defeitos ósseos e não-uniões de fraturas 2016
- Characterization of a dextrin hydrogel for biomedical applications using mass spectrometry 2015
- Preliminary studies on lignin extraction from straw using ionic liquids 2010
- Dextrin injectable hydrogel for tissue healing and regeneration 2019
- Estudos preliminares da bioatividade de hidrolisados de matriz extracelular 2012
- Estudos preliminares da bioatividade de hidrolisados de matriz extracelular (Preliminary studies of the bioactivity of extracellular matrix hydrolysates) 2012