publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Identification of pegmatites zones in Muiane and Naipa (Mozambique) from Sentinel-2 images, using band combinations, band ratios, PCA and supervised classification. Remote Sensing Applications: SocIETy and Environment. 2023
- Estimation of the Coastal Vulnerability Index Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making: The Coastal Social–Ecological System of Rachgoun, Western Algeria. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Time-series analyses of land surface temperature changes with Google Earth Engine in a mountainous region. Heliyon. 2023
- The INOVMineral Project’s Contribution to Mineral Exploration—A WebGIS Integration and Visualization of Spectral and Geophysical Properties of the Aldeia LCT Pegmatite Spodumene Deposit. Minerals. 2023
- Remote Sensing Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Island Effect in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1985 to 2021. Remote Sensing. 2023
- Social Vulnerability of Brazilian Metropolitan Schools and Teachers’ Absence from Work Due to Vocal and Psychological Symptoms: A Multilevel Analysis. Healthcare. 2023
- Spectral library of European pegmatites, pegmatite minerals and pegmatite host-rocks – the GREENPEG project database 2023
- An Interactive WebGIS Integrating Environmental Susceptibility Mapping in a Self-Burning Waste Pile Using a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach. Geosciences. 2022
- Spectral Analysis to Improve Inputs to Random Forest and Other Boosted Ensemble Tree-Based Algorithms for Detecting NYF Pegmatites in Tysfjord, Norway. Remote Sensing. 2022
- Evaluation of Spatial Thinking Ability Based on Exposure to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Concepts in the Context of Higher Education. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2022
- A GIS Plugin for Susceptibility Modeling: Case Study of Wildfires in Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Land. 2022
- Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Gully Erosion Mapping Susceptibility at a Watershed Scale. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2022
- Remote sensing image-based analysis of the urban heat island effect in Bragança, Portugal. Environments. 2022
- Study of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Using Remote Sensing Data/Techniques: A Systematic Review. Environments. 2021
- Lithium Potential Mapping Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study from Central Portugal. Minerals. 2021
- Interpretation of the Reflectance Spectra of Lithium (Li) Minerals and Pegmatites: A Case Study for Mineralogical and Lithological Identification in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area. Remote Sensing. 2021
- Comparative analysis of QGIS plugins for Web Maps creation. La Granja. 2021
- An Integrated Multi-Approach to Environmental Monitoring of a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile: The São Pedro da Cova Mine (Porto, Portugal) Study Case. Environments. 2021
- Comparing Hydric Erosion Soil Loss Models in Rainy Mountainous and Dry Flat Regions in Portugal. Land. 2021
- QVigourMap: A GIS Open Source Application for the Creation of Canopy Vigour Maps. Agronomy. 2021
- GIS Open-Source Plugins Development: A 10-Year Bibliometric Analysis on Scientific Literature. Geomatics. 2021
- An Open Source GIS Application for Spatial Assessment of Health Care Quality Indicators. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021
- Tools for Remote Exploration: A Lithium (Li) Dedicated Spectral Library of the Fregeneda–Almendra Aplite–Pegmatite Field. Data. 2021
- Application of remote sensing data in gold exploration: targeting hydrothermal alteration using Landsat 8 imagery in northern Portugal. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2021
- Ecological niche models improve home range estimations. Journal of Zoology. 2021
- GIS-Based Expert Knowledge for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping (LSM): Case of Mostaganem Coast District, West of Algeria. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Assessing the performance of different OBIA software approaches for mapping invasive alien plants along roads with remote sensing data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2021
- Geospatial Analysis of Environmental Atmospheric Risk Factors in Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Systematic Review. Healthcare. 2020
- Serological Evidence of Rickettsia Exposure among Patients with Unknown Fever Origin in Angola, 2016-2017. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases. 2020
- Semi-Automatization of Support Vector Machines to Map Lithium (Li) Bearing Pegmatites. Remote Sensing. 2020
- Detecting Lithium (Li) Mineralizations from Space: Current Research and Future Perspectives. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Spatial estimation of chronic respiratory diseases based on machine learning procedures—an approach using remote sensing data and environmental variables in quito, Ecuador. Applied Geography. 2020
- An Open Source GIS-Based Application for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution. Environments. 2019
- Assessment of Remote Sensing Data to Model PM10 Estimation in Cities with a Low Number of Air Quality Stations: A Case of Study in Quito, Ecuador. Environments. 2019
- Machine Learning Algorithms for Automatic Lithological Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study from Souk Arbaa Sahel, Sidi Ifni Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2019
- Urban Ecosystem Services Quantification through Remote Sensing Approach: A Systematic Review. Environments. 2019
- Remote sensing data in lithium (Li) exploration: A new approach for the detection of Li-bearing pegmatites. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2019
- Performance of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture for Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Rainfall over São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. Geosciences. 2019
- A Statistical and Spatial Analysis of Portuguese Forest Fires in Summer 2016 Considering Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2A Data. Environments. 2019
- Integration of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for Classification and LULC Mapping in the Urban Area of Belém, Eastern Brazilian Amazon. Bioengineering. 2019
- Constraints and potentials of remote sensing data/techniques applied to lithium (Li)-pegmatites. Canadian Mineralogist. 2019
- Improving NDVI by removing cirrus clouds with optical remote sensing data from Landsat-8 – A case study in Quito, Ecuador. Remote Sensing Applications: SocIETy and Environment. 2019
- Modeling and mapping of soil salinity in Tafilalet plain (Morocco). Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2019
- Spatial estimation of surface ozone concentrations in Quito Ecuador with remote sensing data, air pollution measurements and meteorological variables. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2019
- Development of a QGIS plugin to obtain parameters and elements of plantation trees and vineyards with aerial photographs. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2018
- Land use/land cover (LULC) using landsat data series (MSS, TM, ETM+ and OLI) in azrou forest, in the central middle atlas of Morocco. Environments - MDPI. 2018
- NDVI and LST extraction of MODIS data under a GIS open source application - Rickettsia study case in Angola 2018
- Processing image to geographical information systems (PI2GIS)—A learning tool for QGIS. Education Sciences. 2018
- QPhenoMetrics: An open source software application to assess vegetation phenology metrics. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2018
- Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for environmental applications special issue preface. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2018
- A gis open source application for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution: A case study in serra da estrela (central portugal),Uma aplicação sig open source para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade da água subterrânea à poluição: Um estudo de caso na serra da estrela (centro de portugal). Comunicações Geológicas. 2017
- Distributed temperature measurement in a self-burning coal waste pile through a GIS open source desktop application. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2017
- ECOAL project-Delivering Solutions for Integrated monitoring of coal-related fires supported on optical fiber sensing technology. Applied Sciences. 2017
- Estimating Invasion Success by Non-Native Trees in. Diversity. 2017
- Mapping forest species in the Central Middle Atlas of Morocco (Azrou Forest) through remote sensing techniques. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2017
- Open-source GIS application for UAV photogrammetry based on MicMac. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2017
- Remote sensing in human health: A 10-year bibliometric analysis. Remote Sensing. 2017
- Radio Astronomy Demonstrator: Assessment of the Appropriate Sites through a GIS Open Source Application. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2016
- An easy, accurate and efficient procedure to create forest fire risk maps using the SEXTANTE plugin Modeler. Journal of Forestry Research. 2016
- Assessing soil erosion risk using RUSLE through a GIS open source desktop and web application. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2016
- Breakwater control system and structural analysis: physical and numerical modelling (Port of Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal). Journal of Coastal Conservation. 2016
- Comparison of performance of object-based image analysis techniques available in open source software (Spring and Orfeo Toolbox/Monteverdi) considering very high spatial resolution data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 2016
- Criterion definition for the identification of physical-geographical boundaries of Khorezm oasis through remotely sensed data. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2016
- Port Infrastructure Control (Madeira Island, Portugal) through a Hybrid Monitoring System (GNSS and Accelerometers). Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2016
- A dynamic map application for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015
- Applicability of data mining algorithms in the identification of beach features/patterns on high-resolution satellite data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 2015
- An investigation of the environmental determinants of asthma hospitalizations: An applied spatial approach. Applied Geography. 2014
- Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution through the DRASTIC method - a GIS open source application,Avaliação da vulnerabilidade da água subterrânea à poluição através do método DRASTIC - uma aplicação SIG open source. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Morphological and statistical analysis of the impact of breakwaters under construction on a sand spit area (Douro River estuary). Journal of Coastal Conservation. 2014
- Editorial 2013
- Forest fire risk maps: a GIS open source application - a case study in Norwest of Portugal. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2013
- A Semi-Automatic Approach for the Extraction of Sandy Bodies (Sand Spits) From IKONOS-2 Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2012
- CHAIR: automatic image registration based on correlation and Hough transform. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2012
- Identification, characterization and analysis of the Douro river plume from MERIS data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2012
- Beach hydromorphological analysis through remote sensing. Journal of Coastal Research. 2011
- Estimation of a Sand Spit Size Through Image Processing Techniques, using IKONOS-2 Satellite Images. Journal of Coastal Research. 2011
- Extraction of Cabedelo sand spit area (Douro estuary) from satellite images through image processing techniques. Journal of Coastal Research. 2011
- Identification of beach hydromorphological patterns/forms through image classification techniques applied to remotely sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2011
- Modeling and Analysis of the Breakwaters¿ Construction Impact in the Dimension of the Cabedelo Sand Spit (Douro River Estuary). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2010
- Evaluation of beach hydromorphological behaviour and classification using image classification techniques. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009
- Modeling of the Douro River Plume Size, Obtained Through Image Segmentation of MERIS Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2009
- Statistical techniques for correlating total suspended matter concentration with seawater reflectance using multispectral satellite data. Journal of Coastal Research. 2008
- Correlation analysis of water wave reflectance and local TSM concentrations in the breaking zone with remote sensing techniques. Journal of Coastal Research. 2007
- Quantification of the total suspended matter concentration around the sea breaking zone from in situ measurements and TERRA/ASTER data. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2007
- Retrieving TSM concentration from multispectral satellite data by multiple regression and artificial neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2007
artigo de conferência
- A GIS open source application for cost distance modelling for site catchment analysis of prehistoric sites 2023
- A new indicator for enhancing fire fuel mapping in Marivan forests, west of Iran 2023
- Analysis of the urban heat island in Bragança, Portugal, using MODIS data (2003-2022) 2023
- Automated lineament extraction applied to high-resolution imagery Worldview-3 and LiDAR data for pegmatite mineral exploration 2023
- Combinação de diferentes técnicas de deteção remota para a análise do efeito de ilha de calor urbano em bragança 2023
- GREENPEG: New toolsets to explore for pegmatites hosting rare metals and high purity quartz to feed the energy transition. 2023
- Mapping NYF pegmatite outcrops through high-resolution Worldview-3 imagery 2023
- MontObEO, Montesinho biodiversity observatory: an Earth observation tool for biodiversity conservation 2023
- Sentinel data for critical raw materials (CRM) exploration: first results of the S34I project 2023
- Spectral Unmixing and The Potential of Worldview-3 Satellite Data for Pegmatite Exploration 2023
- Spectrometry Analysis Techniques for LCT Pegmatite Halo Identification: The Role of European Projects 2022
- Assessing the PRISMA Potential for Mineral Exploration to Vector Low-Grade Lithium Deposits 2022
- Sentinel-1 and ALOS data for lineament extraction: a comparative study 2022
- The potential of spectral unmixing method applied to PRISMA hyperspectral images in the identification of Li minerals: an evaluation for prospecting purposes 2022
- Vegetation phenology from Sentinel 2 data: a GIS open source application 2022
- A GIS open-source application to enhance the identification of archaeological crop marks using remote sensing data 2021
- A Web GIS application to assess the groundwater vulnerability to pollution using the DRASTIC index 2021
- Identification of pegmatite bodies, at a province scale, using machine learning algorithms: preliminary results 2021
- Integration of geospatial information in a GIS software to estimate the forest fire risk 2021
- Land surface temperature algorithm calibration through meteorological stations 2021
- Modeling SP Atial-Temporal Wine Yield Based on Land Surface Temperature, Vegetation Indices and GIS - The Case of the Douro Wine Region 2021
- Monitoring Phosphate Levels Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on Geothermal Water Pools 2021
- Validation of Remote Sensing Techniques in Greenfield Exploration Areas for Lithium (LI) in Central Portugal: A Study Case 2021
- Vectoring lithium (Li) mineralizations: a first approach to pegmatite geochemical halo definition in the Fregeneda-Almendra area 2021
- Evaluation of Temperature in a Self -Burning Coal Waste Pile Considering UAV Data and in Situ Measurements 2020
- Modelling Terrestrial Tortoises Response to Fire Events 2020
- A GIS open source application to perform the spatial distribution of prevention quality indicators (PQIs) 2020
- An integrated environmental monitoring approach through the development of coal mine, a GIS open source application 2020
- Characterization of lithium (Li) minerals from the Fregeneda-Almendra region through laboratory spectral measurements: A comparative study 2020
- Estimation of landslide risk map considering landslide vulnerability: Case of Algerian Western coasts 2020
- Evaluation of the didactic potential of Geographical information contents considering Spatial Thinking Ability Test (STAT) 2020
- Monitoring of soil movement in a self-burning coal waste pile with UAV imagery 2020
- Reflectance spectroscopy to validate remote sensing data/algorithms for satellite-based lithium (Li) exploration (Central East Portugal) 2020
- Relationship between the land surface temperature and the vegetation proportion to identify heat Islands. Case study of Brasília (Brazil) 2020
- Temporal analysis of the vineyard phenology from remote sensing data using Google Earth engine 2020
- A semi-automatic approach to derive land cover classification in soil loss models 2019
- Biotite porphyroblast microstructures in Almendra (Vila Nova de Foz Côa) region 2019
- Comparing different techniques of satellite imagery classification to mineral mapping pegmatite of Muiane and Naipa: Mozambique 2019
- Evaluating the performance of support vector machines (SVMs) and random forest (RF) in Li-pegmatite mapping: Preliminary results 2019
- Landscape changes at Chernobyl 2019
- Modeling the prevalence of respiratory chronic diseases risk using satellite images and environmental data 2019
- Remote sensing techniques to detect areas with potential for lithium exploration in Minas Gerais, Brazil 2019
- Comparison of satellite remote sensing data in the retrieve of PM10 air pollutant over Quito, Ecuador 2018
- Evaluating the potential of Sentinel-2 MSI and Landsat-8 OLI data fusion for land cover mapping in Brazilian Amazon 2018
- GIS and remote sensing based method to extract fluvial terraces for archaeological purposes 2018
- Pegmatite spectral behavior considering ASTER and Landsat 8 OLI data in Naipa and Muiane mines (Alto Ligonha, Mozambique) 2018
- Potential of Sentinel-2 data in the detection of lithium (Li)-bearing pegmatites: A study case 2018
- Remote sensing and GIS combination to evaluate the ecosystems' conditions in "serras do Porto" 2018
- Evaluation of automatic cloud removal method for high elevation areas in Landsat 8 OLI images to improve environmental indexes computation 2017
- Evaluation of forest fires in Portugal Mainland during 2016 summer considering different satellite datasets 2017
- Forecasting asthma hospital admissions from remotely sensed environmental data 2017
- GIS Open Source Application as a Support to a Hospital Morbidity Database Hospital GIS 2017
- PI2GIS: Processing image to geographical information systems, a learning tool for QGIS 2017
- Potentialities of sentinel 2 data for coastal management 2017
- Analysing Land Surface Temperature variations during Fogo Island (Cape Verde) 2014-2015 eruption with Landsat 8 images 2016
- MicMac GIS application - Free open source 2016
- Remote sensing as a tool to analyse lizards behaviour 2016
- Spatio-temporal analysis of preterm birth in Portugal and its relation with environmental variables 2016
- A study on the quality of the vegetation index obtainded from MODIS data 2015
- An integrated and open source GIS environmental management system for a protected area in the south of Portugal 2015
- The applicability of FORMOSAT-2 images to coastal waters/bodies classification 2015
- Deriving phenological metrics from NDVI through an open source tool developed in QGIS 2014
- Evaluation of remote sensing data potential in the geological exploration of Freixeda area (Mirandela, Portugal). A preliminary study 2014
- Exploration of the OBIA methods available in SPRING noncommercial software to UAV data processing 2014
- Correlation between the habitats productivity and species richness (amphibians and reptiles) in Portugal, through remote sensed data 2013
- Sistemas de Controlo e Análise Estrutural do Quebramar do Porto do Funchal 2013
- The use of decision trees in the classification of beach forms/patterns on IKONOS-2 data 2013
- The use of remotely sensed environmental data in the study of asthma disease 2012
- Coastal morphodynamic features/patterns analysis through a video based system and image processing 2012
- Controlo da estabilidade e do comportamento de quebra-mares através de acelerómetros e GNSS - Porto do Funchal 2012
- Performance of commercial and open source remote sensing/image processing software for land cover/use purposes 2012
- A first reference dataset for the evaluation of geometric correction methods under the scope of remote sensing applications 2011
- Desenvolvimento de Metodologias e Técnicas Avançadas de Monitorização da Zona Costeira (Projeto MOZCO) 2011
- Land use/land cover changes and flooding surface estimation in Alqueva (Portugal) using 18 years of Landsat data 2011
- Spatio-temporal variability analysis of the Douro river plume through MERIS data for one hydrological year 2011
- Bathymetric estimation through principal components analysis using IKONOS-2 data 2010
- Beach Hydromorphological Behavior Analysis Through Remote Sensing Data and Image Processing Techniques 2010
- Coastal structures and local morphodynamics changes identification using image classification algorithms ¿ Stretch esmoriz ¿ Cortegaça, Portugal 2010
- Douro River Sand Spit (Cabedelo, Porto, Portugal) Dynamic Evolution Study Based on IKONOS-2 Data and Image Classification and Segmentation Techniques 2010
- How can remote sensing data/techniques help us to understand beach hydromorphological behavior? 2010
- Identification of beach features/patterns through artificial neural networks techniques using ikonos data 2010
- Quantitative and qualitative coastal water quality parameters monitoring using field data and aerial photography-Porto (Portugal) beaches 2010
- Beach hydromorphological classification through image classification techniques applied to remotely sensed data 2009
- Classification of Beach Hydromorphological Behaviour through Image Classification Algorithms and Geographic Information Technologies 2009
- Estimation of the Douro River plume dimension based on image segmentation of MERIS scenes 2008
- Quantification of the total suspended matter concentration in the sea breaking zone from in situ measurements and remotely sensed data - two empirical approaches 2005
- Evaluation of total suspended matter concentration in wave breaking zone using multispectral satellite images 2004
capítulo de livro
- A Portuguese SKA “test site” as a case study for an Integrated Environmental Management System: synergies with Space and Earth Observation Sciences 2023
- Development of PALOP Knowledge in Radio Astronomy 2023
- Das Horizont GREENPEG Projekt: Neue Explorationsmethoden für die Erkundung von europäischen Pegmatitlagerstätten ¿ ein Beitrag zur Energiewende 2022
- The role of satellite remote sensing in natural disaster management 2022
- The synergy of remote sensing and geographical information systems in the management of natural disasters 2022
- A hybrid CA-ANN-fuzzy model for simulating coastal changing patterns 2018
- Open Source GIS Tools: Two Environmental Applications 2018
- Remote sensing data and image classification algorithms in the identification of beach patterns 2018
- Spatially explicit models in local dynamics analysis: The potential natural vegetation (PNV) as a tool for beach and coastal management 2018
- Assessment of Potential Impacts in Tourism of the Increase in the Average Sea Level 2017
- Optical Satellite Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone Environment - An Overview 2016
- Remote sensing technologies for the assessment of marine and coastal ecosystems 2016
- Assessing Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution through the DRASTIC Method 2014
- Extraction of Estuarine/Coastal Environmental Bodies from Satellite Data through Image Segmentation Techniques 2011
- Mapeamento de afloramentos de pegmatitos NYF através de imagens de alta resolução do satélite Worldview-3 2023
- S34I - Deteção Remota Aplicada à Otimização de Processos na Indústria Mineira 2023
- Exploring Leaf Spectral Reflectance as a Tool for Early Detection of Infected Kiwifruit Plants with Pseudomonas Syringae Pv. Actinidiae 2023
- INOVMineral - WebGIS-based Visualisation of Geospatial Data 2023
- Evolution of the Urban Heat Island effect between 1985 and 2021 in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. 2023
- GREENPEG's toolset for Province scale pegmatite exploration: interactive workflows 2023
- Secure and sustainable supply of raw materials for EU industry (S34I) project 2023
- Species occurrence records of Montesinho/Nogueira special protection zone [Data set]. 2023
- Sub-pixel classification for pegmatite detection in high-resolution worldview-3 data. 2023
- Prediction of Catharanthus roseus stress by hyperspectral reflectance and photosynthesis in di- and polychromatic light spectra with extended UV-A 2022
- Mineral chemistry and spectroscopy of metasedimentary host rocks of aplite-pegmatite dykes: one step closer to the detection of buried Lithium (Li) pegmatites in the Fregeneda-Almendra area 2022
- Exploiting Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for province scale exploration: the GREENPEG project case studies 2022
- Metasomatic aureoles of highly mobile elements related to evolved granitic aplite-pegmatites from Fregeneda-Almendra (Spain-Portugal) 2022
- Utilização de imagens Sentinel-2 na identificação de pegmatitos do tipo NYF: Um estudo de caso em Tysfjord, Noruega 2022
- Técnicas de deteção remota para identificação de pegmatitos NYF em Tysfjord, Noruega 2022
- A LCT Pegmatite Spectral Library of the Aldeia spodumene deposit: contributes to mineral exploration [Data set]. 2022
- Application of Spectrometry in the Sustainable Management and Control of the Agro-Production System. 2022
- Avaliação e Mapeamento da Vulnerabilidade Costeira Regional para o Complexo Portuário do Itaqui –Maranhão –Brasil: Ambientes e a Cidade Litorânea 2022
- EGU 2022
- Imagens de satélite, Geologia e IA 2022
- Spectral Library of European Pegmatites, Pegmatite Minerals and Pegmatite Host-Rocks – The Greenpeg Database (Version 1) [Data set]. 2022
- Using Remote Sensing data to analyze the Urban Heat Island in Bragança, Portugal 2022
- Aplicação de Mistodos para Identificação de Novos Depósitos de Pegmatitos LCT e NYF: GREENPEG um Projeto Europeu. 2021
- Espectroscopia de Reflectância no Campo Aplito-Pegmatítico de Fregeneda-Almendra: Estudo das Assinaturas Espectrais dos Minerais de Lítio 2021
- Prospeção dos Pegmatitos de Muiane e Naipa (Moçambique) a partir de tiscnicas de Deteção Remota, usando imagens do sensor ASTER. 2021
- Reflectance spectroscopy of minerals and rocks: a case study for lithological classification. 2021
- Monitorização da temperatura de combustão da escombreira de São Pedro da Cova através de veículo não tripulado - Projeto CoalMine 2020
- Statistical processing and principal component analysis of geochemical data from stream sediments for Li exploration 2019
- Sentinel-2 data as a tool for structural mapping 2018
- Independent Component Analysis (ICA) performance to bathymetric estimation using high resolution satellite data in an estuarine environment 2014
- Port infrastructure monitoring (Madeira Island, Portugal) through GNSS, inertial systems and physical and numeric models 2014
- Extraction of Estuarine/Coastal Environmental Bodies from Satellite Data through Image Segmentation Techniques 2011
- Monitoring the sea breaking zone in northwest Portugal using Earth observation satellites 2008
- Tools for remote exploration: a Lithium (Li) dedicated spectral library of the Fregeneda-Almendra aplite-pegmatite field [Data set].