publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Portugal in the nuclear realm: a case of broad multilateralization. International Politics. 2023
- Institutional Inertia and Change: Explaining the Czech and Portuguese Engagement in European Defence Market Integration. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 2023
- Nota Introdutória. A guerra da Rússia na Ucrânia: o primeiro balanço. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2023
- O esfriamento da amizade entre a Ásia Central e a Rússia após a guerra na Ucrânia. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2023
- The Arctic as the New Frontier of (In)Security: Assessing Sino-Russian Revisionism. Security Forum. 2023
- A Nova Geopolítica do Ártico: o fator chinês. ARGOS - Revista do Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo. 2022
- A Rússia na conflitualidade internacional: uma matriz geográfica . Nação e Defesa. 2022
- Intra-European Union dynamics The interplay of divergences and convergences. Routledge Handbook of Eu-russia Relations. 2022
- Making the Europeans visible again: on the Ukrainian-Russian crisis. UNION EU Law Journal. 2022
- O impacto da guerra na Ucrânia na geopolítica europeia e global. IDN E-Briefing Papers. 2022
- O impacto da guerra na Ucrânia nas relações UE-Rússia. Anuário Janus 2022. 2022
- Portugal na Europa e no mundo: a força do multilateralismo. Anuário Janus 2022. 2022
- The Portuguese Presidency of the European Union 4.0. . European Institute of Romania. 2021
- Uma forte presença no mundo: A Diplomacia Portuguesa e a Rússia. Negócios Estrangeiros. 2021
- Trinta anos do fim do comunismo: o regresso dos nacionalismos na Europa Central e Oriental. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2019
- Security Union and the digital sphere: unpacking securitization processes. UNIO – EU Law Journal. 2018
- A (re)securitização da Europa após a Crimeia: consequências para a ação externa da União Europeia. Revista De Análise e Estudos Internacionais. 2017
- The 2007 Portuguese presidency of the European Union and Russia. Debater a Europa. 2016
- Visa liberalization processes in the EU's Eastern neighbourhood: understanding policy outcomes. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 2016
- A (dis)função do termo “crise” no caso ucraniano. Boletim Cidadania e Defesa. 2014
- Trilhos da Política Externa Russa. Focos de Tensão na Vizinhança Próxima: O caso da Ucrânia.. ZOOM. 2014
- Russia and Transforming Security Relations in Europe: A Mix of Strategic and Normative Rationales. e-cadernos CES. 2013
- A projeção global da União Europeia e a parceria estratégica com Moscovo. ZOOM. 2013
- Ukraine: Finding a Balance between the EU and Russia. e-International Relations. 2013
- The Idea of European Security: The Renewed Russian Dilemma. e-International Relations. 2012
- A Cimeira da NATO e a questão Russa. ZOOM. 2011
- European security through eu-russian relations: Towards a new multilateral order?. Journal of Contemporary European Research. 2011
- When Empire Meets Nationalism: Power Politics in the US and Russia. . Europe-Asia Studies. 2011
- NATO e Rússia: novos lances estratégicos. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2010
- O regresso da Rússia. ZOOM. 2010
- Os limites da Hegemonia na ordem global. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2010
- ESDP and Russia: a decade of unfulfilled promise. Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development. 2009
- A Rússia e o ‘Ocidente’ após o verão de 2008: balanço de uma viragem. Revista Autor. 2009
- Decifrar a potência russa. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2009
- Security in Europe After August 2008: the EU, Russia and Their 'Common' Neighbourhood. Georgian Institute for Russian Studies. 2009
- The European Union and Russia: A Mature but Difficult Relationship. ZOOM. 2009
- Debate: uma nova Guerra Fria? No rescaldo da crise russo-georgiana: à procura de um modelo de 'cooperação selectiva'. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2008
- ESDP in Strategic Neighbourhoods: Promises of Stability through International Military Cooperation. Journal Online Defesa e Relações Internacionais. 2008
- Encruzilhada estratégica Bruxelas-Moscovo. Revista Autor. 2008
- Novas perspectivas a Leste: as ambições de Bruxelas. Boletim Cidadania e Defesa. 2008
- Russia in Europe: The Challenge of Political Convergence. European Current Law. 2008
- A Rússia de Putin no horizonte de 2008. Boletim Cidadania e Defesa. 2007
- Lisboa na encruzilhada Moscovo-Bruxelas. Jornal do Exército. 2007
- (Des)afinações na valsa russo-europeia. Boletim Cidadania e Defesa. 2006
- A (I) Maturidade da Relações entre a União Europeia e a Rússia: The (I) Maturity of the Relationship between the European Union and Russia. Perspectivas: Journal of Political Science. 2006
artigo de revista
- Kaliningrad and the Lithuanian geopolitical code. Sovremennaja Evropa. 2022
- The security dilemma in Russia's new national security strategy: between militarism and being a geographical pivot. 2022
- Studying European margins in the illiberal turn: a spacio-normative approach. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 2019
- Estonia and Portugal in Europe: escaping peripherality, capitalizing on marginality. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 2019
- (Re)securitisation in Europe: the Baltic States and Russia. Debater a Europa. 2018
- Polycentrism in a post-hegemonic world and the future of the European Union. Revista Debater a Europa . 2016
capítulo de livro
- Portugal in the European Union 2024
- Portugal in the European Union (forthcoming 2024) 2024
- A União Europeia na arquitetura de segurança europeia pós-2022 2023
- "Estonisation" and its limits: Threat perceptions and integration in the EU and NATO 2022
- O panorama securitário europeu em face da Guerra da Ucrânia: virada de 180 graus e perspectivas 2022
- Intra-European Union Dynamics: The Interplay of Divergences and Convergences 2021
- New Russian Geopolitics: Reviving Past Perceptions and Ambitions 2021
- Os três vetores da Política Externa Portuguesa 2021
- Rússia: Estratégia de Segurança Nacional 2021
- Conclusão 2020
- Facing China in Eurasia: The Russian perspective 2020
- Introdução 2020
- O contributo do Canadá numa ordem liberal em turbulência: a "segurança humana" e os refugiados. 2020
- O que são as "novas guerras": debates sobre a mudança de paradigma 2020
- A União Europeia Face à Rússia: Mais União Sem Finalidade? 2019
- As novas promessas do multilateralismo 2019
- As relações União Europeia-Rússia: uma prática de multilateralismo multinível 2019
- Os conceitos e a evolução do multilateralismo: o nexo reflexão-ação 2019
- (Re)bordering between the EU and Russia: threat perceptions, stigmatisation and the Baltic States 2018
- Déviance et contestation de l'ordre international: Le cas de la Russie 2018
- Resisting Euroscepticism and Anti-Refugee Populism in Europe: The Portuguese Case 2018
- A cultura negocial russa e chinesa em perspetiva comparada 2017
- Policentrismo num mundo pós-hegemónico e o futuro da União Europeia: Portugal num mundo de Incertezas 2017
- Relações UE-Rússia 2017
- The European Union and Russia during the Two Waves of Enlargement: New Political and Implementation Rationales on Old Issues 2017
- EU-Russia Relations and Norm Diffusion: The Role of Non-state Actors 2016
- European security architecture: Fading or adapting? 2016
- Portugal: A Weak Case for Euroscepticism 2016
- Waiting for Better in the Adversity 2016
- Rússia 2015
- Putin's foreign policy towards europe: Evolving trends of an (un)avoidable relationship 2014
- Putin’s Foreign Policy towards Europe: Evolving Trends of an (Un)Avoidable Relationship 2014
- Rússia e União Europeia: dois gigantes e um continente 2014
- A Política Externa da Nova Rússia: entre Velhos Dilemas e Novas Asserções. In Pedro A. Oliveira (ed.). O Fim da URSS, a Nova Rússia e a Crise das Esquerdas. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 125-141. 2013
- The European Union institutional balance: Assessment of its impact on the relationship with Russia 2013
- The European Union and the Medvedev proposal: a breakthrough or an empty shell? In Russia and European Security, edited by Roger E. Kanet and Maria Raquel Freire. Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publishing, 261-285. 2012
- The Russian Factor in the EU's Ambitions towards the East 2012
- Competing for Eurasia: Russian and European Union perspectives 2010
- Redefining the European Security Architecture: Where do the European Union and Russia stand? In Unión Europea y Rusia. Competencia o Cooperación?, eds. José Maria Beneyto e Charles Powell, 131-158. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. 2009
- EU Policies towards Russia, 1999-2007: Realpolitik Intended 2008
- Em 2024, tudo será geopolítica 2023
- Maciej Kaczynski, Sandra Fernandes: Europa a wybory nad Wisla 2023
- Raios de esperança para a UE a partir de Varsóvia 2023
- Viver pela Rússia em vez de morrer por ela? 2023
- O Kissinger russo 2023
- Armar a Ucrânia: um falso dilema 2023
- Portugal and the 'Easternisation' of Europe 2023
- La guerre en Ucraine: les défis du long terme 2022
- a União europeia face a moscovo: missão (im)possível? 2022
- Putin: o 'homo sovieticus' 2022
- A Ucrânia: o epicentro de um choque geopolítico 2022
- França: quando o vencedor é o perdedor 2022
- Como se vai governar a França de Macron 2.0? 2022
- A caixa de Pandora das legislativas em França 2022
- As tentativas estratégicas da União Europeia face a Moscovo 2022
- Os paradoxos da nova geografia europeia: a centralidade das periferias 2022
- Macron vence mas Le Pen não perdeu 2022
- A França de Le Pen: da ‘onda azul’ ao tsunami 2022
- Eleições em França: a verdadeira corrida começa agora 2022
- O ‘sprint’ final para o Eliseu encurtado pela guerra na Ucrânia 2022
- e se a rússia deixar de ser europeia? 2022
- A ambição marítima e a projeção de poder da Rússia: o peso da dimensão continental, Ascensão de Potências Marítimas. IUM Atualidade, 37, Volume I - Uma análise estratégica à Índia, China e Rússia, 21-28 2022
- NATO's refocus on the Eastern Flank: the Portuguese perspective 2022
- Specialisation in EU's small states foreign policy 2022
- The New Great Power Contest in the South Caucasus 2022
- The United States, Russia, China and the International Crisis 2022
- War in Ukraine 2022
- 'Small states' defence industries and PESCO: Role of private actors in shaping national policy to defence integration in Europe 2021
- European Small States in International Organisations - Strategies, Preferences and Adaptation 2021
- Europeanism in Portuguese Foreign Policy: reassessing a national consensus in times of change 2021
- Mapping the Return of Nationalism in Europe: Identity Politics and the Illiberal Turn 2021
- Multilateralism: Concepts and Practices in the 21st Century 2021
- Portuguese external action in the “illiberal turn”: renewed approaches on “smallness” in the Euro-Atlantic space 2021
- Russia and Eurasia: One Concept, Multiple Applications 2021
- The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union 2021
- The state of the European Union: Diagnosis and Future 2021
- Xenophobia in Political Speech: the end of Portuguese Exception? 2021
- The EU and Geopolitical Europe: from Belarus to Nagorno-Karabakh 2020
- Após as Novas Guerras: Repensar a Violência em Relações Internacionais 2020
- EU Policies towards Russia 2019
- O Multilateralismo: Conceitos e Práticas no Século XXI 2019
- Stigmatisation in the Eurasian space: a sociological perspective on receding international orders 2019
- The "Estonianization" of the European Union External Action: Bottom-up Securitization and Relations with Russia 2019
- The Estonianization of the European Union external action: bottom-up securitization and relations with Russia 2019
- The Making of an EU Policy towards Russia: The Triangulation of Interests, Solidarity and Resilience 2019
- The EU and its neighbourhood: engagement without enlargement? 2018
- (Ir)rationality in Russian Forein Policy: a Quantitative Explanation 2018
- Peripherization and Inclusion in the European imagined security community: the role of digital state-building in Estonia 2018
- Portugal and Estonia: Escaping Marginality in Europe 2018
- Power relations and decision-making in the EU: small states and the Common Foreign and Security Policy 2018
- (Re)Securitization in Europe: the EU and Russia 2017
- The Estonian view on European security 2017
- The (Re)Securitization of Russia: the European Union and the Baltic States 2016
- Waiting for Better in the Adversity, Building Bridges Paper Series, 1, March, 1-7 2016
- EU Visa Policy and Business Interests: another side to security and normative approaches towards Russia 2015
- The European Union (Challenged) Governance: How Do Regions and Institutions Promote Policies Between the Local and the Global? 2015
- The European Union Security Governance: An Evolving (In)Coherent Security Role? 2015
- The European Union: A Past, A Present... What Future? IPRIS Viewpoints, 173 2015
- Beyond Ukraine: How to Handle Russia Right? IPRIS Viewpoints, 152 2014
- Challenges to European Security Architecture viewed from Georgian and Ukrainian conundrums 2014
- Competing regionalisms in Europe: how do the European Union and Russia promote policies and legitimization? 2014
- Evolving European Geopolitics: The Ukrainian Case 2014
- Geopolitics and the Russian security space: the issue of borders 2014
- How Powerful are the BRICS? Lessons from the Fortaleza Summit, IPRIS Viewpoints, 164 2014
- New Approaches to Regionalism in Europe: Competing Policies and Alternative Identities 2014
- Russia and the Evolving European Security Space: Strategic and Normative Competition 2014
- Ukraine: a New Geopolitical Europe With Less European Union? IPRIS Viewpoints, 141 2014
- EU-Russian relations and norms diffusion: the role of non-state actors 2013
- Georgia and the European Security Conundrum, IPRIS Viewpoints, 128 2013
- The challenges to the European Security Architecture viewed from the EU-Russia-Georgia conundrum. Challenges and Perspectives: Georgia after the elections in 2012 2013
- Europe in Russian Foreign Policy: Old/New Trends Under Putin-Medvedev 2012
- Portugal Through the EMU Crisis: Setting a Good Example for Germany. In Germany as viewed by Other EU Member States. Eds. A. Möller and R. Parkes. EPIN Paper 33 (June): 20-24. 2012
- Visa Governance in the EU Neighbourhood: Visa Regimes, the ENP and Russia 2012
- Com ou contra a NATO: a estratégia múltipla da Rússia no espaço de segurança euro-asiático 2011
- Le multilatéralisme dans les relations Union Européenne-Russie 2011
- Rethinking ‘Multilateralism’: The Case of EU-Russian Relations 2011
- The EU institutional balance: assessment of its impact on the relationship with Russia 2011
- The Russian Factor in the EU Ambitions Towards the East 2011
- Debating again the foundations of European security: The European Union and the Medvedev proposal 2010
- ESDP and Russia: Looking for a 'modus vivendi' and a 'modus operandi' 2010
- European security through EU-Russian relations: Towards a new multilateral order? 2010
- The European Security Architecture after August 2008: What Foundations? 2010
- Competing for Eurasia: Russian and European Union Perspectives 2009
- Institutionalizing further the European Security Architecture: where do the European Union and Russia fit in? 2009
- Security in Europe after August 2008: the EU, Russia and their 'Common Neighbourhood' 2009
- The European Union and Russia: Problematizing the Common Security Space 2009
- Time to Reassess the European Security Architecture? The NATO-EU-Russia Security triangle. EPIN Working Document nº 22 (March). 2009
- ESDP and Russia: A Decade of Unfulfilled Promise 2008
- EU Policies towards Russia, 1999-2007: Realpolitik Intended, in Tocci, Nathalie, et. al. “The European Union as a Normative Foreign Policy Actor”, CEPS Working Document (nº 281/January). 2008
- EU and Russia: prospects for a common role in European security 2008
- The Promises of ESDP in Stability Promotion through International Military Cooperation 2008
- The multilateral specificity of EU-Russia relations and their impact on European security 2007
- Consequences of the Iraq war on international organizations 2004
- Da Pandemia à Guerra: Impacto das Alterações Geopolíticas na Economia Portuguesa 2023
- Após as Novas Guerras: Repensar a Violência em Relações Internacionais 2020
- O Multilateralismo: Conceitos e Práticas no Século XXI 2019
- Multilateralism and EU-Russian Relations: The Praxis of a Competitive Relation. 2012
- Europa (In)Segura: União Europeia, Rússia, Aliança Atlântica: A Institucionalização de Uma Relação Estratégica 2006