publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Assessment of thermal modeling of photovoltaic panels for predicting power generation using only manufacturer data. Energy Reports. 2024
- Prediction of Global Solar Irradiance on Parallel Rows of Tilted Surfaces Including the Effect of Direct and Anisotropic Diffuse Shading. Energies. 2024
- Development and assessment of artificial neural network models for direct normal solar irradiance forecasting using operational numerical weather prediction data. Energy and AI. 2024
- Simulation of a Thermal Recuperative Incinerator of VOCs with a Special Focus on the Heat Exchanger. Mathematical and Computational Applications. 2023
- Prediction of Circumsolar Irradiance and Its Impact on CSP Systems under Clear Skies. Energies. 2023
- Modeling a solar pressurized volumetric receiver integrated in a parabolic dish: Off-design heat transfers, temperatures, and efficiencies. Energy Conversion and Management. 2023
- Modeling of porous volumetric solar thermal receivers based on reduced order models in transient regime. Energies. 2023
- Performance assessment of clear-sky solar irradiance predictions using state-of-the-art radiation models and input atmospheric data from reanalysis or ground measurements. Solar Energy. 2023
- Method for solar resource assessment using numerical weather prediction and artificial neural network models based on typical meteorological data: Application to the south of Portugal. Solar Energy. 2022
- Impact of a large artificial lake on regional climate: A typical meteorological year Meso-NH simulation results. International Journal of Climatology. 2022
- Corrigendum to “Procedures for solar radiation data gathering and processing and their application to DNI assessment in southern Portugal” [Renew. Energy 163 (2021) 2208–2219] (Renewable Energy (2021) 163 (2208–2219), (S0960148120316414), (10.1016/j.renene.2020.10.075)). Renewable Energy. 2021
- Procedures for solar radiation data gathering and processing and their application to DNI assessment in southern Portugal. Renewable Energy. 2021
- Development of a clear-sky model to determine circumsolar irradiance using widely available solar radiation data. Solar Energy. 2020
- Assessment of Direct Normal Irradiance Forecasts Based on IFS/ECMWF Data and Observations in the South of Portugal. Forecasting. 2020
- Solar Irradiation Data Processing using estimator MatriceS (SIMS) validated for Portugal (southern Europe). Renewable Energy. 2020
- Combined experimental and numerical determination of the asymmetry factor of scattering phase functions in porous volumetric solar receivers. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2020
- Parametric analysis and optimisation of porous volumetric solar receivers made of open-cell SiC ceramic foam. Energy. 2020
- Three-dimensional CFD modelling and thermal performance analysis of porous volumetric receivers coupled to solar concentration systems. Applied Energy. 2019
- Development of an ANN based corrective algorithm of the operational ECMWF global horizontal irradiation forecasts. Solar Energy. 2019
- Short-Term Forecasts of DNI from an Integrated Forecasting System (ECMWF) for Optimized Operational Strategies of a Central Receiver System. Energies. 2019
- Predicted direct solar radiation (ECMWF) for optimized operational strategies of linear focus parabolic-trough systems. Renewable Energy. 2019
- Prediction of diffuse horizontal irradiance using a new climate zone model. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 2019
- Short-term forecasts of GHI and DNI for solar energy systems operation: assessment of the ECMWF integrated forecasting system in southern Portugal. Solar Energy. 2018
- Solar resource assessment through long-term statistical analysis and typical data generation with different time resolutions using GHI measurements. Renewable Energy. 2018
- Three-dimensional modelling and analysis of solar radiation absorption in porous volumetric receivers. Applied Energy. 2018
- Modelling of a Stirling engine with parabolic dish for thermal to electric conversion of solar energy. Energy Conversion and Management. 2017
- Optimization of fluid flow and internal geometric structure of volumes cooled by forced convection in an array of parallel tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011
- Optimization of forced convection heat sinks with pumping power requirements. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011
- Performance analysis of an endoreversible heat pump system for optimal air-ground or water environmental exergy potential utilization. International Journal of Energy Research. 2009
- Utilisation of air-groundwater exergy potential for improvement of the performance of heat pump systems. International Journal of Exergy. 2006
artigo de conferência
- Solar volumetric receiver coupled to a parabolic dish: heat transfer and thermal efficiency analysis 2023
- Simulation of a recuperative heat exchanger integrated in a thermal incinerator with the epsilon-NTU model 2023
- Hydrogen geological storage and interactions in porous media of subsurface geology 2023
- Effect of thickness on the thermo-hydraulic performance of porous volumetric solar receivers with different internal geometries 2021
- DNI Alentejo : Avaliação da disponibilidade média anual de Irradiação Directa Normal no Alentejo 2020
- Prediction of Solar Resource and Photovoltaic Energy Production through the Generation of a Typical Meteorological Year and Meso-NH Simulations: Application to the South of Portugal 2019
- Predictive value of short-term forecasts of DNI for solar energy systems operation 2019
- A grey-box Neural Network Composite Model for an Industrial Heating Furnace 2019
- Circumsolar irradiance modelling using libRadtran and AERONET data 2019
- Study and development of a solar radiation predicting algorithm based on ECMWF's forecasts and ANNs 2018
- Progresses in DNI measurements in Southern Portugal 2017
- DNI measurements in the South of Portugal: Long term results through direct comparison with global and diffuse radiation measurements and existing time series 2016
- Optimization of geometry and performance of cooling bundles of parallel tubes with pumping fluid requirements 2007
- Exergy analysis and optimisation of a ground or water source heat pump system for maximum environmental exergy potential utilisation 2007
- A heat transfer model for on-load monitoring and simulation of a utility boiler burning natural gas and fueloil 2006
- Non-flow exergy potential of the near-ground atmosphere with respect to soil in the Évora region (Portugal) 2003
- Energy analysis and operation of steam generators in conventional thermal power plants 2000
capítulo de livro
- Composite SVR Based Modelling of an Industrial Furnace 2020
- Short-term forecasts of DNI from an integrated forecasting system (ECMWF) for optimized operational strategies of a central receiver system 2020
- Heat transfer in the thermal entry region of singly-connected tubes with uniform wall temperature 2010
- Fontes de energias renováveis no Alentejo: Energia eólica 2008
- Fontes de energias renováveis no Alentejo: Energia solar 2008
- Assessment and mapping of the solar irradiation in Timor-Leste using ERA5, MERRA2 and SOLCAST data 2024
- Modelling a solar volumetric receiver coupled to a parabolic dish: Heat transfer analysis 2023
- Development and validation of coupled thermal-electric transient model of a photovoltaic system 2023
- Simulation of the thermal equipment associated with a paint-shop oven of a vehicle assembly plant with a special focus on the VOC incinerator 2023
- Modelling and optimization of the thermal equipment network of an industrial automotive paint-shop 2023
- "Hydrogen geological storage and interactions in porous media of subsurface geology" 2023
- "Progresses in the development of an integrated forecasting model of solar radiation and photovoltaic power output without using onsite measurements" 2023
- Improved method for solar resource assessment using simulations from the numerical weather prediction model Meso-NH and artificial neural networks 2022
- Development of a model for the promotion of energy efficiency in an automotive industry paint-shop 2022
- "Comparison and assessment of circumsolar ratio models for Évora, Portugal" 2020
- Development of a reduced-order model of an industrial billet heating furnace 2019
- Estimativa do potencial fotovoltaico no Sul de Portugal através de simulações do modelo Meso-NH para um ano meteorológico típico 2019
- Modifying a pyrheliometer to measure direct normal and circumsolar irradiance 2019
- A grey-box neural network composite model for an industrial heating furnace 2019
- Composite SVR based modelling of an industrial furnace 2019
- Simulation of a Billet Heating Furnace 2019
- OpenFOAM solver for 3d modelling of solar thermal volumetric receivers coupled to concentration systems 2019
- "Development and validation of a 3D CFD model for simulation of porous volumetric receivers in solar concentration systems" 2019
- Simulação de um forno de aquecimento de biletes 2019
- Estimation of photovoltaic energy production in Portugal 2019
- "On the influence of Sun-Earth geometry and atmospheric variables on the predictions of solar global irradiation (GHI) obtained from the ECMWF model" 2018
- "Porous materials as volumetric solar thermal receivers in concentration systems" 2018
- "ECMWF Forecasts of DNI Towards a more Efficient Management of Concentrated Solar Thermal Plants" 2018
- ALOP - Alentejo: Sistemas de Alerta e Previsão 2017
- "Simulation of Direct normal Irradiance (DNI) in Portugal with the Meso-NH Model. Several Case Studies" 2017
- "Direct Normal Irradiance and circumsolar radiation: modelling, measurement and impact on Concentrating Solar Power" 2017
- "Modelling of light propagation in porous media: Application to a volumetric solar receiver with porous structure" 2017
- Simulation of Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) in Alentejo with the Meso-NH model. Several case studies 2017
- Annual Average Value of Solar Radiation and its Variability in Portugal 2016
- Contribution to the diffuse radiation modelling in Évora, Portugal 2016
- Spatial and temporal downscaling of solar global radiation and mean air temperature from weather forecast data - an introductory numerical study and validation 2016
- Assessment of PV Systems Performance in the Madeira Island Using Typical Meteorological Year Data 2016
- Radiação solar global em Portugal e a sua variabilidade mensal e anual 2016
- Determination of a Mean Solar Radiation Year and of a Typical Meteorological Year for the region of Funchal in the Madeira Island 2016
- Modelação de um motor de Stirling com concentração de radiação solar 2015
- "Interactions lake-atmosphere: The ALEX 2014 field campaign and numerical simulations" 2015
- ALEX2014: The Alqueva Hydro-Meteorological Experiment 2015
- Estudo e avaliação do recurso eólico na região de Évora a partir de dados de uma estação meteorológica 2013
- Book of abstracts of the 5th Meeting of Post-Graduation in Physics and Earth Sciences of University of Évora 2011
- 4º Encontro de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Físicas e da Terra da Universidade de Évora (Livro de resumos) 2009
- Análise exergética e optimização de uma bomba de calor com fonte no solo/água para a máxima utilização de exergia ambiental 2007
- Optimal design of a heat exchanger network composed of parallel tubes 2007
- 3º Encontro de Pós-Graduação em Investigação e ensino das Ciências Físicas e da Terra da Universidade de Évora (Livro de Resumos) 2007
- Modelo de monitorização e simulação de uma caldeira para optimização da eficiência energética e de emissões poluentes 2003
- 1º Encontro de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Terra, Clima e Espaço da Universidade de Évora (Livro de Resumos) 2003