publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Neural Correlates and Perceived Attractiveness of Male and Female Shoulder-to-Hip Ratio in Men and Women: An EEG Study. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2023
- A Dual-Process Approach to Cooperative Decision Making under Uncertainty. Antibiotics. 2022
- A dual-process approach to prosocial behavior under COVID-19 uncertainty. Antibiotics. 2022
- Instructional control in choice tasks: The relation between type of schedule and relative expected values. Behavioural Processes. 2022
- Breast cancer screening adherence rates and barriers of implementation in ethnic, cultural and religious minorities: A systematic review. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 2021
- DRASTICAI, a New Index for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment – A Portuguese Case Study. 2021
- Monetary sunk cost in intimate abusive relationships 2021
- The description-experience gap: a meta-analysis. Journal of Negative & No Positive Results. 2021
- Therapist's responsiveness when using supporting or challenging interventions: An exploratory case study 2021
- “Time Slows Down Whenever You Are Around” for Women but Not for Men. Frontiers in Physiology. 2021
- Brain metastases from breast cancer. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2020
- Author Correction: Sex Differences for Preferences of Shoulder to Hip Ratio in Men and Women: an Eye Tracking Study (Evolutionary Psychological Science, (2019), 5, 4, (405-415), 10.1007/s40806-019-00198-w). Evolutionary Psychological Science. 2020
- Becoming sexy: Contrapposto pose increases attractiveness ratings and modulates observers’ brain activity. Biological Psychology. 2020
- Sex differences for preferences of shoulder-to-hip ratio in men and women: an eye-tracking study.. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 2020
- Waist to hip ratio and breast size modulate the processing of female body silhouettes: An EEG study. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2020
- Is Imagination of the Infidelity More Painful than Actual Infidelity?. Current Psychology. 2019
- Sex Differences for Preferences of Shoulder to Hip Ratio in Men and Women: an Eye Tracking Study. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 2019
- The effect of height and shoulder-to-hip ratio on interpersonal space in virtual environment. Psychological Research. 2019
- Waist-to-Hip Ratio as Supernormal Stimuli: Effect of Contrapposto Pose and Viewing Angle. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2019
- For Whose Benefit? The Biological and Cultural Evolution of Human Cooperation. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 2018
- Is there a Sunk Cost Effect in Committed Relationships?. Current Psychology. 2018
- The effect of women’s leg posture on gazing behavior and perceived attractiveness. Current Psychology. 2018
- Book Review: How Men Age: What Evolution Reveals about Male Health and Mortality. Frontiers in Physiology. 2017
- How to Live a Life with More Positive Than Negative Feelings? A Review of Menelaos Apostolou, Feeling Good: An Evolutionary Perspective on Life Choices. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 2017
- Effect of Religious Day on Prosocial Behavior: A Field Study. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 2017
- Production of false memories in collaborative memory tasks using the DRM paradigm 2017
- Production of false memories in collaborative memory tasks using the DRM paradigm,La producción de falsos recuerdos en tareas de memoria de colaboración utilizando el paradigma DRM.. Psicologica. 2017
- The Relationship between Sexual and Emotional Promiscuity and Infidelity.. Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: PSY2016- 2087. . 2016
- Collaborative Inhibition Effect: Review of some influent variables 2015
- Efeito de Inibição Colaborativa: Revisão de algumas variáveis de influência 2015
- Comparing performance of humans and pigeons in rule-based visual categorization tasks. Learning and Motivation. 2014
- Book Review: We Are Unique When We Cry. Evolutionary Psychology. 2013
- Females' duration estimates of briefly-viewed male, but not female,photographs depend on attractiveness. Evolutionary Psychology. 2013
- Offenders have higher delay-discounting rates than non-offenders after controlling for differences in drug and alcohol abuse. Legal and Criminological Psychology. 2013
- Press freedom, oil exports, and risk for natural disasters: A challenge for climato-economic theory?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2013
- Kinship recognition by unrelated observers depends on implicit and explicit cognition. Evolutionary Psychology. 2012
- Resistance to change and preference for variable versus fixed response sequences. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2012
- Resistance to change varies inversely with reinforcement context. Behavioural Processes. 2012
- Intermodal transfer from a visual to an auditory discrimination using an errorless learning procedure. Behavioural Processes. 2009
- Temporal discounting for monetary and close relationship outcomes. Personal Relationships. 2009
- Comparison of Scalar Expectancy Theory (SET) and the Learning-to-Time (LeT) model in a successive temporal bisection task. Behavioural Processes. 2008
- Contrast and value: Beyond the work ethic effect. A reply to Zentall (2008). Learning & Behavior. 2008
- Failure to obtain value enhancement by within-trial contrast in simultaneous and successive discriminations. Learning & Behavior. 2008
- Further tests of the Scalar Expectancy Theory (SET) and the Learning-to-Time (LeT) model in a temporal bisection task. Behavioural Processes. 2006
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Atmospheric Plasma and UV Polymerisation for Developing Sustainable Anti-Adhesive Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Surfaces. Coatings. 2023
- Can Superhydrophobic PET Surfaces Prevent Bacterial Adhesion?. Nanomaterials. 2023
- Geoscientists' views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience. Geoscience Communication. 2023
- How Can Geoscience Communication Foster Public Engagement with Geoconservation?. Geoheritage. 2023
- A kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism for acrylic acid production in Escherichia coli. PLoS Computational Biology. 2021
- Predicting covid-19 vaccination intention: The determinants of vaccine hesitancy. Vaccines. 2021
- The role of Ga and Bi doping on the local structure of transparent zinc oxide thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021
- Extradyadic Behaviors and Gender: How Do They Relate With Sexual Desire, Relationship Quality, and Attractiveness. Frontiers in Physiology. 2020
- Tools and resources for neuroanatomy education: a systematic review. BMC Medical Education. 2018
- Arching the Back (Lumbar Curvature) as a Female Sexual Proceptivity Signal: an Eye-Tracking Study. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 2018
- Relationship quality influences attitudes toward and perceptions of infidelity. Personal Relationships. 2017
- The description-experience gap and its relation to instructional control: Do people rely more on. Journal of Negative & No Positive Results. 2017
- The Effect of Religious Clothing on Gaze Behavior: An Eye-Tracking Experiment. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 2017
- Always on My Mind? Recognition of Attractive Faces May Not Depend on Attention. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016
- Costs and benefits of remembering in collaboration: A brief literature review,Custos e benefícios de recordar em colaboração: Breve revisão da literatura. Psicologia, Educação e Cultura. 2016
- Elimination of collaborative inhibition effect using the Method of Loci. Psicothema. 2016
- Errorless learning of a conditional temporal discrimination. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2011
- Context effects in a temporal discrimination task: Further tests of the scalar expectancy theory and learning-to-time models. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2008
- Numerosity discrimination in preschool children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2007
capítulo de livro
- The retention of biological and scrambled movements in working memory and its effect on social skills. 2023
- Geoscientist’s views and practices on Geoscience Communication 2022
- Predicting COVID-19 vaccination intention in Portugal: The determinants of vaccine hesitancy 2021
- A dual-process approach to prosocial behaviour in situations of uncertainty caused by COVID-19 2021
- DRASTICAI, a New Index for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment – A Portuguese Case Study 2021
- Seeking public engagement with geodiversity 2021
- UDP-glucuronic acid heterologous production in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae chassis 2020
- "Clinical Files" can integrate forensic science education at secondary schools: testing for albumin in a fictitious alcoholic murder 2019
- Beauty and the brain. 2018
- Atratividade, atenção e memória humana: Um estudo de eye-tracking 2013
- The effect of interpersonal attraction on attention and memory 2013
- Translation, adaptation and co-validation of two infidelity scales 2013
- Geoscientist’s views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience
- Supplementary material to "Geoscientist’s views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience"
- A ciência por detrás da atração: uma integração multimodal 2021
- Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on online infidelity and relationship quality 2021
- Intimate partner violence in Covid-19 pandemic 2021
- When the law allows, but you don’t accept: attitudes toward adoption by same-sex couples 2021
- “I’m addicted to you, so are we toxic?": partner’s characteristics predict emotional dependence 2021
- Attractiveness and attention, memory, and time perception 2019
- Behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of physical attractiveness 2019
- Motivations and reactions to infidelity: comparative study between Madeira Island and mainland Portugal 2018
- Physical attractiveness: sexual satisfaction, promiscuity and infidelity 2018
- Rule-governed behavior and the description-experience gap 2018
- The impact of institutional recognition on motivation, satisfaction, commitment and investment of volunteers 2018
- The role of social networks in sexual and emotional infidelity 2018
- What makes women swipe right: mate preferences in Tinder 2018
- Attitudes regarding bisexuality: how it relates to emotional and sexual promiscuity? 2017
- Being the third person: personality, infidelity and self esteem 2017
- Decision-making processes in child abuse situations 2017
- How do we respond to a transgression: judgments of justice and inter-group relations 2017
- Time slows down whenever you are around for women but not for men 2017
- “I’m jealous of the way the rain that falls upon your skin”: the role of jealousy in intimate violence 2017
- Remember in collaboration: Collaborative inhibition effect 2016
- Self-regulation and intimate relationships 2016
- The relationship between the quality of intimate relationship and the couple's autobiographical memory 2016
- The sunk cost effect in intimate abusive relationships 2016
- How do couples experience an intimate relationship after being diagnosed with cancer? 2015
- Is there a sunk cost effect in intimate relationships? 2015
- O efeito da indução de emoções na excitação sexual subjetiva 2015
- The influence of mood states and relational ambiguity on justice judgments 2015
- The relationship between sexual and emotional promiscuity and infidelity 2015
- Infidelity behaviors: their effects on sexual desire, relationship quality and attractiveness 2014
- The effect of the menstrual cycle on temporal perception 2013
- Translation and validation of the partner's scales and the ideal relationship for the Portuguese language 2013
- Temporal discrimination and errorless learning 2010