publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Competence Oriented Education of Future HSE Professionals: Lessons Learned. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2022
- Thermal environment in freight transport - the case of a vehicle without air conditioning. SHO2019: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE. 2019
artigo de conferência
- The perception of students from a higher education institution regarding the importance of education in OSH subjects during COVID pandemic 2021
- Comparison between methods of assessing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders on upper limb extremities: A study in manual assembly work 2018
- A Cooperative Human-Machine Interaction Warning Strategy for the Semi-Autonomous Driving Context 2017
- The influence of shift work in the use of hearing protection devices 2014
- Bringing Awareness to Hygiene and Safety Issues to the Young Stratum of Society 2013
- On the nature of hearing protection devices usage prediction 2013
- Pender’s health promotion model’s contribution to occupational health and safety 2013
- A retrospective reflection/investigation on occupational noise exposure 2012
artigo de revista
- Bradykinesia Detection in Parkinson’s Disease Using Smartwatches’ Inertial Sensors and Deep Learning Methods. Electronics. 2022
- Improvement of Performance in Freezing of Gait detection in Parkinson's Disease using Transformer networks and a single waist-worn triaxial accelerometer. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2022
- Automatic Resting Tremor Assessment in Parkinson's Disease Using Smartwatches and Multitask Convolutional Neural Networks.. Bioengineering. 2021
- Deep Learning Approaches for Detecting Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease Patients through On-Body Acceleration Sensors. Bioengineering. 2020
- Comparison between occupational noise measurement strategies : why is it important?. WORK. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Industrial Occupational Safety 2021
- Importance of the 5S Methodology to Occupational Safety and Health: A Case Study in a Branch of the Asia Commercial Bank in Vietnam 2020
- P2P Web Service Based System for Supporting Decision-Making in Cellular Manufacturing Scheduling. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering. 2013
- pH-responsive, wet-spun coaxial microfibers loaded with Ala-Ala-Pro-Val peptide for prospective chronic wound care 2021
- Fuzzy logic theory applications on the occupational risk prevention domain 2012
- P2P Web Service Based System for Supporting Decision-Making in Cellular Manufacturing Scheduling 2012
- Preface 2023
- Downstream Applications: How is Safety Targeted? 2022
- Evidence on the Use of Gait Analysis - A Review 2021
- Evidence of the Use of Fuzzy Techniques in Occupational Safety 2020
- Robots and Human Interaction in a Furniture Manufacturing Industry - Risk Assessment 2020
- Safety Training and Occupational Accidents – Is There a Link? 2020
- Capturing the Ups and Downs of Accidents’ Figures – The Portuguese Case Study 2019
- Sustainable Business Strategies: What You Think Is What You Do? 2019
- Tackling Autonomous Driving Challenges – How the Design of Autonomous Vehicles Is Mirroring Universal Design 2019
- Weighing the importance of drivers’ workload measurement standardization 2019
- Wellness in Cognitive Workload - A Conceptual Framework 2019
- Workload Measures—Recent Trends in the Driving Context 2019
- Driving Workload Indicators: The Case of Senior Drivers 2018