publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Pollutant-meteorological factors and cardio-respiratory mortality in Portugal: Seasonal variability and associations. Environmental Research. 2024
- Mapping the Mine: Combining Portable X-ray Fluorescence, Spectroradiometry, UAV, and Sentinel-2 Images to Identify Contaminated Soils—Application to the Mostardeira Mine (Portugal). Remote Sensing. 2023
- Fire-Pollutant-Atmosphere Components and Its Impact on Mortality in Portugal During Wildfire Seasons. GeoHealth. 2023
- Integrative toolbox to assess the quality of freshwater sediments contaminated with potentially toxic metals. Environmental Research. 2023
- Evaporation over a glacial lake in Antarctica. The Cryosphere. 2022
- Modelling the Atmospheric Environment Associated with a Wind-Driven Fire Event in Portugal. Atmosphere. 2022
- A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector. Geoscientific Model Development. 2022
- The Use of Sentinel-3/OLCI for Monitoring the Water Quality and Optical Water Types in the Largest Portuguese Reservoir. Remote Sensing. 2022
- Lake and Land Breezes at a Mediterranean Artificial Lake: Observations in Alqueva Reservoir, Portugal. Atmosphere. 2021
- Water-Sediment Physicochemical Dynamics in a Large Reservoir in the Mediterranean Region under Multiple Stressors. Water. 2021
- Risk Assessment of Irrigation-Related Soil Salinization and Sodification in Mediterranean Areas. Water. 2020
- Reservoir evaporation in a Mediterranean climate: comparing direct methods in Alqueva Reservoir, Portugal. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2020
- Land-Cover Patterns and Hydrogeomorphology of Tributaries: Are These Important Stressors for the Water Quality of Reservoirs in the Mediterranean Region?. Water. 2020
- Numerical study of the seasonal thermal and gas regimes of the large artificial reservoir in Western Europe using LAKE2.0 model. Geoscientific Model Development. 2020
- Benthic diatom community dynamics in Mediterranean intermittent streams: Effects of water availability and their potential as indicators of dry-phase ecological status. Heredity. 2020
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Secchi Depth and Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient from Sentinel-2 MSI over a Large Reservoir. Remote Sensing. 2020
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of irrigation water quality under drought conditions in a large reservoir in Southern Portugal. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2020
- Validation of ESA Sentinel-2 L2A Aerosol Optical Thickness and Columnar Water Vapour during 2017–2018. Remote Sensing. 2019
- Vertical distribution of benthic diatoms in a large reservoir (Alqueva, Southern Portugal) during thermal stratification. Heredity. 2019
- Extreme, wintertime Saharan dust intrusion in the Iberian Peninsula: Lidar monitoring and evaluation of dust forecast models during the February 2017 event. Atmospheric Research. 2019
- Ground/space, passive/active remote sensing observations coupled with particle dispersion modelling to understand the inter-continental transport of wildfire smoke plumes. European Journal of Operational Research. 2019
- Use of Sentinel 2 – MSI for water quality monitoring at Alqueva reservoir, Portugal. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. 2018
- February 2017 extreme Saharan dust outbreak in the Iberian Peninsula: from lidar-derived optical properties to evaluation of forecast models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. 2018
- Breeze effects at a large artificial lake: summer case study. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2018
- QUALIDADE DA ÁGUA NO RESERVATÓRIO DE ALQUEVA ATRAVÉS DE MEDIÇÕES IN SITU E DE DETEÇÃO REMOTA DE SATÉLITE. Um dos objetivos propostos para o projeto ALOP (ALentejo Observation and Prediction systems) passa pela implementação de um método de deteção remota por satélite combinado com medidas in situ, para a monitorização de parâmetros relacionados com a qualidade da água. Os algoritmos empíricos propostos com o espectrómetro MERIS (ENVISAT) foram testados para o instrumento multi-espectral MSI (SENTINEL-. 2018
- Qualidade da água no reservatório de Alqueva 2018
- Lake-atmosphere interactions at Alqueva reservoir: A case study in the summer of 2014. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 2017
- Annual Average Value of Solar Radiation and its Variability in Portugal 2016
- Atmospheric electrical field measurements near a fresh water reservoir and the formation of the lake breeze. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 2016
- ALQUEVA HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL EXPERIMENT (ALEX): FIRST RESULTS OF AQUATIC ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT. The ALqueva hydro-meteorological EXperiment (ALEX) field campaign took place monthly during summer 2014 and consisted in in situ measurements and sampling of water and biological elements, collected from three fixed platforms placed in the lacustrine zone. This integrated overview, including meteorological, environmental and biological results contributes to improve the knowledge of the reservoir . 2015
- Analysis of atmospheric vertical profiles in the presence of desert dust aerosols. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2015
- Evaluation of the lake model FLake over a coastal lagoon during the THAUMEX field campaign. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 2013
- Influence of atmospheric aerosol characterization on satellite remote sensing of water quality parameters 2013
- Spectral measurements of underwater downwelling radiance of inland water bodies. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 2013
- On the contribution of lakes in predicting near-surface temperature in a global weather forecasting model. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 2012
- Satellite remote sensing of water turbidity in Alqueva reservoir and implications on lake modelling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2012
- Climatology In the Support to the Recuperation of a Temporary River in the Guadiana Basin. Wiley-Blackwell. 2011
- Determination of water quality parameters and their usefulness on lake modelling 2011
- Remote sensing of water quality parameters over Alqueva reservoir in the south of Portugal. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2011
- Warm cloud study from ground-based remote sensing using different radiative transfer approaches 2011
- Climatologia no apoio à recuperação de um rio temporário da bacia do Guadiana 2009
artigo de conferência
- Assessing water quality for irrigation and soil salinization risk under drought: the case of the Alqueva reservoir (Guadiana river basin) 2018
- Avaliação da qualidade da água de rega e do risco de salinização do solo em condições de seca: o caso do perímetro de Alqueva em 2017 2018
- Contribution to the salinization risk assessment, under drought conditions, in the Alqueva irrigation area (South Portugal) 2018
- ALOP: Sistemas de observação, previsão e alerta na atmosfera e em reservatórios de água do Alentejo. Livro de resumos do II Congresso das Escolas Superiores Agrárias 2017
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa and R. Salgado, 2013. Influence of atmospheric aerosol characterization on satellite remote sensing of water quality parameters. Proceedings of the 1st Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology - RICTA 2013, 1-3 July, 2013, Évora, Portugal. 2013
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa and R. Salgado, 2013. “Medição espectral do coeficiente de atenuação de águas interiores “, 8º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG, 14º Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia, 18-20 Março 2013, Ericeira. 2013
- Medição espectral do coeficiente de atenuação de águas interiores 2013
- Determination of water quality parameters and their usefulness on lake modelling 2011
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa and R. Salgado, 2011. Determination of water quality parameters and their usefulness on lake modelling. Global Conference on Global Warming, 11-14 July, Lisbon, Portugal. 2011
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa and R. Salgado, 2011: “Satellite Remote Sensing of water Turbidity in Alqueva reservoir”, 5º Encontro de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Físicas e da Terra da Universidade de Évora. 2011
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa and R. Salgado, 2011: ”Qualidade da água da Albufeira de Aqueva”, 7º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG, 12º Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia e XIV Congresso latino-Americano e Ibérico de Meteorologia. Setúbal, Portugal. 2011
- Qualidade da água da Albufeira de Aqueva 2011
- Potes, M., M.J. Costa, 2009. Study of the water quality of Alqueva reservoir in the south of Portugal using MERIS data. ESA Atmospheric Science Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 8. Potes, M., Amante, V., Salgado, R., Cunha, S., Pires, V., Pedro, A., Morais, M., 2010. “Contributo da climatologia para a recuperação da ribeira da Pardiela”. XXXI Jornadas Científicas da AME, Sevilha, Espanha. 2010
- Potes, M., M.J. Costa, 2009. Satellite remote sensing of parameters associated with water quality of Alqueva reservoir. 4º Encontro de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Físicas e da Terra da Universidade de Évora. 2009
- Potes, M., M.J. Costa, 2009. Satellite remote sensing of parameters associated with water quality of artificial lakes. 6º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG e 10º Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia. Costa da Caparica, Portugal. 2009
- Potes, M., R. Salgado, V.Pires, S. Cunha, A. Pedro, M. Morais, 2009. Climatology in the support to the recuperation of a temporary river in the Guadiana basin. 6º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG e 10º Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia. Costa da Caparica, Portugal. 2009
- Potes, M., M.J. Costa, 2008. Dam water quality monitoring through artificial neural network modelling. 6ª Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica. Tomar, Portugal, 147-148. 2008
- Potes M., M.J. Costa and J.C.B. da Silva, 2007. Study of the Water Quality of Alqueva Artificial Lake in the South of Portugal Using MERIS Data.Envisat Symposium 2007 , 23¬27 April 2007, Montreux, Switzerland. SP-636, Nº 461440. 2007
- Potes, M., M.J. Costa, J.C.B. da Silva, 2007. “Detecção remota de parâmetros associados com a qualidade da água de lagos artificiais”. 3º Encontro de pós-graduação em investigação e ensino das ciências físicas e da terra da Universidade de Évora, 47-48. 2007
- Study of the water quality of alqueva artificial lake in the South of Portugal using MERIS data 2007
capítulo de livro
- Assessment and mapping of the solar irradiation in Timor-Leste using ERA5, MERRA2 and SOLCAST data 2024
- Aerosol monitoring and radiative forcing assessment in southwestern Iberia 2022
- Fifteen years of ozone and nitrogen dioxide monitoring with ground based optical instrumentation in South Western region of the Iberian Peninsula 2022
- Modelling the environmental conditions associated with megafires in Portugal 2022
- Fire risk analysis over Portugal in the last decades and contributions of satellite Earth observation to evaluate wildfires 2022
- Condições atmosféricas associadas a um incêndio florestal 2022
- Modelação atmosférica associada a um incêndio florestal caso de estudo de Vila de Rei 2021
- Modelação atmosférica associada a um incêndio florestal: caso de estudo de Vila de Rei 2021
- Riscos de salinização e sodização do solo em áreas Mediterrânicas regadas: aplicação ao Alentejo Interior. 2020
- Numerical study of the seasonal thermal and gas regimes of the large artificial reservoir in Western Europe using LAKE2.0 model 2020
- Efeitos de Brisa de Terra na Albufeira do Alqueva 2019
- Influência de Alqueva na Temperatura do Ar: Observações entre 2017 e 2018 2019
- Contribution to the salinization risk assessment, under drought conditions, in the Alqueva irrigation area (South Portugal) 2018
- E. Shevnina, M. Potes, D. Franz and R. Salgado. 2018. Evaporation over ice/snow surface and lakes: Eddy covariance measurements in Antarctica. October 29, 2018. 2018
- Qualidade da água no reservatório de Alqueva 2018
- ALOP: Sistemas de observação, previsão e alerta na atmosfera e em reservatórios de água do Alentejo 2017
- Instrumentation inter-comparison and atmospheric boundary layer height retrievals during SLOPE II campaign at Granada (Spain) 2017
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa, R. Salgado, G. Rodrigues, D. Bortoli, 2017. Water column attenuation coefficient estimations in Alqueva reservoir, Vienna, Austria. 2017
- On the effects of reservoirs on local climate 2017
- On the use of FLAKE in SURFEX coupled to Meso-NH 2017
- Results from a new apparatus developed for measurements of solar spectral downwelling irradiance in the water column 2016
- ALEX2014: The Alqueva Hydro-Meteorological Experiment 2016
- Alqueva hydro-meteorological experiment(alex): first results of aquatic ecological assessment 2016
- Interactions lake-atmosphere: The ALEX 2014 field campaign and numerical simulations 2016
- Interacções lago-atmosfera na albufeira de Alqueva 2016
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa, R. Salgado, M. Morais, D. Bortoli and I. Kostadinov, 2016. Measurements of solar spectral downwelling irradiance in the water column of a large reservoir in Portugal, Vienna, Austria. 2016
- Ecological assessment of Mediterranean reservoirs: Alqueva reservoir as a case study (Alentejo, Southern Portugal) 2015
- Interactions lake-atmosphere under Mediterranean conditions: ALEX 2014 observations and simulations. 2015
- Interactions lake-atmosphere: The ALEX 2014 field campaign and numerical simulations 2015
- La circulation atmosphérique dans le sud du Portugal et l'effet du réservoir d'Alqueva. Cas d’étude ALEX 2014 2015
- M. Potes, C. M. Rodrigues, R. Serrano, A. Albino, R. Salgado and M. J. Costa, 2015. Energy, Water and CO2 turbulent fluxes measurements over a large reservoir in Portugal, Vienna, Austria. 2015
- R. Salgado, M. Potes, A. Albino, C. M. Rodrigues, R. Serrano and ALEX Scientific Team, 2014. Eddy covariance flux measurements over a man made lake during the ALEX 2014 field campaign in South Portugal. San Francisco, USA. 2014
- Cloud properties retrievals from different radiative transfer approaches 2011
- Satellite remote sensing of water turbidity in Alqueva reservoir 2011
- M. Potes and M. J. Costa, 2009. Study of the water quality of Alqueva reservoir in the south of Portugal using MERIS data. Barcelona, Spain. 2009
- M. Potes and M. J. Costa, 2009. Satellite Remote Sensing of Parameters Associated with Water Quality of Artificial Lakes. March 2009. 2009
- Martínez Lombardo, Mª C., Cano, E., Pinto Gomes, C.J., Potes, M and Salgado, R., 2009. “Índíces Bioclimáticos na região do Alentejo”. 2009
- V. Amante, M. Potes, S. Barias, R. Salgado, 2009. “Climatologia no apoio à recuperação de um rio temporário da bacia do Guadiana”. 2009
- M. Potes and M. J. Costa, 2008. Dam water quality monitoring through artificial neural network modelling. Tomar, Portugal. 2008
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa, J. C. B. da Silva, 2007. Remote Sensing of Parameters Associated to the Water Quality of Artificial Lakes. 2007
- M. Potes, M. J. Costa, J. C. B. da Silva, 2007. Study of the water quality of Alqueva artificial lake in the south of Portugal using MERIS data. Montreux, Switzerland. 2007
- Evaporation over glacial lakes in Antarctica
- Fire weather risk analysis over Portugal in the last decades and their impacts over the atmosphere - The Monchique study case
- Fire-Pollutant-Atmosphere Components and Its Impact on Mortality in Portugal During Wildfire Seasons
- Fire-Pollutant-Atmosphere Interaction and Its Impact on Mortality in Portugal During Wildfire Seasons
- Supplementary material to "Evaporation over glacial lakes in Antarctica"
- Detecção remota e determinação in situ de parâmetros físicos e micro-biológicos de águas interiores e sua aplicação à modelação das interacções lago-atmosfera 2014
- Climatologia e qualidade da água na Bacia Hidrográfica do Guadiana 2008
- Estudo da qualidade da água da barragem de Alqueva utilizando medidas de satélite ENVISAT – MERIS 2006