publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Triangulation algorithms for generating as-Is floor plans. Nexus Network Journal. 2020
- Measuring Urban Renewal: a dual Kernel Density Estimation to assess the intensity of building renovation - case study in Lisbon. Urban Science. 2018
- Cork re-Wall: computational methods of automatic generation and digital fabrication of cork partition walls for building renovation. Gestão e Tecnologia de Projetos. 2016
artigo de conferência
- Context-aware mass customization construction system: methods for user captured as-built plans 2019
- Interactive algorithm for generating accurate as-built plans by building owners 2019
- Towards a digitally fabricated disassemble-able building system: a CNC fabricated T-Slot joint 2018
- Transdisciplinary in Architecture as a digital change: back to the future 2018
- Rhythms of Renewal of the City 2017
- Mapping mass customization 2017
- Transdisciplinary insight of digital architecture 2017
capítulo de livro