publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Planning Health in School: a stepwise process to building children's healthy behaviours in Portugal. Early Human Development. 2018
- Children learn, children do! Results of Planning Health in School, a behavioural-change programme. Early Human Development. 2017
- Cost-benefit analysis of the Planning Health in School programme to prevent children's obesity. Early Human Development. 2016
- The impact of the 'Planning Health in School' programme on two obese adolescent twins: a case study. Early Human Development. 2015
- 'Planning Health in School' Programme in Portugal: helping adolescents to change their diet to improve their nutritional status. Early Human Development. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Planning Health in School Programme: Rational Analysis of Costs and Benefits 2018
- Impacte do programa educativo 'Planear saúde na escola' em dois gémeos adolescentes obesos: um estudo de caso. 2015
- Using the food records to follow adolescents' eating behaviours during the implementation of the educational programme 'Planning Health in School' 2013
- O diário alimentar na monitorização das práticas alimentares dos adolescentes envolvidos no programa" Planear Saúde na Escola". 2013
- A healthy eating and lifestyle school intervention: conceptual and attitudinal change but no behavioural change 2012
- Promover a saúde na escola: um modelo educativo para adoção de hábitos saudáveis de alimentação e atividade física. 2011
artigo de revista
- The Impact of the ‘Planning Health in School’ Programme on a Pair of Twins with Obesity. Children. 2022
- Effectiveness of the “Planning Health in School” Programme on Children’s Nutritional Status. Healthcare. 2021
- Children Learn, Children Do! Results of the “Planning Health in School”, a Behavioural Change Programme. Healthcare. 2021
- Costs and benefits of a school-based health intervention in Portugal. Health Promotion International. 2019
capítulo de livro
- Economic impact of the dietary pattern of a group of Portuguese seniors: to know for promoting well-being.[Impacto económico do padrão alimentar de um grupo de séniores portugueses : conhecer para promover o bem-estar.] 2018
- Qualidade de vida e complicações dos portadores de ostomia de eliminação 2016
- Impact of the educational program 'Planning Health in School' in an obese adolescent: A case study 2013
- Nutritional status, breakfast habits and fruit and vegetables consumption among children in a preschool at Fundão city 2013
- Bifidobacterium Lactis DN-173 010 Strain on the management of oral ulcers of Behcet's syndrome -preliminary results. 2008
- Planning Health in School: building a healthy eating and active lifestyle educational model 2017
- Development of a gluten-free handmade cone recipe [Desenvolvimento de uma receita de cone artesanal sem glúten] 2016
- A comparative study of eating habits between today and 40 years ago [Estudo comparativo dos hábitos alimentares entre hoje e há 40 anos atrás] 1991