publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Behaviors and Attitudes Towards Companion Animals During COVID-19: An Exploratory Study in Portugal. SocIETy & Animals. 2023
- They're just animals? Behaviours and attitudes towards pets during COVID-19: an exploratory study. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Sciences. 2023
- Riscos e Ameaças aos direitos dos animais de companhia em tempos de Pandemia: um estudo exploratório . Conferência Euroamericana para o Desenvolvimento dos Direitos Humanos. 2021
artigo de conferência
- Risks and Threats to the riots of pets in pandemic times: an exploratory study 2020
- Maintenance costs of a pitch control device of a wind turbine. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 2013
- Maintenance costs of a pitch system of a wind turbine 2013
- Descoberta de Padrões num Sistema de Certificação de Empresas 2012
artigo de revista
- Fuzzy maintenance costs of a wind turbine pitch control device. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 2015
capítulo de livro
- Continuously Learning from User Feedback 2022
- Inception and specification of what-if scenarios using OLAP usage preferences 2018
- Using alloy for verifying the integration of OLAP preferences in a hybrid what-if scenario application 2018
- Conceiving hybrid what-if scenarios based on usage preferences 2016