publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Exploring socioeconomic-related inequality in children’s cognitive achievement in Peru. Journal of Economic Inequality. 2024
- Graduate employment: Does the type of higher education institution matter?. Bulletin of Economic Research. 2023
- Factors associated with the mobility of college students in Brazil: an analysis using a gravity model. Higher Education. 2023
- Estimating the Effect of Distance on the Migration of Higher Education Candidates. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. 2022
- Competition and diversification in higher education: Analysing impacts on access and equity in the case of Portugal. European Journal of Education. 2022
- Inbreeding and research collaborations in Portuguese higher education. Higher Education Quarterly. 2022
- The (In)effectiveness of regulatory policies in higher education—The case of access policy in Portugal. Economic Analysis and Policy. 2021
- Exploring the consistency of ethical perceptions by business and economics higher education students: Looking from academia towards the corporate world. International Journal of Management Education. 2021
- Mass Higher Education and its Civic Impacts in Portugal and Spain. Journal of Education Finance. 2021
- The case for academic hazing as a rational choice: An economic approach. Economic Analysis and Policy. 2020
- Enrolling in Higher Education: The Impact of Regional Mobility and Public-Private Substitution Effects. Journal of Economic Issues. 2020
- Spatial competition for students: What does (not) matter?. Annals of Regional Science. 2019
- How student choice consistency affects the success of applications in Portuguese higher education. Studies in Higher Education. 2018
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Waves of (Dis)Satisfaction: Effects of the numerus clausus system in portugal. European Journal of Education. 2014
- Living Arrangement and University Choice of Dutch Prospective Students. Regional Studies. 2012
- Higher education (related) choices in Portugal: Joint decisions on institution type and leaving home. Studies in Higher Education. 2011
- Admission conditions and graduates' employability. Studies in Higher Education. 2009
- Perceptions of the Bologna process: What do students' choices reveal?. Higher Education. 2009
- Demand for higher education programs: The impact of the Bologna process. Cesifo Economic Studies. 2008
- Evaluating student allocation in the Portuguese public higher education system. Higher Education. 2008
- Survival analysis and competing risk models of hospital length of stay and discharge destination: The effect of distributional assumptions. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology. 2007
- Does accessibility to higher education matter? Choice behaviour of high school graduates in the Netherlands | L'accessibilité à l'enseignement supérieur importe-t-elle? Comportement du choix des diplômés de l'enseignement secondaire au pays-bas. Spatial Economic Analysis. 2006
- Determinants of the regional demand for higher education in the Netherlands: A gravity model approach. Regional Studies. 2004
capítulo de livro
- Conclusion: Learning from the Past to Shape Future Policies Towards Equity in Higher Education 2022
- Who Is Left Out? Inequalities in Higher Education Admissions and Placements in Portugal 2022
- Economic Determinants of Higher Education Demand 2019
- International students and the Netherlands 2016
- A regional mismatch? Student application and institutional responses in the Portuguese public higher education system 2009
- Returns to Postgraduate Education in Portugal: Holding on to a Higher Ground? 2017
- Ser Diplomado do Ensino Superior: Escolhas, Percursos e Retornos 2017
- Higher education (related) choices in Portugal : joint decisions on institution type and leaving home 2010
- Minimum wage, fringe benefits, overtime payments and the gender wage gap 2010
- Admission conditions and graduates' employability 2008
- Demand for higher education programs : the impact of the Bologna process 2007
- Living-arrangement and university decisions of Dutch young adults 2007
- Regulation and marketisation in the Portuguese higher education system 2007