publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Habitual coffee drinkers display a distinct pattern of brain functional connectivity. Elife. 2021
- Chronic pain susceptibility is associated with anhedonic behavior and alterations in the accumbal ubiquitin-proteasome system. Pain. 2021
- Assessing Impulsivity in Humans and Rodents: Taking the Translational Road. Elife. 2021
- Asymmetrical Brain Plasticity: Physiology and Pathology. Neuroscience. 2021
- Structural neuroimaging biomarkers for obsessive-compulsive disorder in the ENIGMA-OCD consortium: medication matters. Elife. 2020
- Subcortical Brain Volume, Regional Cortical Thickness, and Cortical Surface Area Across Disorders: Findings From the ENIGMA ADHD, ASD, and OCD Working Groups. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2020
- Unmasking the relevance of hemispheric asymmetries¿Break on through (to the other side). Elife. 2020
- Unilateral accumbal dopamine depletion affects decision-making in a side-specific manner. Experimental Neurology. 2020
- High trait impulsivity potentiates the effects of chronic pain on impulsive behavior. Neurobiology of Pain. 2020
- Righteousness (and lefteousness) of the old brain. Aging-Us. 2019
- Asymmetrical subcortical plasticity in older individuals: associations with cognitive and mood changes. Brain Structure and Function. 2017
artigo de revista
- MORPhA Scale: Behavioral and electroencephalographic validation of a rodent anesthesia scale. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2019
- The resting-brain of obsessive-compulsive disorder.. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2019
- Evidence for lack of direct causality between pain and affective disturbances in a rat peripheral neuropathy model. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 2019
- Mapping Cortical and Subcortical Asymmetry in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Consortium. Biological Psychiatry. 2019
- Asymmetrical subcortical plasticity entails cognitive progression in older individuals. Aging Cell. 2019
- Trait determinants of impulsive behavior: a comprehensive analysis of 188 rats. Acta Cytologica. 2018
- Functional Hemispheric (A)symmetries in the Aged Brain-Relevance for Working Memory. Front Aging Neurosci. 2018
- Pawedness Trait Test (PaTRaT)-A New Paradigm to Evaluate Paw Preference and Dexterity in Rats. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Structural laterality is associated with cognitive and mood outcomes: An assessment of 105 healthy aged volunteers. Acta Cytologica. 2017
capítulo de livro
- Socializing with Pain – Neurophysiological Underpins in a Neuropathic Pain Model 2022
- Your brain on coffee: psychological and resting-state effects of coffee consumption. 2020
- Chronic pain increases impulsivity in high- (but now low-) impulsive rats. 2019
- Networks of impulsivity – prefrontal-striatal enconding of behavioral inhibition 2019
- Networks of impulsivity ¿ prefrontal-striatal encoding of behavioral inhibition 2019
- Networks of impulsivity – prefrontal-striatal encoding of behavioral inhibition 2019
- Chronic pain effect on social behaviors in rats 2019
- Inflammatory profile influences chronic pain development after peripheral nerve injury 2019
- Prefrontal striatal functional encoding of impulsivity - a brief (3 seconds) history of brain time. 2019
- Prefrontal-striatal functional encoding of impulsivity – a brief (3 seconds) history of brain time 2019
- Trait and state impulsivity in chronic pain: a rodent study 2019
- MORPhA Scale: behavioral and electroencephalographic validation of a rodent anesthesia scale 2018
- Prefrontal-striatal functional encoding of impulsivity – a brief (3 seconds) history of brain time 2018
- Asymmetric effects of pain on decision-making - the role of the mesocorticolimbic system 2018
- Asymmetric effects of pain on decision-making - the role of the mesolimbic system. 2018
- Peripheral nerve injury and its impact in social behavior of rats 2018
- Peripheral nerve injury and its impact in social behavior of rats. 2018
- Functional encoding of inhibitory control in rats in the Variable Delay-to-Signal task 2017
- Functional encoding of inhibitory control in rats in the variable delay-to-signal task. 2017
- Opposite role of left and right nucleus accumbens in impulsive and habit to goal-directed decision-making 2017
- Opposite role of left and right nucleus accumbens in impulsive and habit to goal-directed decision-making. 2017
- Social behavior is impaired in chronic pain conditions 2017
- Social behavior is impaired in chronic pain conditions. 2017
- Accumbal acitivity predicts impulsive action 2017
- Accumbal activity predicts impulsive action. 2017
- Chronic pain impairs social behavior 2017
- Side specific impact of peripheral neuropathic lesions in goal-directed and impulsive decision making: potential role of nucleus accumbens’ dopamine 2017
- Side-specific impact of peripheral neuropathic lesion in goal-directed and impulsive decision making: potential role of nucleus accumbens dopamine. 2017
- Asymmetrical subcortical plasticity in older individuals: associations with cognitive and mood changes 2017
- Asymmetrical subcortical plasticity in older individuals: associations with cognitive and mood changes. European Neuropsychopharmacol 2017; 27:S32-S33. 2017
- Age and sex as determinants of impulsive behavior in the Variable delay-to-signal task 2016
- Dissociation between sensory and affective/cognitive comorbidities after peripheral nerve injury 2016
- Dissociation between sensory and affective/cognitive comorbidities after peripheral nerve injury. 2016
- Left (but not right) dopamine depletion in the Nucleus Accumbens decreases delay tolerance in the Variable-delay-to-signal paradigm. 2016
- Left (but not right) dopamine depletion in the nucleus accumbens decreases delay tolerance in the variable-delay-to-signal paradigm 2016
- Morphological hemispheric (a)symmetries in the aged brain - cognitive and emotional correlates 2016
- Morphological hemispheric (a)symmetries in the aged brain - cognitive and emotional correlates. 2016
- Pro-social enriched environment increases impulsive behavior. 2016
- Comorbidities in painful and silent neuropathies. 2015
- Determinants of impulsive behavior in the Variable Delay-to-signal task 2015
- Morphofunctional Hemispheric Asymmetries are Associated with Working Memory Performance 2015
- Prefrontal cortex plasticity following a peripheral nerve injury 2015
- Genotoxicity evaluation of a traditional herbal formulation with Anacardium occidentale bark 2012