publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Improving societal resilience through a GIS-based approach to manage road transport networks under wildfire hazards. Transportation Engineering. 2024
- Intensity Prediction Model Based on Machine Learning for Regional Earthquake Early Warning. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2024
- Safety Assessment of Brazilian Concrete Bridges Through Reliability Analysis. Structural Engineering International. 2024
- GIS-based methodology for prioritization of preparedness interventions on road transport under wildfire events. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2023
- Comparison of Condition Rating Systems for Bridges in Three European Countries. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Fragility of bridge decks exposed to hydraulic and driftwood actions. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2023
- Green Concrete with Glass Powder—A Literature Review. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Fragility Analysis Based on Damaged Bridges during the 2021 Flood in Germany. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Fluid–Soil–Structure Interactions in Semi-Buried Tanks: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Seismic Behaviors. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Spatial Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Based on Fire Risk through GIS Systems—Case Study: Historic City Center of Guimarães, Portugal. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Finite Element Model Updating for Composite Plate Structures Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Life-cicle analysis towards a proactive time of first repair for such coastal RC bridges designed with prescriptive durability provisions. The Indian Concrete Journal (ICJ). 2021
- Life-cycle analysis towards a proactive time of first repair for such coastal RC bridges designed with prescriptive durability provisions. The Indian Concrete Journal (ICJ). 2021
- From quality control to decision-making on the management of bridges and structures: What's next?. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures. 2020
- Bridge Quality Appraisal Methodology: Application in a Reinforced Concrete Overpass Roadway Bridge. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 2018
- How can we better manage our bridge stock, the European vision on Quality Control of bridges 2018
- Introduction: The Value of Health Monitoring in Structural Performance Assessment. Structural Engineering International - SEI. 2018
- Modelling knot size and location distribution for implementation in structural safety analysis of timber elements. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 2018
- Integrating multivariate techniques in bridge management systems. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance Taylor and Francis (pub.). 2017
- Health Monitoring System (HMS) for structural assessment. Smart Structures and Systems. 2009
- Structural assessment under uncertain parameters via interval analysis. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2008
- Uncertainty Analysis and Assessment of Structural Systems by Perturbation Techniques. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2008
- A new methodology for damage assessment of bridges through instrumentation: Application to the Sorraia River Bridge. Structure & Infrastructure Engineering Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design & Performance Journal (IABMAS). 2005
artigo de conferência
- Model updating of plate composite structure using particle swarm optimization algorithm 2023
- Effect of bridge foundation stiffness on dynamic behavior of bridge structure 2023
- Development of a quality control framework for the highway bridge using KPIs 2023
- Damage detection of structural based on indirect vibration measurement results combined with Artificial Neural Network 2022
- Opportunities and challenges of Digital Twins in Structural Health Monitoring 2022
- Avaliação da Segurança de Pontes Existentes por meio da Análise de Confiabilidade - Estudos de Casos 2022
- Aplicação de Redes Neurais em Modelos Preditivos de Deterioração De Pontes Rodoviárias 2022
- Digital Innovation in Bridge Management - Overview of the Project GOA.BI 2022
- Melhoria da precisão e otimização do método do índice de vulnerabilidade às cheias 2022
- Integration of BrIM and BMS to support bridge life-cycle management 2022
- Desafios de interoperabilidade entre BIM e BEM 2022
- BMS and BIM: the Portuguese scenario 2022
- Os desafios da interoperabilidade entre BIM e BEM 2022
- Risk management and criticality ranking of civil infrastructures – case study 2021
- Life-cycle cost analysis of a viaduct considering uncertainties on the interventions plan. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- The impact of clustering in the performance prediction of transportation infrastructures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Risk Assessment of a Railway Bridge Subjected to a Multi-hazard Scenario. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Reliability based performance assessment of a roadway bridge under seismic actions 2021
- Impact evaluation of human-made hazards on terrestrial transport infrastructure assets: modelling variables and failure modes 2021
- Time history analysis of an existing structure in accordance with Turkish and European standards 2021
- AI On The Management Of Existing Bridges 2020
- The contribution of AI tools in Intelligent Transportation Management Systems 2020
- Quality specifications for roadway bridges in Europe: Overview of COST Action TU1406 2020
- Risk management for bridges: a case study of unforeseen failure mode 2020
- Quality specifications for roadway bridges in Europe: Overview of COST Action TU1406 2019
- COST Action Sustainability Networking Event 2019
- Structural reliability of masonry arch bridges subject to natural aging 2019
- Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level 2019
- Propagation of visual inspection on timber members through Bayesian methods 2019
- Análise experimental pushover de um edifício em madeira lamelada colada cruzada (MLCC) 2019
- An infrastructure management system for railway bridges: Overview and application to a case study 2019
- Assessment of roadway bridges damaged by human errors using risk indicators and robustness index 2019
- Final overview of COST Action TU1406 – Quality control of existing bridges 2019
- Inspection of existing bridges – Moving on from condition rating 2019
- Overview on performance predictive models – Application to bridge management systems 2019
- Uncertainty in condition prediction of bridges based on assessment method – Case study in Estonia 2019
- COST action TU1406 and main results on bridge lifecycle management 2019
- Computational framework for a railway bridge maintenance strategies affected by gradual deterioration 2019
- Developing case studies for implementing COST TU1406 Quality Control plan procedure for typical highway bridges 2019
- Effects of multivariate data reduction of condition assessment of bridge networks on the value of information 2019
- Human error effect in the robustness of a reinforced concrete bridge 2019
- Lifecycle assessment of different constructive solutions in aggressive maritime environments - Application to the viaduct of the oil terminal of the port of leixões 2019
- Lifecycle management, monitoring and assessment for safe large-scale infrastructures: Challenges and needs. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2019
- Method for sustainable large-scale bridges survey 2019
- Performance based design and assessment: levels of indicators 2019
- Predicting the change of hydraulic loads on bridges: a case study in Italy with a 100-year database 2019
- Quality control index survey for railway bridge health monitoring 2019
- Quality specifications and performance indicators for road bridges in Europe 2019
- Reliability analysis of a post-tensioned railway bridge exposed to corrosion effects 2019
- Sustainable safety evaluation of roads network in case of extreme weather events 2019
- COST action TU1406 and main results on bridge lifecycle management 2018
- Computational framework for a railway bridge maintenance strategies affected by gradual deterioration 2018
- Performance based design and assessment - levels of indicators 2018
- A 3D printer of cement mortars based on initial deposition of dry materials 2018
- An overview of the European situation on quality control of existing bridges: COST Action TU1406 2018
- An Overview of the European Situation on Quality Control of Existing Bridges – COST Action TU1406 2018
- An overview of the european situation on quality control of existing bridges - COST action TU1406 2018
- Avaliação do desempenho de pontes rodoviárias segundo indicadores de robustez e risco face a erros de projeto e construção 2018
- Bridge quality control using Bayesian net 2018
- Fatigue and corrosion as a threat for steel heritage bridges 2018
- Human Errors and Corresponding Risks in Reinforced Concrete Bridges 2018
- Implementação BIM no contexto de inspeção e gestão da manutenção de obras de arte em betão armado: proposta de metodologia e aplicação piloto 2018
- Life Cycle Cost Management of Concrete Structures 2018
- Lifecycle Assessment of Different Constructive Solutions in Aggressive Maritime Environments - Application to the Viaduct of the Oil Terminal of the Port of Leixões 2018
- Quality control plan of arch concrete bridges 2018
- Quality specifications and performance indicators for road bridges in Europe 2018
- Quality specifications for roadway bridges in Europe 2018
- The residual lifetime of steel bridges under the action of fatigue and corrosion effects. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Viaduct in the highway siervo de la nación 2018
- An overview of COST action TU1406, quality specifications for roadway bridges (BridgeSpec) 2017
- Applied and research based performance indicator database for highway bridges across Europe 2017
- Assessing the life cycle of existing maritime structures – application to a harbour bridge in Porto port 2017
- COST Action TU 1406 – Main outcomes from the first Training School 2017
- COST Action TU1406: main outcomes from the first training school 2017
- COST TU1406 - An overview of European standardization on quality control of road bridges 2017
- COST TU1406 – An overview of European Standardization on Quality Control of Road Bridges 2017
- Cost Action TU1406: qualitative specifications for roadway bridges: standardization at a european level (BridgeSpec) 2017
- Life cycle analysis of reinforced concrete bridges in Baltic countries 2017
- Probabilistic based, collected and analysed, practical and research based performance indicators 2017
- Proposta inovativa de uma estrutura de manutenção para obras de arte rodoviárias e ferroviárias 2017
- Robustness assessment - A new perspective to achieve a performance indicator 2017
- Robustness of an existing pre-stressed concrete bridge 2017
- Standardization of quality control plans for highway bridges in Europe: COST Action TU 1406. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- The value of structural health monitoring for the reliable bridge management: proceedings of the Joint COST TU1402 - COST TU1406 - IABSE WC1 Workshop 2017
- Training school COST Action TU 1406 on bridge quality control 2017
- Uncertainty of Visual Inspection on the Reliability Analysis of Timber Elements 2017
- Robustness Assessment - A New Perspective to Achieve a Performance Indicator 2016
- An overview of COST Action TU1406, quality specifications for roadway bridges (BridgeSpec) 2016
- A new perspective for robustness assessment of framed structures 2016
- An overview of performance indicators for arch bridges in Europe 2016
- COST ACTION TU1406: Quality Specifications for Roadway Bridges, Standardization at a European level (bridgespec) – performance indicators 2016
- COST Action TU 1406 Quality specifications for roadway bridges (BRIDGESPEC) - Foz do Iguaçu - Brasil 2016
- COST Action TU1406. Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level. eBook for the 3rd Workshop Meeting 2016
- COST action TU1406 quality specifications for roadway bridges (BridgeSpec) 2016
- Cost Action TU1406: eBook of the 2nd Workshop Meeting 2016
- Development of key performance indicators for the structural assessment of heritage buildings 2016
- Integrating multivariate techniques in bridge management systems for life-cycle prediction 2016
- Multiobjective Optimization of Maintenance Scheduling: Application to Slopes and Retaining Walls. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- Performance indicators for roadway bridges 2016
- Performance reliability-based key performance indicators and thresholds for roadway bridges (COST TU 1406) 2016
- Performance-based assessment of existing road bridges: Training School COST Action TU1406 2016
- Quality specifications for highway bridges: Standardization and homogenization at the european level (COST TU-1406) 2016
- SUSTIMS – Sustainable Infrastructure Management System 2016
- TU1406 COST Action - Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec) 2016
- An advanced highway asset management system 2015
- Avaliação probabilística de segurança de pontes ferroviárias em arco de alvenaria de pedra 2015
- Bridge maintenance models using expert opinion 2015
- Desenvolvimento de um modelo de desempenho para infraestruturas ferroviárias aplicado à linha férrea 2015
- Development of a performance model for telematics equipment in highways 2015
- How life cycle costs criteria may be used for design life and/or replacement cycle 2015
- Probabilistic approach in Rocking Analysis of Masonry Elements: influence of the restitution coefficient on the response 2015
- Probabilistic safety assessment of historical railway masonry arch bridges 2015
- Probabilistic structural assessment of railway masonry arch bridges 2015
- Probabilistic-based nonlinear analysis of a reinforced concrete railway bridge 2015
- Streamlining field inspections for infrastructures life-cycle management 2015
- Uma nova metodologia para a avaliação de segurança de pontes existentes 2015
- 3D Nonlinear Analysis of a Composite Steel/Concrete Viaduct 2014
- A degradation and maintenance model: Application to Portuguese context 2014
- Desenvolvimento de um modelo de desempenho para equipamentos de telemática em autoestradas 2014
- Streamlining field inspections for infrastructures life-cycle management 2014
- Methodology for updating nonlinear structural models through experimental data acquisition 2013
- A probabilistic assessment methodology for life cycle analysis of structures 2012
- An advanced probabilistic updating algorithm for life cycle analysis of civil structures 2012
- An advanced reliability procedure for lifetime assessment of structures : application to reinforced concrete beams 2012
- An advanced reliability procedure for lifetime assessment of structures: Application to reinforced concrete beams 2012
- Infrastructure Management in Portugal: A Survey 2012
- Uncertainty evaluation of the behavior of a composite beam 2012
- A location problem in the field of wind energy 2011
- Advanced evaluation of civil engineering structures behaviour 2011
- Avaliação probabilística do comportamento até à rotura de estruturas : aplicação a vigas mistas 2011
- GIS enabled decision support system for IEC 61400-12-1'S reference meteorological mast siting 2011
- Modelação não linear de vigas mistas em aço e betão 2011
- Uncertainty evaluation of civil engineering structures behavior 2010
- Análise experimental do comportamento até à rotura de vigas de betão armado 2010
- Non linear probabilistic analysis of reinforced concrete structures 2010
- Uncertainty evaluation of reinforced concrete structures behavior 2010
- Avaliação de incertezas no comportamento até à rotura de vigas de betão armado - ASCP09 2009
- Structural health monitoring (SHM) system implemented in Sorraia river bridge 2007
- An Integrated System for Structural Behaviour Visualization 2006
- Avaliação do sistema de monitorização da Ponte sobre Rio Sorraia 2006
- Bridge assessment under uncertain parameters via interval analysis 2006
- Development of an Embedded Sensor Holder for Concrete Structures Monitoring 2006
- Long Term Assessment of Concrete Structures 2006
- SMARTE - Development and implementation of a long term structural health monitoring 2006
- Bridge monitoring and assessment under uncertainty via interval analysis 2005
- Sistema de Visualização do comportamento estrutural da Ponte sobre o Rio Sorraia 2005
- Structure assessment by continuo US monitoring -application to Sorraia River Bridge 2005
- A monitorização estrutural como parte integrante de obras de arte de engenharia civil – Aplicação à ponte sobre o rio Sorraia 2004
- An integrated system for structural health monitoring – application to the Sorraia River Bridge 2004
- Análise do comportamento da ponte sobre o Rio Sorraia durante a fase construtiva 2004
- Aplicación del análisis intervalar a algunos problemas de ingeneria civil 2004
- Application of Interval Analysis to Solve Civil Engineering Problems - Some Examples 2004
- Desenvolvimento e caracterização de novas cabeças sensoras para embeber no betão 2004
- Efficient health monitoring of structures 2004
- Sistema de monitorização de obras de arte aplicado à ponte sobre o Rio Sorraia 2004
- Dimensionamento estrutural de postes metálicos de iluminação 2003
artigo de revista
- Adaptation of traditional risk-based methodology for slopes to probabilistic-based approach integrating surrogate models. Computers and Geotechnics. 2023
- Reconstructing 3D model of accident scene using drone image processing. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2023
- Developing a Comprehensive Quality Control Framework for Roadway Bridge Management: A Case Study Approach Using Key Performance Indicators. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Structural Assessment Based on Vibration Measurement Test Combined with an Artificial Neural Network for the Steel Truss Bridge. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Performing Fatigue State Characterization in Railway Steel Bridges Using Digital Twin Models. Applied Sciences. 2023
- A Decision Tree for Rockburst Conditions Prediction. Applied Sciences. 2023
- A Systematic Literature Review of the Hybrid Methodologies in Assessing Flood Indirect Impacts on Transportation. Applied Sciences. 2023
- IABSE Survey of Implemented Decision-making Models used by Public and Private Owners/Operators of Road- and Railway Infrastructures. Structural Engineering International. 2023
- Concrete production with domestic and industrial wastewaters - A literature review. Structural Concrete. 2023
- Scour Detection with Monitoring Methods and Machine Learning Algorithms—A Critical Review. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Decision-Making Based on Multi-Dimensional Quality Control for Bridges. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Dealing with Defects and Strengthening Historical Steel Bridges. Structural Engineering International. 2023
- Bridge deterioration models for different superstructure types using Markov chains and two-step cluster analysis. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2022
- Assessing Flood Indirect Impacts on Road Transport Networks Applying Mesoscopic Traffic Modelling: The Case Study of Santarém, Portugal. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Viability Study of the Application of Bi-Block Concrete Sleepers as a Solution for Technical Landfills. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Life Cycle Analysis of a Steel Railway Bridge over the Operational Period considering Different Maintenance Scenarios: Application to a Case Study. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2022
- In-Plane Fragility and Parametric Analyses of Masonry Arch Bridges Exposed to Flood Hazard Using Surrogate Modeling Techniques. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Improvement of the Inspection Interval of Highway Bridges through Predictive Models of Deterioration. Bioengineering. 2022
- Detour-Impact Index Method and Traffic Gathering Algorithm for Assessing Alternative Paths of Disrupted Roads. Transportation Research Record. 2021
- Risk Assessment of Terrestrial Transportation Infrastructures Exposed to Extreme Events. Infrastructures. 2021
- Application of quality control plan to existing bridges. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2021
- Effect of Biomass Fly Ash on Fresh and Hardened Properties of High Volume Fly Ash Mortars. Crystals. 2021
- Human error impact in structural safety of a reinforced concrete bridge. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2021
- Round-Robin Modelling of the Load-bearing Capacity of Slender Columns by Using Classical and Advanced Non-linear Numerical and Analytical Prediction Tools. Structural Engineering International. 2020
- Probabilistic-based structural assessment of a historic stone arch bridge. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2020
- Comparison of forecasting models to predict concrete bridge decks performance. Structural Concrete. 2020
- Value of information (VoI) for the chloride content in reinforced concrete bridges. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Fatigue Life Analysis of Steel Riveted Rail Bridges Affected by Corrosion. Structural Engineering International. 2019
- Condition prediction of existing concrete bridges as a combination of visual inspection and analytical models of deterioration. Applied Sciences. 2019
- Probabilistic-based assessment of existing steel-concrete composite bridges – Application to Sousa River Bridge. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Static and fatigue test on real steel bridge components deteriorated by corrosion. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2019
- Use of chloride ingress model for condition assessment in bridge management. Gradevinar. 2019
- Bridge Quality Appraisal Methodology: Application in a Reinforced Concrete Overpass Roadway Bridge. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering. 2018
- An innovative adaptive sparse response surface method for structural reliability analysis. Structural Safety. 2018
- Combination of expert decision and learned based Bayesian Networks for multi-scale mechanical analysis of timber elements. Expert Systems with Applications. 2018
- Fragility curves for free and restrained rocking masonry façades in one-sided motion. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Performance-Indikatoren für die Bewertung von Strukturen aus Konstruktionsbeton auf europäischer Ebene nach COST TU1406. Bautechnik. 2018
- Prediction of the remaining service life of existing concrete bridges in infrastructural networks based on carbonation and chloride ingress. Smart Structures and Systems. 2018
- Shear performance mechanism description using digital image correlation. Structural Engineering International. 2018
- Visual inspection and bridge management. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2018
- Comparison of stochastic prediction models based on visual inspections of bridge decks. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2017
- Probabilistic-based assessment of a masonry arch bridge considering inferential procedures. Engineering Structures. 2017
- Statistical analysis of reinforced concrete bridges in Estonia. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering. 2017
- Two-stage multiobjective optimization of maintenance scheduling for pavements. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 2017
- An innovative framework for probabilistic-based structural assessment with an application to existing reinforced concrete structures. Engineering Structures. 2016
- A computational framework for infrastructure asset maintenance scheduling. Structural Engineering International. 2016
- Probabilistic-based assessment of composite steel-concrete structures through an innovative framework. Steel and Composite Structures. 2016
- Reliability-based assessment of existing masonry arch railway bridges. Composite Structures. 2016
capítulo de livro
- Study on the Model to Determine Riverbed Scour and the Influence of Bridge Construction on Riverbed Deformation 2024
- Application of AI tools in creating datasets from a real data component for structural health monitoring (SHM). 2022
- Application of Petri Nets to Manage Bridge Decks. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2022
- Maintenance Planning Framework for Rock Slope Management 2022
- Reliability-Based Bayesian Updating Using Visual Inspections of Existing Bridges. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2022
- A experiência Europeia no control de qualidade de pontes rodoviárias. Resultados da Ação COST TU1406 2019
- Parallel Workshop 6: Sustainability of Buildings, Challenges and Opportunities 2019
- Arch concrete bridge: Guarda Portugal 2018
- COST Action TU1406 2018
- How can we better manage our bridge stock, the European Vision on Quality Control of bridges 2018
- Human errors and corresponding risks in reinforced concrete bridges 2018
- Implementation of quality control plan into two case studies 2018
- Introduction to COST Action TU1406: general Overview 2018
- Life Cycle Cost, As a Tool for Decision Making on Concrete Infrastructures 2018
- Quality control of roadway bridges – reliability assessment 2018
- An overview of the most advanced frameworks for bridge asset management 2017
- Bridge Quality Appraisal Methodology: Applicatio in the Strimonas Bridge Case Study 2017
- Bridge Quality Control. eBook of the Training School of COST TU1406 2017
- Cost Action TU1406 - Qualitative specifications for roadway bridges: Standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec) 2017
- Overview on COST Action TU1406 Performance-based Assessment of Existing Road Bridges 2017
- Performance indicators for road bridges – overview of findings and future progress, in e-Book of the Joint COST TU1402 – COST TU1406 – IABSE WCI Workshop – The Value of Structural Health Monitoring for the reliable Bridge Management 2017
- Standardization of quality control plans for highway bridges in Europe: COST Action TU 1406 2017
- A new perspective for robustness assessment of framed structures, in e-Book of the COST Action TU1406 2nd Workshop Meeting 2016
- Integrating multivariate techniques in bridge management systems for life-cycle prediction, in e-Book of the COST Action TU1406 3rd Workshop Meeting 2016
- Robustness Assessment—A New Perspective to Achieve a Performance Indicator, in 14th International Probabilistic Workshop 2016
- Robustness as Performance Indicator for masonry arch bridges, in e-Book of the COST Action TU1406 2nd Workshop Meeting 2016
- State of the art in the assessment and asset management of road bridge structures: Survey processes for gathering performance indicators and key performance indicators 2016
- TU1406 COST Action – Quality Specifications for Roadway Bridges: Standardization at a European Level (BridgeSpec) 2016
- The use of KPIs for a Sustainable Bridge Management in “Performance-based assessment of existing road bridges”. eBook of the Training School of COST TU1406 2016
- Asset Management 2015
- COST Action TU1406. eBook of the 1st Workshop Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland 2015
- Chapter 6 - Asset Management, in SED14 (Structural Engineering Documents) - Sustainable Structural Engineering 2015
- MOEA/PC: Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Polar Coordinates in Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2015
- Robustness as Performance Indicator for masonry arch bridges, in e-Book of the COST Action TU1406 1st Workshop Meeting 2015
- Use of management systems for an optimized schedule of repair actions", fib Commission 5 Seminar on Durability of Concrete Structures 2014
- Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in flood risk forecasting 2022
- Introduction: The value of health monitoring in structural performance assessment. Structural Engineering International. 2018
- Projeto SustIMS: UMinho cria sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária 2017
- Napredak u gospodarenju Mostovima 2017
- Degradation Models and Maintenance Strategies for Reinforced Concrete Structures in Coastal Environments under Climate Change: A Review
- Projeto SustIMS: ACP - Automóvel Clube de Portugal Online - Autoclube Online - UMinho cria sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária
- Projeto SustIMS: Antena Minho Online - Universidade do Minho cria um sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária
- Projeto SustIMS: Correio do Minho Online - Investigadores da UMinho criam sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária
- Projeto SustIMS: ENGINews 90 - Projeto SustIMS vence prêmio GRAA 2017 na categoria de gestão de manutenção
- Projeto SustIMS: Guimarães TV - Guimarães TV Online - Universidade do Minho cria sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária
- Projeto SustIMS: Notícias ao Minuto Online - Português criam sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária
- Projeto SustIMS: TVI 24 Online - Investigadores portugueses criam sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária
- Projeto SustIMS: Tech ITT Online - Universidade do Minho cria sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária
- Projeto SustIMS: Tech em Português Online - Sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária é Português
- Revisão da imprensa comentada pelo professor José Campos e Matos (RTP3)
- Structural Assessment Based on Vibration Measurement Test Combined With an Artificial Neural Network for the Steel Truss Bridge
- SustIMS Project: PORT.COM Magazine Online – Portugueses criam sistema inteligente de gestão rodoviária
- fib Bulletin 93. Birth certificate and through-life management documentation 2020
- IABSE Symposium Guimaraes 2019 (ePDF) Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management 2019
- COST Action TU1406. eBook of the 6th Workshop Meeting 2018
- COST Action TU1406. eBook of the 7th Workshop Meeting 2018
- Performance-based assessment of existing road bridges [COST TU1406 Summer School Dublin] 2018
- Bridge Quality Control. eBook of the Training School of COST TU1406 2017
- COST ACTION TU1406 Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level 2017
- COST Action TU1406. eBook of the 5th Workshop Meeting 2017
- COST Action TU1406. eBook of the Joint COST TU1402 – COST TU1406 – IABSE WCI Workshop – The Value of Structural Health Monitoring for the reliable Bridge Management 2017
- Performance-based assessment of existing road bridges. eBook of the Training School of COST TU1406 2017
- Training School COST Action TU 1406 on Bridge Quality Control, eBook of the Training School of COST TU1406 2017
- COST Action TU1406. eBook of the 2nd Workshop Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia 2016
- Performance-based assessment of existing road bridges. eBook of the Training School of COST TU1406 2016
- TU1406 COST Action: eBook of the 3rd Workshop Meeting 2016
- COST Action TU1406. eBook of the 1st Workshop Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland 2015
- MOEA/PC: Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on polar coordinates 2015
- fib Commission 5: Seminar on Durability of Concrete Structures 2014