publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Stress pós traumático, psicopatologia, qualidade de vida, suporte social e tipo de família em veteranos da guerra colonial Portuguesa”. . Revista de Psicologia Militar. 2010
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- How Does Hedonic Aroma Impact Long-Term Anxiety, Depression, and Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer? A Cross-Lagged Panel Model Analysis. Healthcare. 2022
- Validation of the Brief Version of the Cancer Behavior Inventory in Breast Cancer Portuguese Patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2021
- Validation of the Short-Form Survivor Unmet Needs Survey in older patients with myeloma. Psychogeriatrics. 2021
- Breast cancer post-surgical impact on women´s quality of life during chemotherapy treatment: A structural equation modelling approach. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2021
- Subjective suffering in patients with low back pain. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2020
- The mediator role of unmet needs on quality of life in myeloma patients. Quality of Life Research. 2020
- Quality of life in caregivers of patients with multiple myeloma. Aging and Mental Health. 2020
- Validation of the caregiver oncology quality of life questionnaire in Portuguese caregivers of myeloma patients. Palliative & Supportive Care. 2020
- Validation of the Quality of Life Multiple Myeloma Module Questionnaire (QLQ-MY20) in Portuguese myeloma patients. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2019
- Contribution of Sociodemographic, Clinical, and Psychological Variables to Quality of Life in Women with Cervical Cancer in the Follow-Up Phase. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2019
- Quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis: A study with patients and caregivers. Disability and Health Journal. 2019
Quality of life in elderly Portuguese war veterans with post-traumatic stress symptoms
. Patient Related Outcome Measures. 2019 - Unmet needs and quality of life in multiple myeloma patients. British Journal of Health Psychology. 2018
- Using behavioral features in tablet-based auditory emotion recognition studies. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2018
- Functional disability in patients with low back pain: the mediator role of suffering and beliefs about pain control in patients receiving physical and chiropractic treatment. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy. 2017
- Using data mining algorithms to predict the bond strength of NSM FRP systems in concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- PTSD, psicopatologia e tipo de familia em veteranos de Guerra Colonial Portuguesa 2010
capítulo de livro
- Depressão e Memória em Mulheres com Cancro da Mama em Tratamento de Quimioterapia 2017
- Necessidades não atendidas e qualidade de vida em pacientes com Mieloma Múltiplo e seus Cuidadores 2017
- Unmet needs and quality of life in Portuguese Myeloma Patients. 2017
- Preditores da Qualidade de Vida em mulheres com HPV. 2016
- Morbidity, Family Coping, Burden and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients and Caregivers 2014
- Morbidity, Family Coping, Burden and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients and Caregivers. 2014
- "Escora" 2013
- “Despertar da Primavera” 2013
- Paços a passo para uma alimentação saudável 2011
- Morbilidade Psicológica e Coping Familiar: Um estudo de Doentes Oncológicos e seus Cuidadores 2010